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[ ☼ ]

      Dean and Bobby are grabbing all kinds of weapons as Elena watches. "Let's go." Dean says to Bobby.

      "I'm going with you." Elena says and begins waking.

      "The hell you are." Dean says, stopping her. "We already have enough problems as it is."

      She shoves him off. "You don't understand, I'm going. You can't protect me and you could someone out there helping you guys."

      "Sam would kill me if anything happened to you." Dean says.

      Realizing that she's been beat, Elena sighs. "Just make sure you save him. And be careful." She says.

      "Alright." Dean says and begins walking to the front door with Bobby.

      "Dean." Elena says and he stops, turning to her. "Promise me."

      Dean sighs. "I promise."


[ ☼ ]

      "You ruined my life. You killed everyone I love." Sam says.

      "The cost of doing business, I'm afraid. I mean, sweet little Jessica-she just had to die. You were all set to marry that little blonde thing, become a tax Lawyer with two kids, a beer gut, and a little McMansion in the suburbs. I needed you sharp on the road, honing your skills. Your gifts." YED says. "But I do have to say, Elena is a much better choice."

      "What's that supposed to mean?" Sam asks.

      "No spoiler alerts for now." YED says.
      "What about my mom?" Sam asks.

      "That was bad luck."

      "Bad luck?" Sam asks.

      "She walked in on us. Wrong place, wrong time." It says.

      "What does that mean?"

      "It wasn't about her. It was about you. It's always been about you." YED says.


      "Well...okay. You caught me in a charitable mood. I'll show you." The demon snaps his fingers, and he and Sam are suddenly in Sam's nursery, back on the night Mary died. "Look familiar? It should."

      Sam watches his six-month-old self crying in his crib, while the Yellow-Eyed Demon from the past stands over him all those years ago. "Relax, Sam, this is just a hi-def instant replay. Enjoy the show." The Past YED says.

      Mary Winchester enters the room, looking tired. "John?" She asks.

      "Mom!" Sam yells.

      "Is he hungry?" She asks.

      "Shh." Past YED says.

      "Okay." Mary leaves.

      "Wait, Mom. Mom!" Sam yells.

      "What did I just tell you, Sam? She can't hear you. This isn't real." Present YED says.

      They watch as the Past YED slices his own wrist with his nail. He drips some of the blood onto Baby Sam's mouth. "What the hell are you doing to me?" Sam asks.

      "Better than mother's milk." Present YED says.
      "Does this mean I have demon blood in me?" Sam asks as the demon chuckles. "Answer me!"

      Mary suddenly rushes back into the room. The past YED turns to her, revealing his colored eyes. "It's you." She says.

      "She knew you." Sam says.

      Mary begins to walk closer, but the past YED forces her against the wall. They watch as she slowly moves up the wall, until she is pinned to the ceiling. "No! No!" Sam yells.

      "I don't think you wanna see the rest of this." Present YED snaps his fingers again. Sam jolts awake in the abandoned South Dakota house.

      "Sam, wake up! Ava's missing." Jake says. He and Sam go outside. "I'll take the barn and the hotel. You take the houses."

      "All right. Meet back here in ten minutes, okay?" Sam asks.


      Sam begins his walk to the houses. Ava peeks her head out from around the corner, but Sam doesn't see her.

      Meanwhile, Andy has stayed back at the abandoned building. When he turns, Ava is standing in the room with him. She drags her finger along the salt on the windowsill, breaking the line.

      "Ava, where'd you go? Didn't you hear us yelling?" Andy asks.

      "Yeah, I heard you."She puts her hands to her head in concentration. A cloud of black demon smoke appears outside the window. Since the salt line has been broken, it is able to enter the room through the window.

      "What are you doing?" The smoke suddenly materializes into the demonic little girl. "Holy..." Andy starts.

      The demon girl knocks him down and wastes no time in killing him. His blood splatters everywhere until he is completely dead. Ava watches his corpse for a second, amused, then begins screaming.

      Outside, Sam hears Ava screaming and hurries inside. He sees her crying, pointing at Andy's body. "Sam! I just found him like this!" She yells.

      "What happened?" Sam asks.

      "I don't know!" Ava yells.

      "How'd that thing get in? Where were you?" Sam asks.

      "I just went to get some water from the well. I was only gone maybe, like, two minutes!" Ava yells.

      "You shouldn't have gone outside. Ava, we have to stay in here." Sam notices the salt on the window. "Who did that?"

      "I don't know, maybe Andy—" Ava starts.

      "Andy wouldn't do that. Ava, that line wasn't broken when I left. Ava." Sam says.

      "What? You don't think that I—"

      "I'll tell you what I think: five months. You're the only one with all that time you can't account for. And that headache you got? Right when the demon got Lily." Sam says.

      "What are you trying to say?"

      "What happened to you?" Sam asks.

      "Nothing!" Ava yells and Sam stares her down until a minute later, she drops the act. "Had you going though, didn't I?" She wipes her eyes. "Yeah. I've been here a long time. And not alone, either. People just keep showing up. Children, like us. Batches of three or four at a time."

      "You killed them? All of them?" Sam asks.

      "I'm the undefeated heavyweight champ." Ava says.

      "Oh, my God."

      "Don't think God has much to do with this, Sam." She says.

      "How could you?"

      "I had no choice. It was me or them. After a while, it was easy. It was even kind of fun. I just stopped fighting it." Ava says.

      "Fighting what?" Sam asks.

      "Who we are, Sam. If you just quit your hand-wringing and open yourself up, you have no idea what you can do. The learning curve is so fast, it's crazy, the switches that just flip in your brain. I can't believe I started out just having dreams. Do you know what I can do now?" She asks.

      "Control demons." Says Sam.

      "Ah, you are quick on the draw." Ava puts her hands to her head. "Yeah, I'm sorry, Sam. But it's over."

      The cloud of black smoke returns to the window. Just as it is about to enter, Jake comes to the building. He grabs Ava and twists her neck, killing her instantly. The demonic smoke leaves the window and disappears.

      Outside, near the edge of the woods, Bobby and Dean pull up in the Impala. "Looks like the rest of the way's on foot." Bobby says. They open the trunk and grab their weapons.

     "Let's go." Dean says.

      Back at the building, Sam and Jake leave and head outside. "I think we can make it out of here now." Sam says.

      "But the Acheri demon..." Jake starts.

      "No, no, no. Ava was summoning it, controlling it. It shouldn't come back now that she's dead. We've gotta go." Sam says.
      "Not "we", Sam. Only one of us is getting out of here. I'm sorry." Jake says.


      "I had a vision. That Yellow-Eyed Demon or whatever it was, he talked to me. He told me how it was." Jake says.

      "No, Jake, listen. You can't listen to him." Says Sam.

      "Sam, he's not letting us go. Only one. Now, if we don't play along, he'll kill us both. Now, I like you, man. I do. But do the math here. What good's it do for both of us to die? Now, I can get out of here. I get close to the demon, I can kill the bastard."

      "You come with me, we can kill him together." Sam says.

      "How do I know you won't turn on me?" Jake asks.

      "I won't."

      "I don't know that."

      "Okay, look." Sam takes out his knife, shows it to Jake, and places it on the ground. "Just come with me, Jake. Don't do this. Don't play into what it wants."

      After a pause, Jake places his weapon on the ground as well. Sam looks very relieved. "Okay." Sam says.

      Suddenly, Jake punches him. With his super-strength, Sam goes flying across the field and crashes onto the ground. Jake approaches, kicking down the fence and leaning over Sam. Sam stands and fights back, punching Jake.

      The two continue fighting for a while until finally, Sam grabs the iron bar that Jake was using and knocks Jake out. He thinks of killing Jake with the iron rod but decides to leave him alone.

      Down the street, Bobby and Dean are approaching. "Sam!" Dean yells.

      "Dean!" Sam yells back, holding his arm in the rain.

      Jake suddenly wakes up. He grabs the knife that Sam had placed on the ground. "Sam, look out!" Dean yells, but it's too late. Jake stabs the knife right through Sam's back. "No!" Dean yells as he runs.

      Jake twists the knife, creating a massive wound, before running away. Sam falls to his knees.

      While Bobby chases after Jake, Dean slides to the ground in front of Sam. He grabs at Sam's clothing, trying to keep him conscious. "Sam!" Dean yells as Sam falls forward onto Dean's shoulder. "Whoa, whoa, Sam. Sam! Hey! Come here. Let me look at you."

      He places his hand on Sam's wound, covering his entire palm in blood. "Hey, look at me. It's not even that bad. It's not even that bad, all right? Sammy? Sam! Hey, listen to me. We're gonna patch you up, okay? You're gonna be good as new. I'm gonna take care of you. I'm gonna take you care of you. I've got you. That's my job, right? Watch out for my pain-in-the-ass little brother? Sam? Sam! Sammy!"

      Sam's eyes slide shut. His entire body slumps forward. "No. No, no, no, no. Oh, God." With tears streaming down his face, Dean holds Sam in his arms as he dies.


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