Happy New Year (Almost) ;)

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Well, even though we still have almost 7 hours till midnight where I am, I thought I would go ahead and write this part. I just want you all to know, this has been one of the best years of my entire life (mostly thx to you guys). I look at myself at the beginning of last year and I am practically a different person. By January of last year, I had probably 8 followers and had about one chapter done in my first book. I am now at 176 followers and am writing several books like crazy! Last year, I had finally realized that I liked Pokemon. Like really really liked it. But as I'm sure you all know, you aren't nessecarily popular for liking Pokemon. I was embarassed and no one knew about my secret obsession. I still continued to watch XY with my brothers, but I kept it all a secret; which sucked.

As I watched XY I grew to love Amourshipping, and because I have the mind of a writer, started coming up with a whole bunch of Amourshipping story ideas. These ideas were constantly bouncing around and it was driving me crazy. Because I was too embarassed to write down my fanfic ideas, I read them instead.

I eventually found Wattpad, and started reading stories on it regularly. I made an account and started following all the Pokemon fanfic writers. After reading basically all of the Amourshipping fics there were at the time I decided to finally make my own story, which is still titled AshxSerena Amourshipping story. Real creative title right? xD Even though it kinda sucked, I started getting a few reads at a time, even a few votes. When I received my first follower @AlphaWolf3312 I was ecstatic, and was even more excited when my story started getting noticed more an more. After a couple months had passed I started other stories (a lot are unfinished I know xD) but I had become a regular fanfic writer. I made some friends that kept me going and made me want to keep writing.

Even though I don't have any friends that like Pokemon, I now have people that I can talk to and fangirl with everyday. I eventually did tell my friends about my obsession, and after some teasing, they accepted it, and so did I. Now I am not afraid to wear my Pikachu hat outside or tell my friends about the latest Amourshipping details. They even watch with me sometimes. :D I have gained so much confidence thanks to all of you and I have grown so much from when I started. I finished my first story which now has 8,720 reads, (holy fudge!) and I plan on finishing all my other stories this year as well.

Special Thanks To;

@AlphaWolf3312: For not only being the first person to follow me, but also being my friend. You are an amazing writer and I can't wait to work with you on the Amourshipping Watties. >3<

@_ShinyCharmander_: For also being one of my biggest supporters and for being my friend. I love your stories and look forward to working with you too. ;)

@Typovo: For being one of my biggest inspirations to write. I immediately fell in love with your stories and looked up to you. Thx and keep up the great work.

@DylanCrain: For being one of my first friends on Wattpad. You were also one of the first people to read my books and kept me going.

@SerenaDaQueen: For making me laugh so hard my stomach hurt. You are just as crazy as me and I love it.

@Blue_Biscuit_Senpai (Hopefully you will be back someday ;) ) I loved reading all your books and I looked forward to laughing hysterically at your Randomness Book everyday ;)

There are so many others I could go on about @CharlesMcChesnut @ZechTech Dragon_Ninja_Gren @LittleAmour, etc. etc. but you are all probably sick of my talking by now ;) Anyways, thank you all for a wonderful year and I look forward to the next one >3<

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