Choo-Choo Charles: (Story Idea #8) (Published)

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Story Title: Battling A Spider Train From Hell

♡Choo-Choo Charles x Authors Insert♡



Trailer Plot: Both Katherine Milky Kuren and Chaos Kuren are Monster Hunters as well as a married couple. The both hunted Grim Reapers, Demons, Most dangerous SCP's, hell...even Big Foot! However, one day as both Katie and Chaos just wanted to spend some time together and go on dates, they get a called by a person named; Eugene from an Island about a Monster and needed their help badly. He didn't say which Monster they'll be fighting over the phone...yet. Now, both Katie and Chaos traveled to the island, locked and loaded, to help with the Monster problem. However, one thing that Katie can't deal goddamn spiders!!

Full Name: Katherine Milky Kuren

Age: 26

Species/Race: Human

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight


Full Name: Chaos Kuren

Age: 27

Species/Race: Human

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight


Oc: MonarchChaos (Chaos Kuren) - He has join the story!

(Other people can join for current stories I'll have available)


December 11, 2022


Time: 8:58 am

Words: 186

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