Chapter 3 (yes im making them chapters now)

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Authors note: I have a friend _keigos_bitch and he's just started his first fanfic on here. Go check him out please.

Dekus POV
I decide to just lay down in bed until he comes back. I don't want to roam around and end up getting in trouble. That wouldn't be amazing if he got mad at me. If you alpha is and then that means you did something wrong. That's what mom always said. "Kacchan where are you!?" I yell out in hopes that he could hear me but it didn't work. I close my eyes and soon fall asleep snuggled to one of his pillows.

Katsuki's POV
I make my way down the halls of the mansion and to my office. Of course I have to get some work done but I'm also going to plan some things for Izuku. I'll have to mark him when we mate for the first time. Of course he had a little scare not too long ago but he doesn't actually go into heat for a little. "Fuck... shitty as nerd. What the hell can I get for you?" I scroll through a website and I pull out my phone, calling the number on the website. "Yeah I want this necklaces on your site. I want the name Katsuki engraved on it and I want Izuku engraved on the other one. I want it done by tonight, got it!?" I use a more angered tone at the last part and they comply. I order them on the site and I get up, walking out of my office. I make my way to the room and I walk in, closing the door quietly behind me. My eyes wonder around the room until the sleet boy catches my eye. "Someone's tired already." I chuckle a little as I walk over to the other. "Oi nerd! Wake the fuck up!" I yell as he jolts up. "Sorry Kacchan!" He rubs his eyes and he looks at me. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to wonder anywhere so I didn't... anger you. I just got tired. I'm sorry." He looks down and I sigh a little. "It's alright Deku. Just don't fall asleep again or you won't sleep at night and I'm not dealing with that shit." I growl a little and I pat my lap. "Come on." He looks at me a little shocked but he obeys and sits in my lap. I wrap my arms around his waist and I lean my head against his chest. "Kacchan bad stuff happened the last time we did this." His voice sounded a little worried. "You were naked last time." I roll my eyes a little and he nods. "R-Right, I should've known that was the reason." He chuckled nervously and I looked into his eyes. He averted his gaze and I smirked, feeling more powerful. "What's wrong Deku?~ Can you not look me in the eye?" I smirk a little wider as I watch his every move. He looks into my eyes slowly as his body started to tremble a little. "What the hells wrong with you? Look me in the eyes." I look at the other with my eyebrows furrowed a little and I speak in a stern voice.

Deku's POV
My body started to tremble and I blushed a little from the embarrassment along with slight fear. "I'm sorry Kacchan... I can't keep eye contact." My eyes dart to the other side of the room and I prepare to get yelled at. What kind of omega am I if I get intimidated by just eye contact? I closed my eyes and prepared for a slap or something but I feel a pair of soft lips on my own. I kiss back, a little surprised at how calm he was about this. I look into his eyes a little more calm and I'm able to keep the eye contact. "Thank you for being so patient with me. I'm still a little intimidated by you." He nodded a little and he sighed. "Yeah I'll have to be. I'm a strong alpha and you're an omega. It's natural that you're going to be more submissive to me and I'm okay with that. Just try to not be so nervous. I'm not going to hit you or hurt you." He pulled me closer in his lap and I smile widely. "Thank you Kacchan! This means a lot to me. I've met some alphas who weren't exactly the nicest to me when I didn't look them in the eyes." I sigh a little and remember the time an alpha slapped me for not looking him in the eyes. It was only because he was being mean and I was getting scared. "So Kacchan, what were you doing while you were gone? You left and I just got confused as to where you went." I look at him with my smile only growing wider. "I was in my office. I'm having something made for you. It's a surprise so don't ask nerd." He playfully glared and I grinned a little. "I'm sorry that I worried you too. I should've told you that I left." He shrugged a little with a small smile. "It's okay Kacchan! I'm just really excited to see what you got. You didn't have to buy me anything though. I really don't deserve it." I giggle a little nervously as I rub the back of my neck. He just rolls his eyes playfully again. "Listen up nerd, I'm your alpha so therefor I'm going to give you things like gifts and shit. Just get used to it and you better not reject any of my shit! Also don't start with the, 'I don't deserve it' shit. I am doing this for you so just accept it." He raised his voice a little and I nodded quickly, a little nervous but overall happy. "Sorry Kacchan! I should've known better. I won't reject anything and I'll accept all of it. Thank you very much." I kiss his cheek and he smiles along with me, causing a small giggle to escape my mouth.

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