{8} - Truth.

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Niall's P.O.V

"Niall, please help. I...I'm scared. I don't...-" and the line was cut.

"Hello! Megan! Megan!" I called out, screaming into my phone but I heard no sound already. I called back once. I called back twice. No answer! I threw my phone down on the carpeted floor.

I was hidden under my blanket, crying when Zayn came into the room. I thought I should just ignore me for the day until he said Megan was on the line.

Megan was alive! I heard her voice. She talked to me. I didn't know about Amy. Megan didn't say about it. She only asked me for help and told me that she was scared.

"What did she say?" Zayn asked me, shaking my shoulder while I was sitting on the floor, hugging my knees and burying my face in my lap. I just shook my head to answer Zayn.

"Damn it! What did she say Niall?" Zayn raised his voice, causing my anger to risen up instantly.

"She just said that she's scared and the line was cut off!" I yelled. This whole thing wasn't happening to him. Perrie wasn't the one being kidnapped. Zayn didn't understand. No one did.

"Get up now Niall," Zayn said, his voice was stern but soft. I watched him pick up my phone -surprisingly not cracked- and then pulled my hand up. "We need to get to the police station and give this information to them."

"They wouldn't do anything!" I said loudly.

"And then, with you sitting like a ball down here, do you think a miracle would happen? I heard Megan's voice. I know she's scared. If she's scared, I believe Amy would be twice as terrified. And if you don't do anything, they wouldn't be saved and remain scared forever."

Zayn was right. Maybe everyone else was right except me. I couldn't think straight. I just want Megan to be with me. I wanted her and Amy to appear suddenly in front of me by miracle. But no, no miracle would happen if I didn't try something.

"Let's go," I said and headed out to the car before Zayn.

Megan's P.O.V

No one 'visited' Amy and I again until the next morning. I was glad that it was Jake instead of Amanda. I really didn't want to see her.

"Jake," I called, "Did Niall call back?"

Jake didn't answer. Instead, he just opened up the food packaging and gave the first spoon of rice to Amy. Amy looked at me, as if asking if she was allowed to eat and I nodded. I should trust Jake. He let me called Niall yesterday. He helped me.

Amy quickly turned away and took the first spoon that Jake was holding. She chewed the food deliciously and then Jake turned to me, to feed me.

"Did he call back?" I asked again when he didn't answer me. Jake sighed and then slowly shook his head. I wanted to cry. Niall didn't call back? Niall didn't care? Was he too busy with his tour? Hadn't he known about my disappearance?

"I had to destroy the phone so that Amanda won't be able to trace any evidence," Jake informed me and I could tell from his voice that he felt bad, guilty but I didn't have the time to care nor think about him. I wouldn't know if Niall would call me back or if I ever would get the chance to talk to Niall again, asking him for help?

"Is that chicken?" I heard Amy asked and I looked at her who was looking at Jake, asking him. Jake's eyes lingered into mine for a while before he smiled down at Amy and feed Amy some shredded chicken.

I wondered why he didn’t just remove the rope on our hands and legs instead. Oh right! He was working under Amanda. But he was helping me. Which mean he was betraying Amanda? Why? Maybe he disliked her? But why was he working for her?

"Jake?" I called softly. He looked up at me and I felt something in his eyes. Like, he was sad. "Why are you doing this?"

"Do what?"

"Helping me, and at the same time working for Amanda?" I asked.

"I have to," he sighed and gave Amy another spoon of food. "You have to eat too," he said and shoved a spoon of food in front of my face.

"No, it's okay. Let Amy eat," I said.

"You're pregnant," he reminded me. My baby needed to eat. Giving in, I opened up my mouth and allowed some food in.

"You can choose not to do this," I said to Jake once my food has finished.


"You can choose not to work with Amanda," I said.

"I know."

"Then why don't you just leave the place and..." he cut me off.

"You don't understand. Amanda has my parents and little sister with her. She kept them away and I know that they were being tortured. I don't know where they are right now. It started when I asked for a break up with Amanda. She somehow couldn't take the news and the next thing I knew, my family were being kidnapped and Amanda told me that she was the one who took them away. She said she will only release them if we get married someday. Someday."

I got the picture now. Jake was being forced. He had no choice. I pitied Jake. I had no idea how my sister, Amanda was capable to do all these things. She was like a villain in the superheroes movie. But Amanda was pregnant. Could the baby belong to Jake?

"The baby she's carrying..." I was meant to ask if Jake was the father but Jake seemed to already know what I was about to ask him.

"It's not mine. We did it whenever she feels like it, but the baby really wasn't mine."

Then we were silent. I didn't know what to feel for Jake. I pitied him for what Amanda was doing to him. And then when he said that the baby wasn't his, his voice told me that he was actually disappointed about it.

"Are they done?" A voice startled us. It was the first time Amanda actually didn't scream, yell or raised her voice. She talked normally.

"Almost," Jake answered, faking annoyance.

"Good. When you're done, call me in. I've got something to show them," Amanda snickered and left.

Jake fed me and Amy one last spoon before he gathered the rubbish and gave us some drinks. "Megan, I just wanna let you know that whatever that Amanda might tell or show you later, not everything may be true."

I nodded and mouthed a thank you before Jake left. "He is nice," Amy commented.

"Yes he is, baby," I said.

"Momma, when are we leaving here?"

"Soon," I answered when truth be told was that I didn't have a clue at all.

* * *

Amanda came in two hours later with Jake, following closely behind her. She slammed the door open, causing Amy who was sleeping on my lap to startled.

"Get the kid out," Amanda ordered Jake. Jake nodded and took Amy from my side.

"Please please don't take my child," I said to Jake. I wasn't acting. I really didn't want Amy to be away from me.

"Don't worry little sister," Amanda said in a fake cute voice, "I'm just gonna show you something that I wouldn't want your daughter to see. Be thankful that I am still considerate."

"Please don't hurt my daughter," I said to Jake. I looked into his eyes, waiting for him to nod and made sure that Amy would be safe with him.

"Jake, leave now," Amanda instructed and he did, leaving me and Amanda alone in the room. "Guess what we're gonna do now?"

I kept quiet. I didn't want to talk to her. I was tired. I felt like puking. I felt pain everywhere in my body. I loved my baby's kick but her kicks didn't help with the pain at all. I felt like dying.

"I have one very interesting video that I'm sure you would like to watch," Amanda said. "Niall is a very good actor."

Niall? Did she mean my Niall? How did she know him? "What do you mean?" I asked, curious.

"That is why I am offering for you to watch this video."

I eyed Amanda as she scrolled slowly and playfully for a video in her phone. "Ahah! Here's the video," she signalled. She held the phone in front of my face and tapped the play button.

Immediately Niall's face came into the screen. He was drinking and one of his arms was around Amanda's waist while both Amanda's hands were wrapped around Niall's neck. They were in a room. Alone. They knew each other?

"Baby, undress baby..." Niall slurred. Amanda pushed him to the bed and started undressing herself before throwing herself to Niall. They started kissing and that was the moment I looked away from the phone.

I didn't know that I was crying until I tasted something salty in my mouth. But I had a reason to cry. I was being kidnapped and I was pregnant. I couldn't protect my daughter. And my husband was having an affair with my sister, my kidnapper. Oh god! What was happening to my life?

Was I being cursed? At first, Jake went to Amanda. Then, Niall decided to go to her too. Maybe I didn't deserve a proper relationship at all. Maybe if Daniel hadn't died from the lung cancer, he would have found Amanda and cheated on me too.

"How did you know Niall?" I finally choked out, letting my head lean uncomfortably on my shoulder while tears still streaming down my face.

"How?" Amanda asked me, faking shock. "For goodness sake Megan, you're just still as dumb. Niall, worked for me to destroy you. Do you really think that he cares for you? No, he doesn't. I paid him to do so."

"Wh...what?" My voice was barely a whisper. Tears were streaming even faster now and I couldn't stop myself from sobbing heavily. I never want to look weak in front of Amanda but after the video that I watched and the new truth that Amanda just revealed to me, I lost it.

I couldn't believe it, but Amanda proved it to me. Niall, my Niall, my husband lied to me. Why? I trusted him so much. We went through a lot. Didn't I mean anything to him?

"Why do you think you're still here if Niall actually loved you? He didn't even bother looking for you. The thing he's looking forward to every time is the night with me. I really can't believe that you're still this dumb..."

I didn't hear a thing anymore. I wanted to block myself from talking, hearing and feeling. The truth was out. No wonder I was still here after several days. No wonder no one evacuated me and Amy. Niall was in this kidnapping. He didn't love me. It was just an act.

"Oh before I forget, this baby I'm carrying is your step-son," Amanda informed before leaving the room and slammed the door close.

I didn't know how to feel anymore.

* * * * *

Firstly, thank you for reading yet another chapter of MOMH. I just wanted to let you know that I have picked out a name for the baby and I will announce the ‘winner’ in the few upcoming chapters when the baby will also be out of her Momma’s tummy.

Secondly, there will be a some time (maybe two weeks) next month that I wouldn’t be able to update this story. I have my final national exams coming up >< So, please don’t get angry for the period of time when there’s no updates :(

Lastly, what do you think of this chapter? I would love to know what you guys think since I haven’t been getting lots of comments; I don’t know how I am doing so far in this story. So, do let me know.

Sorry for the long note.


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