(main) Smuggles

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Meet smuggles!

He is my author-sona.

Oldest ref known^

A newer version but I see no improvement ;-;

I'll give him a half decent ref one day!

I'll give a stupidly short summary of his backstory- keep in mind things that happen in his backstory are very gradual and takes years to happen:

Smuggles is a single child with his mother and his father. His life is normal and happy until his father began to abuse alchole ever so slowly after the passing of his sister. With declining mental health, smuggles' father, victor, became more and more abusive to his son and wife. Husband and Wife would fight constantly over the years they became increasing bitter and aggressive to one another. Until one day it all snapped, victor, with some sick reasoning in his head killed his wife whether by accident or not is unclear. Smuggles witnissed the cruel act and as any young child got frightened and upset. Victor slowly coming to terms with his deeds threatened his son, smuggles, to never speak of the event. This led to smuggles' bold move of running away- as a very young cat the only way he managed to provide for himself out on the streets is stealing and eventually he got into smuggling. His real name was never smuggles but its rather the name he goes by in the feeble attempt to detach himself from his past.

He is an alcholic and drug taker- theif whose still got a child at his heart.

Names of main characters in his backstory:

Socks- smuggles' mother and wife to victor. She is a silver tabby with green eyes. A white underbelly, feet and hands too.

Victor- Smuggles' father and husband to socks. He is a brown moggie with very short tail and orange eyes. He only bares white on his chest.

Mason- Aka smuggles, his original name that he no longer goes by.

Some art of him! ^^

Credit to those who drew him! ^^

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