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"Y-you know that w-was not solely my m-mistake." The man stuttered as the butter knife penetrated the slice of bread before him.

"We lost a deal because of that 'not solely my mistake'." He mocked the man who had his eyes still glued to the sandwich in his plate. Sometimes he really wondered, how his father handled the company without going bankrupt.

"Can you be a little e-easy on me?" The man asked as he sighed, taking a bite of bread only to scrunch his face in disgust.

His wife tapped his hand taking the bread from his tight grip and replacing it with another one. "Too much butter won't save your heart, you are unhealthy these days" She grinned at the man who pouted.

"You both are cornering me. I am still the man of this house." Mr. Kim raised his eyebrow at his wife and son who had an unbothered face while finishing the breakfast.

"Good morning, dad." Another voice approached them from upstairs which caught their attention.

"Morning Yoongi, I thought you were hibernating." His father chuckled watching, a mint haired sleepy head walking like a zombie to the dining.

"You are spoiling him, dad. He is older than me so allow him to be responsible." Taehyung retorted throwing an annoying glance at his brother who stole his sandwich.

"Thankyou." Yoongi muttered while eating his brother's half bitten sandwich with no reflex.

"Taehyung, drink this." His mother passed a glass of milk to the boy who just nodded. 

"Only he drinks milk here? Was I adopted or something?" Yoongi complained with an offended face.

"Unfortunately only he is using his physical and mental health so I am avoiding everyone else from my good book of rewards." Mrs. Kim smiled cheekily at her older son.

"I will get going, now. I have online classes as well today so I will attend the meetings during my break." Taehyung informed, getting up as he wiped his mouth.

"My hard working sons." Mr. Kim faked a tear to which Taehyung groaned.

"Its just SON." Not that big hearted to share credits.

"I do not exist?" Yoongi asked dumbfounded.

"Go and sleep. And yeahh! You were not adopted, dad found you from his factory outlet." Taehyung rolled his eyes and walked out, grabbing his bag and handing it to the driver who was waiting by the door.

"He makes me proud." Mrs. Kim smiled contently making the father son duo whisper yell in defense.

"He just said that to me!" Well even adoption sounds good but noo! I was not taken from that stupid factory outlet.

"Yoongi, you need to level up. Like start going for work and help your little brother." The man whispered to his son. Well, that is offensive to say, especially to a man who is just up from sleep.

"What about you?"

"I am still the CEO of the company, okay? Taehyung is just running it for the time being." He reminded his son.

"Thank you for the acknowledgement. Let's go golfing if you are done?" Yoongi asked finishing off his food.

"In a minute!" Mr. Kim squealed as he went to change.

"Wasn't he just advising you?" His mother rolled her eyes at the behavior.

"That's birth right, I allow him to do that." Yoongi pecked his mom's cheeks and ran upstairs.




"You have two meetings arranged today, we have planned it according to the time of your class." His secretary spoke, guiding the man to the elevator.

"Hmm." He hummed, keeping his eyes on the watch. He was ugly late.

"You make me kind of proud."

"Thanks, hyung. Did you meet the new appointment?" There he is, the strict CEO.

"Not yet, just heard from Hoseok that she is good looking and classy." Namjoon shrugged, entering the elevator behind Taehyung.

"Good looks was a criteria? I didn't know." Taehyung scoffed but trusting Hoseok wouldn't have messed up.

"WAIT! WAIT!" Just as the door was about to close, they heard a scream from out causing Taehyung to shove his hands between the closing elevator door.

"T-thank you." A girl bowed as she quickly slid inside, panting heavily.

Taehyung threw a glance at her, stepping back a little obviously not liking the sweat dripping down her neck, making the white top soak in it. Was it a way to come to work space?  She was standing in front of him, blocking his view to her face.

"Are you okay?" Namjoon asked noticing the uneasiness to which the man just nodded.

"Thank you for helping, actually this is my first day." The girl bowed once more before running out as if she was on fire.

"When did we hire such weirdos?"

Taehyung asked as he looked at his hyung who shook his head. Taehyung looked at the direction to which the girl was running, his hands digged inside the jeans pocket basically scanning her running figure. He has asked his team to choose employees wisely, because according to him they are like a treasure for the company and the sole reason for maximising profit. He treated them well with respect and love so he wanted to have the staffs who deserves it too.

"Your class would have started." Namjoon nudged the boy's shoulder bringing him back to senses.

"Oh shooot!" He grabbed the bag and ran inside the cabin which was at the farthest corner of the floor, away from everyone else.

An hour would have passed when he heard knocking on his door, Taehyung groaned as he pulled the headphone off and turning off the camera. He was in the middle of class and no one usually bothers him with anything during those hours, it is usually Namjoon or Hoseok who informs him about visitors in advance. He sighed and moved back in the couch, adjusting his hair a little which was pressed down because of his head set.

"Come in." His deep voice full of authority ringed in the room.

"Good morning?" The door opened and a girl entered, immediately reminding him who she was...the same girl from elevator.

He bit his lower lip while scanning her once more, not able to comprehend why such a person was hired by Hoseok. She looked like chaos and he doesn't like such people, they give him headache by their incompetence which is the last thing he want in his company. She walked inside and bowed at him, holding a bundle of files in her hand and eyes roaming around the room as if she lost something precious. Taehyung frowned at her, observing her black converse shoe accompanying the shorts and top she wore..was she here as a student?

"Miss, did you lose something here?" Taehyung asked as he got up from the couch, shutting down his laptop.

"U-uhh, I am looking for my boss actually." She said, not even sparing a glance at him...unacceptable to the point it hurt his damn pride.

"For what? May I know?" He asked with a sly smirk understanding she mistook him for someone else, well this is fun.

"See, Kid! This is an official matter so don't step in between. I am waiting for your father so go and study." She said pointing at the laptop making him frown.

"Kid? K-kid? You mean, I am a kid? Like me?" Taehyung asked, pointing at himself with a wide eye. How dare she? This kid grew big long back!

"Oh god, I am already messed up and now this. See, I am going now and will come back when the boss is here. You better be a good boy and do your work." She scoffed walking out  sassily making him choke.

"What the... Did just happen? Did she freaking call me a kid? I am the effing CEO!" Well, not really but according to the situation currently...I am! I run this company.

"This is so embarrassing!" He tightened his fist and screamed silently, the veins from his forehead popping.

He took out his phone and called Hoseok to come by so he can clarify the issue before a mess is created. He still couldn't forget the way she called him kid, those three letters sounded so cringe that he wanted it to be removed from dictionary. Never in his life anyone behaved that way, he was used to people who call him overly matured for his age which is by looks as well as by work.

He opened his phone and checked his face, to see if he apparently look like a kid because of the milk he drank that morning. No, it was just his hairs were covering his forehead as he had headphones pressed in or is it his attire?

"I just fucking dressed casual because of the class." He gritted his teeth and threw the phone carelessly on the desk.

"Wow, you can afford another phone for sure but this one is just as new." Hoseok sarcastically said as he rubbed the phone on his shirt, before placing it back.

"Who is she?" Taehyung asked, now moving to sit on his official chair.

"Who is who? Which she?" Hoseok asked as he poked his tongue to the side of his cheeks in confusion.

"That one, that weird looking one with an annoying face." Taehyung harshly clenched his fist, remembering the incident again.

"That is a good description but I still didn't get it. Mind getting into physical details in particular?"

Taehyung gave a blank 'I am so done' face to Hoseok, trying to remember something relevant. "Aah!! That black converse one." He brightly spoke.

"I wonder if I ever checked anyone's shoes but I think, I will be able to figure out soon."

"Fire her, just don't even bring her or ask her anything. Push her off in a blink of an eye!" Taehyung ordered with a smirk.

Woke up in the wrong side of bed, I assume. Hoseok thought to himself as he suddenly remembered something. "You said about hiring a new employee for the special team, right? It is done."

"Qualifications matched? I thought we had have to lag it for a competent participant." He nodded his head in satisfaction as something happened faster than expected.

"Well, it was about talent. She cracked all the codes which were piled up in the company in two days." Hoseok shrugged.

"Uh? That is how you did the interview? What if she had leaked the information and joined our rivals? How could you entrust someone like that, hyung? Are you all seriously dumb and willing to give me anxiety through out?" Taehyung lost his temper once again as he glared at Hoseok jumping up from his seat.

Not again, donsaeng. Hoseok rubbed his temple thinking why he had to boast it out to someone like Taehyung. He is good at pointing out mistakes in each and everything but the annoying fact was that, he always made total sense. A twenty two year old boy running a web designing and gaming company in Korea is a miracle, and that miracle was just Kim Taehyung. He took the company from its fourteenth position to the third in two years, just by using common sense and good foreseeing ability.

"Speak up, hyung!" Taehyung groaned, knocking on the table.

"I am out of here, I have a client meeting. I will sent the new member to meet you soon. Bye." Hoseok gave a pressed smile before running out for his dear life.

"Oh Gosh!! Where am I gonna reach with these people?"


"May I know when the boss would be back to office?" Y/N asked as she tapped the floor with her converse, being all impatient.

"He is in the cabin, ma'am. You can get permission from Namjoon Sir and fix a schedule." The receptionist bowed before greeting other customers.

"Gosh, such an useless CEO." She mumbled before rushing back to the upper floor. He better be there with his ass or I am done working.

She rushed back to her cabin and grabbed some files, the ones which she was working on. It was her first day but two days ago, her senior handed some files to sort out and there she was almost done with it. She just had few doubts and concerns to share with the CEO and exactly he was absent, leaving behind a kid in his cabin. How irresponsible? She marched to the cabin once more and knocked on the door, adjusting her hair decently or that is what she thought.

"Yes?" Taehyung answered again as he leaned back on the chair, looking up at the door through his furrowed eyebrows.

"Good evening, sir?" The same voice resonated in the big cabin, making him see red.

"Come in." He controlled his mad self and spoke. You annoying grandmother.

"Oh, again..." She rolled her eyes while landing the files on the table with a groan.

"Anything wrong?"

"Come on, where is your father? I have something important to discuss, and it is making me kind of anxious." He spoke while murmering one more line. How can he allow a kid to be in his cabin all alone?

"Excuse me? I am fucking twenty two which makes me an adult." Taehyung spat back, rolling his shirt sleeves as he was ready to throw a fist.

"Umm, in my defense you didn't look twenty two and secondly...where is my boss for heaven's sake?" She kept her hands on the table and looked at him unpleasantly.

"Since my ass is now on this chair, consider me your boss and spill it out! What do you want, Miss?" I will choke her one day.

"You? The CEO?" She looked at him blankly before errupting into a blissful laughter. Kids these days are so funny but annoying.

"Did you perhaps jump out of an asylum?" Well, she really looks like she did.

"I am Kim Y/N, new recruitment in the special team of coding. Nice to meet you, sir." She bowed sarcastically, planning to play along.

"You? Who?" Taehyung's eyes popped out hearing that. Hoseok hyung is sooo dead for this. This is a damn fucking big deal and he hired a psycho!

"Scared? Now cut the play and call your father. You are delaying my work." She tapped her fingers on the glass table making his jaw drop again.

"NAMJOOOON HYUNNGGGG!" Taehyung suddenly screamed his lungs out, while rining the bell continuously. Enough is enough, he has had enough.

"Woahh woahh, what happened?" She asked in confusion when the called man rushed inside.

"Yes, sir."

"Grab her by collar and throw her out, now. Tell Mr.Jung Hoseok to meet me before the end of office hours." Taehyung ordered while giving her death glares.

"Heyy!! What do you....woahh, let go!! This is assault...my collar...heyy, biggg guyy." Y/N kept fighting as Namjoon dragged her out.

What a fucking restless day? Sometimes, I want to be Yoongi, it is soo relaxing...just eat, sleep, play.

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