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It was a bright, beautiful day outside as I looked through my window in my bedroom.

I saw my neighbours across the street talking with their friends, as they walked their dogs.

People were outside mowing their lawns and doing yard work, I stood up and walked downstairs to see my brothers playing some video games along with Calvin. Ugh.

"You guys should get outside, it's beautiful" I spoke up and they waved me off, eyes still glued to the tv.

"Later." Lucas said as they all then stood up and yelled at the game on the screen. I chuckled- boys. Just plain classic behaviour, I thought to myself as I slipped my aviators on and walked outside.

The warm air instantly hit my face as I sighed in satisfaction, and the sun beamed brightly, making everything look so uplifting.

I began to walk, just savouring the beautiful day until I heard running footsteps behind me. I looked over and saw Calvin as we walked in sync.

"What are you doing here?" I groaned internally.

"You said we should get outside." He clarified in an obvious 'duh' tone.

"Yeah. I didn't mean I wanted you to tag along on my walk- are my brothers coming? Cause' if they are they're gonna think you like me." I said sternly, with a hint of amusement in my voice as I mocked my brothers. "Then they'll beat you up"

He chuckled, "relax princess, your brothers already know I'm with you. I told them." He paused. "But might I say, you look hot with those shades" He smirked.

"Shut up." I demanded, my face turning red as I suddenly found a deep interest on the cracked gravel below my feet.

I stopped in my tracks after realizing what he said before, "They let you come with me?" I asked in disbelief.

Okay, what?

He nodded, "We're friends" He said, talking about him and my brothers, "They trust me"

I snorted, "I wouldn't."

He put his hand over his left side of his chest in shock, "Well that's not nice princess." He pouted and I rolled my eyes as we continued to walk.

"Man, do you just love to tick me off?" I urged in frustration.

He thought for a moment, sarcastically, "Yes" He smirked.

"You idiot" I laughed at that, punching him in his arm.

Wow, I laughed. A real genuine laugh. Especially when Calvin was the one who caused it.

"Was that a laugh?" He smirked.

"No." I said, my face turning pink.


"C'mon, I wanna show you something" He said, lightly grabbing onto my wrist, pulling me forward a bit.

"What makes you think I wanna go anywhere with you?" I asked, raising my brow.

"Trust me-"

"Well I don't" I said bluntly.

He let go of my wrist, standing there looking a bit taken back. Which- was probably just some act. I know it.

"Then you definitely won't after this" His smirk coming back from hiding again.

"What do yo-" I was cut off when he hauled me over his shoulder and began running down the street.

I punched my fists into his back which just made him laugh more, "That doesn't hurt" He said.

"Calvin, put me down before I start yelling rape." I said in a serious tone.

He didn't say anything, but he didn't stop running. I waited another minute for him to stop and when he didn't, I opened my mouth ready to yell.

"Ra-" I yelled before he cut me off by holding me in front of him as he held me bridal style.

I glared daggers at him, he just winked and smirked, "I wouldn't do that Lyla" He said.

"Oh yeah? Why?" I questioned angrily.

"Because we're already here" He said as he stopped running and placed me down on the ground gently.

"You're not gonna kill me here, are you?" I asked, suddenly feeling scared.

He just laughed, shaking his head, "Princess, if I wanted to kill you I already would have." He winked and I rolled my eyes.

I looked around at the scene around me. We were in, what seemed like a forest- but a very small one at that.

There were trees everywhere and a little stream that ran through. There was also a rope over the stream so that we could swing across it- leading us deeper into what seemed like a forest.

It was actually beautiful and it occurred to me- how did a guy like Calvin find a place like this?

"How did you find this place?" I asked speaking my thoughts as I turned around to face him.

He was already looking at me, "I was just going for a run one day and came across this place" He shrugged. "I come here a lot when I just need time to myself and stuff like that and I thought that maybe you'd like it too."

I narrowed my eyes at him lightly, "That's not the only reason you brought me here" I said. "Why?"

He stood there for a moment, looking decisive before he finally answered, "Well, I felt bad after getting you detention from that day in class- and for cheating off of you. So when you left class, I had told the teacher that I had cheated off of you and that's why when you went to detention, Mr. Matthews let you go home early.

I took the detention" He explained, looking to the side.

I stood there, taking in his words. He felt bad? I feel so bad right now. I was so mean to him after that when I even got to go early and he told the truth to the teacher.

"I didn't know that." I said.

Wow, way to state the obvious Lyla.

He chuckled lightly, "I know." He said softly.

I could tell in his voice that he was sorry and that he felt bad. And here I was- acting like a complete jerk to him thinking it was his fault instead of mine.

"I'm just really sorry for what I did. That was really stupid of me" He continued.

I looked into his eyes and smiled lightly, "I'm sorry I've been a complete jerk to you when you did a nice thing for me."

He shook his head, "You don't need to apologize Lyla, it wasn't your fault. It was mine. I'm the one who needs to be apologizing." He explained.

"Okay, well I accept your apology." I smiled lightly. "But only if you do something for me." I added.

"Sure. What is it?" He asked.

"You accept mine."

He just smiled and chuckled, shifting from one foot to the other, "Okay. I accept your apology." He gave in.

We both smiled. "Now- we never had this conversation" He clarified and I rolled my eyes- again.

"Why? Don't want to ruin your bad boy reputation?" I teased, placing a hand on my hip.

He just smirked, instantly giving me his answer by not even having to say a word.

"You are something else." I chuckled.

He laughed as we both stood there, taking each others company.

"You know, you still are the egotistical, selfish and arrogant guy everyone says you are." I said as we sat beside each other at the foot of a tree.

He winced, "That hurt, I'm not going to lie but," He paused, looking into my eyes. "I figured you were going to say something like that."

I just laughed.

Wow, a heart-to-heart with Greenlyn's biggest bad boy? Who would have thought?


Standing at my locker, I thought for a moment. Now what class was I going to next? Gosh, how could I forget?

You know those times where your head is just full of these thoughts about different things that when you try to focus your mind on one thing it completely obliterates into the back of your mind, never to be seen again- well until someone reminds you.

Well, that's what I was feeling like right now. Even though there wasn't anything life-changing going on right now, I still felt like that. Hm, weird.

"What are you doing?" A voice asked from beside me in a curious tone.

I turned around to face the guy who I've literally crushed on for the past four years. Spencer Hall.

Spencer Hall wasn't the typical football quarterback you'd expect, instead, he was sweet, intelligent, and so thoughtful. He was very caring and unlike some guys, he was actually respectful.

We haven't been friends at all really in the four years I've known him, I just kind of- I guess, knew him and vice versa.

We barely talked which wasn't very easy- especially when you had a super bad crush on him. And it was really weird when he came up to me just out of the blue like this.

Although he was super sweet, he had a group of friends that he just hung out with specifically, nobody more nobody less and me, well- lets just say I was never in that group of friends.

I instantly blushed under his gaze and turned back around, facing my locker in embarrassment. He just smiled widely, his bright blue eyes shining.

Darn that boy for making me swoon so much.

I cleared my throat, "I'm just getting my books for next class" I explained, ahh History was my next class!

He nodded, "Uh- I was just wondering if you would like to be partners for the new project in chem?" He asked, happily.

I looked up at him after grabbing my books and shutting my locker closed, "I-I. Yeah, sure." I stuttered- trying to contain my excitement.

Inside, I was internally screaming my head off.

He smiled a toothy grin, "I look forward to it." He said, genuinely.

"Me too." I agreed, clutching my books closer to my chest.

"See you at fourth period." He winked before placing a gentle kiss on my right hand.

Major swoon.

"Okay, bye." I sighed as he walked away, waving.

"Who was that?" Dylan asked from behind me. His jaw was clenched and his fists were at his side. "He better not be trying anything with you."

"Relax Dyl, he just asked me if we could be partners for chem. It's not like he came and kissed me." I explained.

"He did." He looked at me with a 'really' look. "He kissed your hand" He stated bluntly.

"Well, I-I meant on the face" I said feeling very flustered.

"Why is your face red then, huh? Wait a minute-" He paused in realization. "That's the guy you've liked since eighth grade." He yelled, ready to follow Spencer even though he was long gone by now.

Stepping in front of him to stop him, I said, "How did you know that I liked him?" I asked in disbelief.

He froze which made me raise an eyebrow in anger. Obviously Amanda and Meredith wouldn't have said anything seeing as they know how my brothers are. So how did he know-

I cut my train of thought off, "You read my diary?" I shrieked in a whisper.

His eyes widened as he took a step back, "Uh.. No.. Yes... Maybe?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

I glared at him, "Oh you're so dead!" I yelled as I hit him in the arm, not too hard though- but I wanted to.

The late bell rang, signalling that I was late for class. I groaned. Yay, detention!  "Thanks for making me late" I stuck my tongue out at him.

He just looked at me in disbelief, "I'm late too." He said and we said our goodbyes before walking to our classes.

"You're late, Ms. Reynolds" Mrs. Winston scolded, not looking up from her papers as I walked into the classroom.

All eyes were on me and I swallowed nervously. "Sorry Mrs. Winston, it won't happen again-" I clarified before she cut me off, and this time she looked up at me.

"Detention, after school" She stated plainly, writing on a slip of paper and handing it to me.

"But Mrs. Winston, I-"

"Would you like to spend more time in detention tomorrow?" She paused and I stayed silent. "Then go sit down and read the textbook." She ordered.

I nodded before taking the slip of paper from her hand and hastily walking up to an empty desk and taking a seat in it, instantly opening up my textbook to the page she gave us as my eyes scanned over the text.

My face returning back to its normal colour as the embarrassment disappeared off my face and I focused on the text.

Not even a minute later, Calvin walked in. He stood there- tall and confident. He had a black t-shirt on, making his abs clearly visible and his biceps bulge. as well as a red flannel over it and black jeans.

Even though some part of me despised him for his egotistical ways, I still thought he was one of the hottest guys in school. His perfect brown hair looked so soft as he ran a hand through it, and his small famous smirk that made the girls go wild every time it found its way into his face.

"Another late!" Mrs. Winston snapped. "Detention after school today- now grab your textbook and open up to page 258. I don't want to hear a peep out of you mister." She snapped and everyone stayed silent as she handed him a detention slip.

Calvin looked unfazed, he simply looked the teacher in the eye and told her, "I forgot my textbook at home."

Woah, he's got nerve. I'd never be able to do and say something like that. Yikes.

That's when Mrs. Winston stood up in full rage, "And I forgot to mark your exam. But that's okay- I'll just save myself the time and write an F on your sheet anyways, seeing as that's the only grade you get in my class." The whole class 'oohed' as I sat in my seat, taking in the scene.

Calvin just stood there, he didn't seem fazed at all. How??

"Now get to your seat Mr. Porter and share a textbook with someone." She paused. "As of the rest of you, eyes at your books!" She yelled and sat back down in a huff.

He listened as he took the detention slip and strode towards me casually.

Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah.

"Hey princess" Cavin smiled at me as if he had just forgotten what went on at the front of the room not even a second ago. "Mind if I share the book with you?"

I shrugged, "I guess" I muttered and he smiled as he grabbed a chair and dragged it over to sit beside me. I moved the textbook over so he could see as I read.

His hot breath moved tiny strands of my hair around as he hovered over me to read.

He was definitely bigger than me, so sitting next to him made me feel like an ant beside a human.


That whole rest of class I couldn't quite focus on what I was reading. How was Calvin not fazed at all? If the teacher yelled at me like that I would be so upset and my face would probably turn the colour of a tomato from embarrassment.

I looked up at him for a split second as he looked at me and smirked before I turned back to the textbook, but not before rolling my eyes first.


Heyo! Chapter 3- done! Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

This one was definitely longer than my first two haha.

So I need your guys' opinions. Do you want me to write longer chapters and slower updates or shorter chapters and faster updates? Let me know! xx

So now that that little feud is over between Calvin and Lyla, what do you think is going to happen next? :)

- Taylor (:

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