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[ ☼ ]

      Dr. George Waxler, M.D. is sitting across from his patient, Scott Carey. A tape recorder sits on the table between them. "Don't be afraid, Scott. You can tell me anything, you know that. Whatever you say won't leave this room." George says.

      "It started a little over a year ago. Migraines at first. Then I found I could do...stuff." Scott says.

      "What do you mean, "do stuff"?" George asks.

      "I have this ability. When I touch something, I can electrocute it if I want."

      "How do you know?"

      "I did it to the neighbor's cat. Its insides fried up like a hamburger." Scott says. Dr. Waxler frowns and takes a note, his face passive. "You don't believe me."

      "I believe that you believe it."

      Scott leans forward, extending his hand. "Then here. Wanna shake on it?" He says to George and he looks uncomfortable.

      "Why would you want to kill the neighbor's cat?" George diverts.

      "I don't. He wants me to, and he doesn't want me to stop there." Scott says.


      "The yellow-eyed man. He comes to me in my dreams. Tells me to do things, awful things. But I tell him no, no, I don't want to!" Scott yells.

      "What else does the yellow-eyed man tell you?"

      "He...he has plans for me."

      "What kind of plans?" Dr George asks.

[ ☾]

      Scott is walking alone under a dark and creepy train track. He hears something. "Hello?" He calls out.

      As he gets to his car, he sees a dark figure reflected in the window. Scott turns slowly and sees that it's a man holding a knife. The man stabs Scott twice, killing him. Blood flows from his mouth.

      "Before Dad died he, he told me something — something about you." Dean says and he has Sam and Elena's full attention.

      "What? Dean, what did he tell you?" Sam asks.

      "He said that he wanted me to watch out for you, to take care of you." Dean says.

      "He told you that a million times." Sam says bluntly.

      "No, this time was different. He said that I had to save you." Dean says.

      Elena furrows her brows. "Save him from what?" She asks.

      "He just said that I had to save you, that nothing else mattered; and that if I couldn't, I'd..." Dean starts.

      "You'd what, Dean?" Sam asks.

      "That I'd have to kill you. He said that I might have to kill you, Sammy." Dean says and looks at his brother sadly.

      "Kill me? What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

      "I don't know." Says Dean.

      "I mean, he must have had some kind of reason for saying it, right? Did he know the demon's plans for me? Am I supposed to go Darkside or something? What else did he say, Dean?" Sam asks.

      "Nothing, that's it, I swear." Dean says.

      Elena crosses her arms. "Why would he tell you to do that in the first place?" She asks Dean, but he shakes his head.

      "I don't know." Dean says softly.

      "How could you not have told me this?" Sam asks.

      "Because it was Dad, and he begged me not to."

      "Who cares?!" Sam yells. "Take some responsibility for yourself, Dean! You had no right to keep this from me!"

      "You think I wanted this? Huh? I wish to God he'd never opened his mouth. Then I wouldn't have to walk around with this screaming in my head all day." Dean says.

      Sam turns and takes a few steps away, fuming. "We've just got to figure out what's going on, then, what the hell all this means." He says.

      "We do? I've been thinking about this, I think we should just lay low. You know? At least for a while. It'd be safer. And that way I can make sure —" Dean starts.

      "What? That I don't turn evil? That I don't turn into some kind of killer?" Sam asks.

      "I never said that."

      "Jeez, if you're not careful you will have to waste me one day, Dean." Sam says.

      "Don't say that!" Elena says.

      "Damnit, Sam, this whole thing is spinning out of control. All right? You're immune to some weirdo demon virus, and I don't even know what the hell anymore. And you're pissed at me, I get it. That's fine, I deserve it. But we lay low until we figure out our next move, okay?" Dean says.

      "Forget it." Sam says.

      "Sam, please, man. Hey, please. Just give me some time. Give me some time to think, okay? I'm begging you here, please. Please." Dean says and Sam nods reluctantly.

[ ☾]

      Sam leaves a motel room alone, a bag over his shoulder. He walks quietly past the Impala to a small black car; he opens the door with a coat hanger, looks around, and gets in. He drives away.

[ ☾]

      Sam is standing outside a dark house, holding a piece of motel stationary from The Blue Rose Motel, with an address written on it. He approaches the house cautiously.

      He picks the lock and enters; the house is dark. As he passes through the doorway he trips a wire at floor level, which triggers a grenade. It explodes; he screams. A close shot of his smoking boots dissolves into a flash of light, then into a bedroom.

      Ava, a young woman, wakes up from the vision/nightmare, gasping. The Man behind her stirs. "Hey, honey?" He asks.

      "Oh." She says.

      "You okay?" He asks.

      "No, I just had another nightmare. It's fine, it's nothing. Just go back to sleep." Ava says.

      "You sure?"

      "Yeah." She lays down again, still panting.

      Elena wakes up in the motel, head banging. She looks up to see an empty bed and Dean sleeping in the chair. "Wha...?" She says.

      She looks at her nightstand and sees a nicely folded piece of paper on it. Elena reaches over and reads the note, getting frustrated after she's done.

      Then she moves and pushes Dean roughly in the shoulder. His eyes flash open and he looks like he's ready to punch her. "What the hell?" He says. "I could've done some serious damage to your face!"

      "Sam's gone." Elena says and Dean gets up to look at the neatly folded sheets on Sam's bed. He's the only one that did that. "And he left me this crappy note."

      Dean frowns and stands. "Why do I get this weird sense of dejá vu?" He asks, then realizes. "Oh right."

      "It's the same thing I said to him when I left." She says.

[ ☾]

      Sam enters the Roadhouse, and heads turn. Ellen is behind the bar, and looks up as he approaches. She smiles knowingly. "Sam." She says.

      Sam grins sheepishly. "Hey, Ellen. You don't seem that surprised to see me." He says.

      "Well, your brother and Elena have been calling, worried sick, looking for you." Ellen says.

     "Yeah. Figured they might."

      "What's going on between you and Dean?" Ellen asks.

      "So, um, how's Jo?" Sam asks.

      Ellen nods. "Well, I don't really know." She says.

      "What do you mean?" Sam asks.

      "Well, I haven't seen her in weeks. She sends a postcard now and again." Ellen says.

      "Well, what happened?"

      "Well, after she worked that job with you boys she decided she wanted to keep on hunting. I said 'not under my roof', and she said 'fine'." Ellen says sadly.

      "So I'm probably the last person you want to see right now."

     Ellen chuckles. "Oh, don't get me wrong. I wish I could blame the hell out of you boys. It's be easier. Truth is, it's not your fault. Sam. None of it is. I want you to know that I forgave your daddy a long time ago for what happened to my Bill. I just don't think he ever forgave himself." She says.

      "What did happen?" Sam asks.

      "Um, so, why did you come here, sweetie?" Ellen asks.

      "I need help."

      Later, Ellen and Sam are talking to Ash, who is looking around furtively. "What am I looking for, Sam?" Ash asks.

      "Other people, other psychics, like me. As many as possible, and I need a nationwide search." Sam says.

      "But I thought there was no way to track them all down. Not all of them had nursery fires like you did." Says Ellen.

      "Well, no, but some had to. Start there."

      Later on,Ash emerges from his back room with a piece of paper in his hand. He gives it a flourish. "Done, and done." Ash says.

      "That was fast." Sam says.

      "Well, apparently, that's my job. Make the monkey dance at the keyboard." Ash jokes.

      "Just tell us what you got, Ash." Ellen says.

      "Four folks fit the profile nationwide. Born in '83, mother died in a nursery fire, the whole shebang." Ash says.

      "Four? That's it?"

      "Sam Winchester from Lawrence, Kansas, Max Miller from Saginaw, Michigan, Andrew Gallagher from Guthrie, Oklahoma, and uh, another name. Scott Carey." Ash says.

      "You got an address?"

      "Kind of. The Arbor Hill Cemetery in Lafayette, Indiana. Plot four-eighty-six."

      Sam is confused. "So he's dead?"

      "Killed, about a month ago."

      "Killed how?" Sam asks.

      "Stabbed. Parking lot. Fuzz don't have much, no suspects," Ash says.

      "All right. Thank you."

      As he gets up to leave, Ash slaps him on the back; when he's out of eyeshot Ash picks up Sam's half-full beer and starts drinking it. "Where are you going?" Ellen asks.

      "Indiana." Sam says.

      "Sam? I've gotta call Dean, I've gotta let him know where you are." Ellen says.

      "Ellen. I'm trying to find answers, about who I am. And my brother means well, but he can't protect me from that. Please." Sam says and Ellen nods reluctantly.

[ ☼ ]

      Sam is sitting with Scott's father in his living room, talking. "So you say you went to high school with Scott?" Mr Carey asks.

      "Uh, yes sir, I did. I just heard about what happened, I'm so sorry."
Sam says.

      "Scotty was a good boy. He changed a lot since you knew him."

      "What do you mean?" Sam asks.

     "It started about a year ago with these headaches. And then he got depressed, paranoid, nightmares." Mr Carey confesses.

      "Nightmares? Um, did he ever talk to you about his nightmares? What he saw, or," Sam starts.

      Mr. Carey shakes his head. "No, no. He closed up with me. I tried to get him help, but nothing took. He'd just lock himself in his room for days."

      "You think maybe I could see his room?" Sam asks.

[ ☼ ]

      Sam pokes around. The room contains a bare bed with a sleeping bag, some bookshelves covered in books and cassette tapes. On the bedside table he sees several bottles of pills, prescribed by Dr. George Waxler.

      Sam looks behind him, then pockets one bottle. He opens Scott's closet and shoves aside the clothes to reveal a collage of yellow eyes cut out of photos or magazines, glued to the wall. He stares.

[ ☾]

      Sam walks across the parking lot. As he gets to the door he senses he's being followed; he turns and grabs the figure behind him, shoving her against the wall. It is Ava. "Who are you?" He asks.

      "Please! You're in danger." She says.

      Later, Ava is pacing, talking somewhat frantically. "Okay, look, I know how all this sounds, but I am not insane and I am not on drugs. Okay? I am normal, and this is way, way off the map for me." She says.

      "All right, all right, just, just calm down. Okay? What's your name?" Sam asks.


      "Ava?" Sam asks.

      "Ava Wilson."

      Sam points to himself. "Ava, I'm Sam Winchester, all right? Now, you were telling me about these dreams of yours?"

      "Uh, yeah, uh, okay, about a year ago I started having these, like, headaches, and just, nightmares, I guess. And I really didn't think much of it until I had this one dream where I saw this guy get stabbed in a parking lot." Ava says.

      "When was this?" Sam asks.

      "Uh, about a month ago. But, anyway, a couple of days later, I found this." She pulls out a newspaper clipping and hands it to Sam; it reads "LOCAL Man STABBED TO DEATH IN PARKING LOT" next to a picture of Scott Carey. Sam takes the clipping. "I saw this guy die, days before it happened. I don't know why, I don't know, it's just for some reason, my dreams are coming true. And last night I had another one." Ava says.


      "About you. I saw you die." Says Ava.

      "How did you find me?" Sam asks.

      Ava thinks for a second. "Oh, uh, you had motel stationary, and I Googled the motel, and it was real, and so I just thought that I should warn you." She says.

      "I don't believe this." Sam says.

      "Oh, oh, of course you don't. You think I'm a total nutjob." Ava says.

      Sam puts his hands up. "Wait, no, no, no, I mean, you must be one of us."

      "Sorry, one of, one of who?" Ava asks.

      "One of the Psychics. Like me. Look, Ava, I have visions too, all right? So we're connected."

      Ava laughs. "Okay, so, you're nuts. That's great."

      "Okay, okay, look. Did your mother happen to die in a house fire?" Sam asks.

      "No, my mother lives in Palm Beach!" Ava yells.

      "So you don't fit the pattern either." Sam says and Ava frowns at him in confusion.

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