Funny turns into Scary

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                           Rin's POV

        My feet are killing me.You know  how you walk for hours and your feet feel like you have blisters.Yea that's what I'm dealing with right now.The good news was we were here in downtown but the bad news was we all split up and I was alone eating my favorite popsicle stick with blistering feet.Just great I can't find them and I somehow ended up in the flower shop.At first I was confused but then I did a little bit of math in my head to solve the problem:

                Flowers + flower shop=


      Figures that Shiemi would be in a flower shop -_- I mean she has a garden and her kimono has like a flower design on it so why wouldn't she be here.I started going into the flower shop to get Shiemi and then find the others.As I entered the cashier smiled and asked if I needed some flowers but I just shook my head and asked if she seen a short blonde haired girl.She nodded a yes and pointed out where she went.I said thank you and left to find Shiemi and get out of here to find the others.

       And there I saw something I could not believe my eyes.Shiemi and Yukio together?!?.I thought my eyes were playing tricks one me so I rubbed them and blinked again but they were still there.I then began to think and an evil smile came across my face.So I sneaked up behind them without them knowing I was here and said, "whatcha guys doing."

   They jumped up and shrieked like the boogie man scared them."Ni-san!!What are you doing here?!?!" Yukio said with a big red blush covering his face which made him look like a red apple with glasses.

   "I should be asking you the same question. I expected to find Shiemi here but you? Now I thought you were at some book store with Konekomaru but in a flower shop? No for me this is something I would laugh about."I said looking at Shiemi and Yukio's faces.

    "Well I was here all by myself and Yuki came here to find me since he was done with his errands", Shiemi said with the a pink blush that covered her entire face like she was a flower.I looked at Shiemi then at Yukio and said I came here to get Shiemi so we can find the others.They both nod their heads and when Shiemi left I gave whispered to my brother and said "you told me you didn't have errands today".He just stomped off with a straight face while I laughed silently and headed out with them

                             *         *        *

    Well we found everyone except for Izumo.Bon was at a skate park, Konekomaru was at the library and Shima





.....was at a cafe flirting with girls but eventually got slapped in the face so hard he has a big red handprints on the right and left side of his face.For me it was hilarious cause one girl had a bag and he got hit with hit senselessly.I mean come on you have to admit its kind of funny when your friends get hurt in a not so painful experience.Now the only person were looking for is purple bro-I mean Izumo.

     "I wonder where Izumo-San is",Shiemi wondered while she was thinking where that girl might be.

     "Maybe she's at the store buying a new perfume or a doll."Konekomaru said with the same face as Shiemi's.Somehow I doubt that on so many levels that she would buy that.

      "Or at a blacksmith shop for weapons to torture us depending on her attitude.The bitch was pissed off when we tried to throw her a surprise party for her birthday but instead she made all of our birthday on the same day",Suguro said with his back leaning against the wall.For once I agree with him I mean she was mad while we were trying to throw her a surprise birthday party.

   "Or maybe buying new bathing suit or better yet new underwear",Shima said with his head nodding and eyes closed.All of us just looked at him as if he had mental problems.We just sweatdropped at the thought of her actually doing that.In fact I can't imagine that Period.Konekomaru just sighed and said that he really is a pervert.Then out of nowhere Izumo just came and freaked out.

    "Miss Izumo take a deep breath and tell us what's wrong",Yukio told her and she did as she was told except for the telling us part she just started to walk off somewhere and all of us just started followed her leading the way.For about 15 minutes of walking we stopped and by now I notice that we were in front of an alley that had trash cans on the left side and Izumo started walking all the way until she made a left and we all started running and made a left and Izumo just stood there.At first none of us know what was going on then when we walked towards where Izumo was standing and when we saw it just made our eyes popped out of our eye sockets.Shiemi gasped, Konekomaru looked like he was about to crap bricks, Shima was looking like he didn't want to look, Suguro looked like Shima but a little bit mad, Yukio had his mouth opened slightly and I just looked shocked and pissed off to see who would do this to an innocent person.I couldn't believe what we were seeing with our own eyes.

        A girl with brown hair in pigtails with a huge scratch on her hip that was bleeding and she was out cold while one hand holding her bleeding hip and the other holding a katana.Who or what could have done this to her?That was the only question running through all our minds...

                           ★          ★         ★

Well that was kinda Intense huh?But here's chapter 3 for you guys hope you like it!! (∩_∩)

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