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The saying of "forgive and forget" is a lie. You can forgive without forgetting. If you "forget" about everything that took place and what the other person (or people) did to you, then you are setting yourself up for another round of what happened.

I recently forgave a few people in my life. Three to be exact.

For me forgiveness is not holding anything of the past over the other person, but if they continue to do it, I guard myself from that person (or those people). They lose my trust and there is nothing wrong with that.

But people think, "Oh, you're a Christian you can't do that." Where in the Bible does it say to let someone else walk all over you and to continue letting that person wrong you? It doesn't.

Christianity is about love and forgiveness, not forgetting about something that could very well happen again.

I love these three people, on different levels but love is there, and I have forgiven them for things of the past.

Only something happened recently and it's in my nature, when things of the past get brought up again, for the emotions of the past to resurface.

I fail, and me reacting to something that happened years ago and I forgave those who wronged me at the time, was something that wasn't Christ-like.

Because of the deep digging of old wounds that are scars now, the scars began to bleed.

Last night at my church's student service, the speaker talked about Love and Forgiveness. It was so filled with truth and it hit me so hard. I forgave them, but I still let people bring it up when it was forgiven.

I have forgiven the past, I have moved forward, it's about time everyone else around me does the same. For when we hold onto the past, we as humans get stuck there. That hurts us more than the people that wronged us.

Don't let past hurts get you down; that's the past, move past that into a brighter future.


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