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[PS- I know the pic above says Spencer Hall but his name is Spencer Hastings! Sorry for the confusion :(]

After I had talked to Calvin and he had forgiven me, I felt a huge weight been lifted off my shoulders.

I sighed as I waited for twelve pm to roll around. It was Saturday morning as I laid down in my bed waiting for my phone to ring, indicating a facetime call from Aaron.

After talking to Calvin, I needed to talk to Aaron and apologize for lying to him. So, I texted him and asked him when his next break was and he told me so now it's just a matter of waiting until he calls.

During the duration of the next few minutes my phone shrilled as Aaron's contact picture glowed across my screen. I instantly accepted the call and waited a second for his face to appear.

"Hey Ly." He said.

"Hey, how's it going?" I asked leaning against my wall, still sitting on my bed.

He shrugged, "Pretty good. Just finished my classes for the day so now I'm just dropping off my books and going to head out for lunch."

I nodded with a smile, "Sounds great," I paused as he smiled lightly. "I uh, wanted to talk about what happened before you left.."

He nodded, taking a seat. "Sure."

"Aaron, I'm really sorry I lied to you about knowing Calvin. It was stupid and I really had no reason behind it. I should have told you and not lied about it. I'm really sorry you left with us not being on good terms.. I should have called you sooner and apologized." I said.

He nodded, "It's okay, Ly. I'm sorry I left with us on bad terms too-"

"It wasn't your fault, Aaron."

"Okay, but I'm still sorry I left with us being on bad terms. I accept your apology." He smiled.

I graciously returned his smile as I let out a deep breath of relief, "Thanks. I'm glad we're good again, I really missed talking to you."

"Me too, Ly," He replied. "Have you talked to Calvin yet?"

I nodded, "Yeah, a couple days ago at school. We're fine now."

He nodded, "That's good. Calvin's a pretty good guy. You just gotta give him a chance, you know?"

"Yeah, I know. Thanks Ron." I laughed.

"I'm unforgiving you now. You called me Ron, that is just purely unacceptable Lyla." Aaron said, shaking his head in disapproval.

I laughed even harder, "You'll get over it Ron."

He rolled his eyes, "Whatever. I gotta go now, so I'll talk to you soon okay?"

"Okay, talk to you later. Bye." I smiled and waved at the camera on my phone.

"Bye Ly." He smiled, waving before I ended the call.

I put my phone down as I smiled lightly to myself, finally glad that Aaron and I were okay and that there was no more tension between us.

A soft knock arose from my door as I called out, "It's open."

The door opened and Dylan emerged with a nervous expression from it, "Hey Ly. Was that Aaron you were talking to?"

"Yeah it was. We're good now." I smiled.

He nodded, "That's good. Listen, I uh-" He scratched the back of his neck. "I need a favour.."

I furrowed my brows as I looked up at him, "What did you guys do now?" I smirked.

"Just come down and look for yourself." He said slowly as he hesitantly opened my door wider and slowly walked away.

I got up from my bed and walked down the stairs to come face to face with the terrible scene in front of me. I shrieked as I looked up at Lucas. "What did you guys do?"

"It was an accident!" Lucas defended.

"Yeah right. Dad's gonna be ticked and it will be all our fault." Dylan spoke up from beside me.

I kneeled down and picked up the broken vase, a vase that had been passed down through all of the generations of the Reynolds family.

My dad is very sentimental and he takes this vase very seriously. My grandma had given him the vase on her death bed. It's one of his things that he cherishes most.

"How did you two nimrods break it?" I asked.

Lucas scratched the back of his neck, "We uh, were playing football."

"In the house? Jeez you guys," I exclaimed as I reassembled the vase. It was a perfect fit and an idea arose from the back of my mind. "I may be able to fix this if we have gorilla glue."

"I'll check," Dylan muttered before going to check around the house. About a few minutes later he returned with no such luck. "No gorilla glue, we don't have time to go to the store. Dad will be home in five minutes." He sighed.

I thought for a second, "What if you guys went out and grabbed it quickly and I'll make sure dad doesn't find out until you guys get home?"

Dylan and Lucas' faces both lit up like Christmas trees, "You're the best Ly. We'll be back." Dylan said and Lucas agreed.

"Sure, hurry!" I called out as they both ran out of the house and to their car. I sighed before hiding the vase under the sink.

Just after I hid the broken vase, my dad walked in through the door. "Hello? Anybody home?" He called, dropping his jacket on the coat hanger beside the door and kicking his boots off.

"Hey Dad, how was work?" I asked.

"Good, thanks and you're day? Did you talk to your brother yet?" He asked, walking into the kitchen and grabbing the carton of orange juice.

I nodded with a smile, "Yep, we are both good now."

He smiled, "That's good to hear, sweetheart. How is he?"

"He is finished school for today and is going out for lunch," I smiled. "So, he's good."

He took a gulp of the orange juice from his glass before dumping his glass into the sink and the carton back into the fridge.

As he walked into the living room, he walked past the table where the vase had been sat on originally. My eyes widened as I prayed he wouldn't notice for my brothers' sakes. They would both be dead meat if dad found out.

"Uh, Lyla?" He asked.

My eyes closed shut tightly as I mentally braced myself for him to find out, "Yeah dad?"

"Where's your grandmother's vase?" He asked.

"Her vase? Um, you may have to be a bit more specific maybe." I shrugged, playing dumb. I scratched my chin as a nervous thing.

He tilted his head at me, "Your grandmother's vase, our family's air-loom?"

"Dad, I think it's always been upstairs." I said.

He furrowed his brows, "Really?"

"Ye- yeah." I agreed.

He stood silent in thought for a second before he nodded, "Oh okay, I'm sorry. I'm just getting old."

"No, you're not getting old dad. Everyone forgets things at times." I said before he just smiled at me and left to his room. I heard the doorbell ring and was instantly relieved when I knew it was my idiotic brothers.

I opened the door as I spoke, "Finally, you two idiots are back. You know Dad almost found out-" I paused when I realized who was really at the door.

"Oh Calvin, I'm sorry," I laughed, shaking my head. "I thought you were my brothers."

"Well, right now I'm glad I'm not. What did your dad almost find out about?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

My eyes widened at how loud he was, "Shh! He'll hear you!" I shushed him, placing my hands over his mouth as he made his way into the house.

"Sorry." He chuckled and rose his hands in the air as if he had just been caught robbing a grocery store by the police.

"That's okay," I said before walking over to the sink to pull out my dad's sentimental vase from under it. I placed it on the counter for Calvin to see. "This is what I don't want my dad to find out about." I whispered.

"Lyla, did you break that? You naughty girl! You are in deep trouble." He accused, crossing his arms over his chest.

I rolled my eyes, "Of course I didn't do this, my idiotic brothers did. I'm just covering up for them while they go buy glue."

"Mhm." He smirked before grabbing the orange juice from my fridge.

"What are you doing here anyways? Dumb and dumber aren't here." I said, looking over the vase.

"Well, I thought they would be. Thus resulting in my yearned for appearance. But, who said I was here for them?" He asked, raising an eyebrow up at me with a smirk as he took a gulp from the carton.

"What? You're here for me?" I asked dumbfounded, as I looked up at him from over my right shoulder.

"No, your dad actually. Know where I can find him?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

I just chuckled and shook my head, returning my gaze back to the vase in front of me. "You're really not funny."

He shrugged, "Your words, not mine."

The front door then burst open as a frantic Dylan and Lucas appeared with a plastic bag with glue in their hands. Lucas ran up to me and gave me the bag, "Finally, you guys are back."

"Is dad home?" Dyl asked.

"Yeah, but I covered for you guys." I answered, beginning to use the gorilla glue to work a miracle one could only dream for.

Dyl visibly sighed in relief, "Thanks Ly," He smiled and turned to Calvin. "Oh hey Cal, what are you doing here man?"

"Asking your sister out for a nice stroll on the town." Calvin answered simply with a smirk.

"Sure, like she'd actually let you." Dylan laughed, taking the juice carton from Calvin's grasp and chugging the rest of the cold liquid.

"I know, she's probably realized that I'm just way too out of her league and that it could never work between a jock and an A class nerd." He joked.

"At least I've actually dated before, unlike you. Mr 'I've only loved a girl before, never dated one'" I shot back.

"Shots fired! You just got burned my friend, how does that feel?" Lucas laughed, slapping Calvin on the back playfully as they all laughed.

"I'll get back at you Reynolds, sooner or later." Calvin smirked.

I just laughed and nodded at him, "Okay, sure."

After a few more touch ups on the glue, I had finished. It was barely noticeable that the vase had broken. "I'm finished." I said.

Lucas grabbed the vase in his hand as he and Dylan examined it, "Wow, it looks brand new Ly. You're incredible!" Lucas exclaimed.

"Well, what can I say?" I shrugged my shoulders and flipped my hair back, "I am a miracle worker."

Calvin rolled his eyes as a small smile formed at the edge of his lips, "That you are, thank you so much. We owe you!" Dylan exclaimed and kissed my forehead as he placed the vase down back on the table in its rightful spot.

"So what are you guys up to?" I asked nonchalantly.

Lucas shrugged, "Well, there's a new horror movie out. Wanna go see it?"

"Oh, the movie Split that just came out?" I asked.

He nodded, "I'm in." Dylan said.

"Me too." I agreed.

"Sure, I'm in," Calvin shrugged as my brothers nodded. Lucas and Dylan both told us they were going to meet us at the car as I grabbed my purse with my wallet. "Will you be too scared princess?"

I rolled my eyes, "Please, I'm a horror movie fanatic."

"Hmm, impressive.." He decided. "But how do I know if you're lying?"

"Really? What's to lie about?" I asked.

He shrugged, "I don't know, it's just that you don't see too many girls these days watching horror movies."

"Well, I'm not like most girls." I replied.

"No, you are not." He whispered to himself with a small smile, though I could still hear him and I smiled back.

"Are you coming?" I asked from the front door as I looked at him.

He nodded, "Just grabbing my bag." He grabbed it and ran out the door behind me.

As we drove to the highly populated mall that sat just behind a big grocery store and some restaurants, we got out and bought our tickets.

"So Cal, have you heard of this movie?" Lucas asked as we took our seats.

He nodded, "Yeah, it looks pretty good."

I zoned out of their conversation as my phone beeped, indicating a new text from one of my contacts.

Switching my phone on, I looked at the name glowing across my screen and smiled when I saw Spencer's name.

I unlocked my phone and quickly went to reply.

Hey Lyla, are you busy tomorrow?

Hey Spence, I'm not.. Why? What did you wanna plan? :-)

I was just wondering if you wanted to come over? We could watch some movies and eat popcorn?

Well, you've already mentioned food so I'm down! :P

Haha, okay sounds great. Want me to come pick you up?

Nah, it's ok I can walk. Only a 10 min walk.

Ok sure, come over at 9?

Got it. See you then :)

See you babe :*

I switched my phone off and smiled, "Who was that?" Calvin asked from my right.

"Nobody." I said, looking up at him.

"Mhm, so Spencer is a nobody then?" Calvin mused.

"How do you know- Oh my gosh were you reading my texts?" I exclaim in annoyance.

"Maybe." He shrugged with a smirk as he knew he was bothering me.


"Know-it-all." He replied.

"Wow, this again? Why do we ever go to the movies together again?" Dylan asked us. "Oh right, because we think you might actually stop acting like children."

"Well, if Calvin wasn't so rude all the time then we wouldn't be fighting." I defended.

Calvin just laughed with no worded reply. The movie had just started and the lights were lowering.

I smiled, even though Calvin and I were always teasing each other, in a joking way obviously, I was glad we were back to normal and not mad at each other.

And I knew he felt the same way once I looked at him during the movie and he smirked at me.

That was all the reassurance I needed to know that he had really forgiven me.

Heyy! So I updated quicker this time yay! :P

Thank you btw to all of those who have been constantly voting and commenting such sweet things on this book. You guys are so amazing and are the reason that I want to pursue a writing career in the near future!

Each and every one of you amazing people are awesome and I'm so grateful for you all & your continuous support!

Anywho, I'll talk to you guys on the next chapter! Let me know how this chapter was in the comments below?


- Taylor :)

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