Justice Jay

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"Why do Mommy and Daddy fight all the time?"

I swallowed, pushing JJ on the swings while we waited for Jensen to finish talking with Danneel.

"I don't know, JJ," I answered carefully.

"Do they not wuv each othe' any more?"

"No, they don't."

My voice was soft as I spoke the words. I didn't want to be the one to crush JJ's image of her parents, but based off the subject of most of her questions for me, she was a lot more aware of certain things than she maybe should be.

"Is it because Daddy wuvs you now?"

"That's part of it, yes."

JJ seemed satisfied with this answer.

"I can't wait for you to be my other Mommy."

My breath caught in my throat and tears sprung to the corners of my eyes at her statement. It was so matter of fact in the way only a child could pull off. A moment later, Jensen appeared and made his way over, but there was no sign of Danneel.

"Where's Mommy?"

"Mommy had to run some errands," Jensen informed his daughter. "You get to play with Daddy and Scarlett for a little while."

"Otay!" JJ grinned.

I smiled while she jumped off the swing and went over to grab onto Jensen's hand. Then she held out her other hand to me.

"Wet's go, Scawet."

I caught Jensen's eye, who was smiling widely at his kid's behavior, and walked over to grab onto JJ's free hand. We walked back down the path toward the entrance of the park.

"See Unca Jaywed and Unca Meesa?"

"Yeah, Birdie, you get to see Uncle Jared and Uncle Misha," Jensen replied.


When we got back to the hotel that was attached to the convention center, we made our way toward the Green Room. Jared, Misha, Rich, Rob and Kim were all there chatting.

"Unca Jaywed!" JJ yelled, letting go of our hands to run up to the giant.

"Hey, sweet pea," Jared smiled, scooping her into his arms and hugging her.

"Where's my hug?" Misha asked.

"Unca Meesa!"

She jumped out of Jared's arms into Misha's with a giant grin.

"Hi, pumpkin."

While JJ chattered with the two men, I turned to look at Jensen who was watching his daughter with a wide smile and more love in his eyes than I could remember seeing before.

"So, not to put a damper on this, but why did Danneel suddenly decide to leave JJ with us?"

He looked over at me, his smile faltering slightly, but the sparkle in his eyes not disappearing for a moment.

"She said JJ needs me in her life and that she made a mistake," he explained. "She also mentioned she was wrong about you."

"You're joking."

"I thought so, too, but then she said if I didn't believe her she would just find a sitter for JJ instead of leaving her with me like she planned and so here we are."

I gaped up at him, certain I wasn't hearing him correctly.

"W-what... Why?" I stammered.

Jensen just shrugged, looking back over at JJ who was still in Misha's arms.

"I gonna have a new Mommy!" she exclaimed loudly.

Everyone except Misha looked over at Jensen and I. He just nodded, focusing all his attention on the child on his lap.

"Are you now?" he asked as if it was the most interesting conversation he'd ever had.

"Uh huh. Daddy wuvs Scawet now and she's gonna be my new Mommy."

"That's exciting," he told her.

"I have photo ops," Jensen murmured quietly. "Will you watch her?"

"Of course," I nodded. "See you soon."

"See you."

He gave me a quick peck on the lips before leaving to take pictures with the fans. I walked further into the room, taking a seat beside Misha on the couch.

"Where Daddy go?" JJ immediately asked me.

"Daddy had to go take pictures. He'll be back soon."

"Otay. You stay with me?"

"Yeah, I'm going to stay with you until Daddy gets back," I nodded.



JJ squealed as I caught up to her and swept her off her feet. We were using one of the private hallways that only the cast and crew could use in order to avoid unnecessary interactions with the fans to play in once she got sick of staying in the Green Room.

"There's my two favorite girls on the planet," Jensen's voice sounded behind us.


"Hey, Jay."

He leaned down for a kiss.

"EEEEEEEW!" JJ squealed.

Jensen and I both laughed against each other's lips before pulling apart.

"How are you, princess?" Jensen addressed the toddler.

"Scawet is pwaying with me!"

"She is? Are you having fun?"


"Oh, good."

"Hey, Scawet?"

"What is it, JJ?"

"I hungy," she informed me seriously.

"Well, we should fix that," I smiled at her.

"What do you want to eat, J Bird?" Jensen asked.

"Chicken nuggets!"

"As you wish," he replied. "Shall we?"

We made our way through the halls and out to the car where Cliff was waiting for us.


"Hi, little Jay," he greeted her.

"Scawet and Daddy are getting me chicken nuggets!"

"That's so fun. Where to, Jensen?"

"McDonalds okay?" Jensen asked, looking at his daughter sandwiched between him and I on the seat for confirmation.

"Yeah!" she squealed.

"Sounds like we're heading to McDonalds," Jensen addressed Cliff.

Fifteen minutes later, I was sitting at a table inside McDonalds with JJ while Jensen ordered our food.


"Yes, JJ?"

"When can I call you Mommy?"

"I'm not sure, sweetheart."

"Daddy has to ask you to maywe him first, wight?"

"Yes, JJ."

"Alright," Jensen said, carrying a tray of food over. "Chicken nugget happy meal for the little princess, quarter pounder with cheese meal for the big princess and the rest is for me."

I chuckled as he placed the food in front of JJ and I respectively, helping JJ take out her food before taking a seat beside me with his own meal. Before he had even gotten halfway through his own burger, I had downed my entire thing and was working on my fries and Coke while also helping JJ open her toy.

"Did you just-"

"Shh, we can talk about it later."

He chuckled, watching JJ and I as he continued to eat.

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