FNiA: (Sample #5)

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Story Title: Flukey's Nights At Fredina's Nightclub

♡FNiA Harem x Author Insert♡

Special Story for: FlukeyThunder74



[Third Pov]

It was a beautiful afternoon in Nightcore City. The kids are playing in the park, adults are either working, drinking in a bar, or cheating on their lover somewhere else. Summer vacation is already starting as school's are closing for a few months. However, we aren't hear to discuss all of the details as we need to focus on our main protagonist.

As the scene changes to our main protagonist, in a lovely neighborhood, we can see him entering his home, a very lovely house that he's living in.

Our main protagonist just came back from Highschool after a long day. However, he wasn't happy as he threw his backpack across the living room in annoyance.

???: {Annoyed} Tch! Damn those bastards! They could never leave me alone! Ugh, just one more year Flukey, and you won't have to deal with those punks again.

This handsome and attractive fellow is our main protagonist; Flukey Thunder. He is an 18-year old that goes to Raven Highschool. That school is a pain to go to, but Flukey makes the most of it. The reason why Flukey is so annoyed is that he had to deal with bullying and getting into a fist fight with them...again. It's the same shit he had to deal with since junior high. However, Flukey isn't no push over as he can kick ass. He doesn't even know why the bullies tend to pick on him so much, but he'll be damned if they think they can win.

Anyways, Flukey sighed as he wiped a bit of blood from his mouth with his sleeve as he walked and picked up his backpack. He was already having a bad day and he doesn't want to deal with anything right. Flukey then head upstairs into his room and changed into something more comfortable to wear and headed back downstairs and started fixing some dinner for him. Flukey has been living alone for as long as he can remember. His parents died when he was very young, meaning he needed to fend for himself as he had no other relatives left to take care of him. However, his parents did left him lots and lots of money for him, but knew it won't last forever.

Flukey knew he was running out of money as he only has about 15k in his bank account and these bills aren't giving him a break. He knew he needed to find a job as soon as possible or he'll be living on the streets and he wouldn't like that one bit. However, finding a job isn't easy as for the past few months, Flukey applied for many jobs but none of them accepted him. Either telling him that he "isn't fit for the job", "he's too young", or they "have enough employees". Talk about bad luck and bullshit.

However, Flukey never lose hope as he'll never give up. He knew time was running out for him, so he needs to be quick about it. After cooking his dinner, Flukey sat his bowl at the table and went to the mail to see if he has any mail.

When living alone, Flukey picked up a lot of skills like; cooking delicious hot meals, baking, sewing, laundry, etc. Flukey noticed that he has to do some shopping when he gets the chance as his fridge is going on empty. Anyways, Flukey was correct as he got mail, including a newspaper. Flukey went back inside, sat at the table, and began eating his meal as he went through his mail.

Flukey: {Enjoying his meal} Let's see...bills...bills....bills....junk...bills...jobs list...eh?'

As Flukey was going through his bill and junk letters, he finally came across the newspaper as there were many job ads saying "Help Wanted". As he continued eating, Flukey tossed the mail aside as he began reading the newspaper's jobs ad.

Flukey: Alright let's see...plumber? Nah. Electrician? Don't have a degree yet. Actor? Not my cup of tea..sorry. Hm, oh?

Something actually caught his attention. It was an ad, but not just any job ad, it was a job ad for Fredina Fazbear's Nightclub. He never really heard of this place, but he did heard of the original Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaria, but that got shut down for good. Flukey saw the image of the new face of Freddy's.

Flukey: A....girl animatronic? Huh, neat.

As he looking at the ad, especially the pay, he's eyes nearly popped out.

Flukey: {Shocked} Nani?! 200 dollars per hour?! Just for the security guard position?! That's...really insane. Are they that desperate? Well, sign me up! Hope nobody got the position yet.

Flukey quickly finished his meal as he got out his phone and quickly dial the number of Fredina Fazbear's Nightclub. He hopes he'll get the position as the money can really help him out. However, he can't help but feel a bit odd about the night guard position, but push those feelings aside as the phone ringed. Seriously, what can possibly go wrong?

[Story Sample End..!]

Well? Hope you guys love it♡. This story might be the 3rd story to be available for you to read. I just hope you guys love Five Nights In Anime.

This story is specially made for Flukey. He is absolutely an angel, incredibly amazing! He is a very big help and he never seems to get annoyed with me, bothering him for help of the images I'll post since I had many problems with that on my other accounts. He is so cool and I'll appreciate it if you guys can give him some love and support and give his stories a chance♡. Thank you so much, readers!

I know he said that he doesn't want a story when I offered him to make a story about him, but his kindness and helpfulness made me do it. So, if you're reading this hun, sorry if I still made a story without your permission♡.


May 6, 2023


Time: 6:48 pm

Words: 1,028

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