Chapter 3: Chisaki wakes up

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Chapter 3
Hikari and Miuna both
looked at each other then faced Chisaki. "We should take her home with us" said Miuna. "I want to but there will be no room for Chisaki. The only place she can stay is at Tsumugu's grandpas house" said Hikari. Miuna shook her head agreeing. The two carried Chisaki all the way to Tsumugu's house where his grandpa was outside on the porch. "Please can you let Chisaki stay here until the rest of the people in Shioshishio wake up" asked Hikari. "Yes that would be fine" answered Tsumugu's grandpa. "Thank you very much" said Miuna.

Miuna's POV
I'm happy that one of Hikari's friends are here, but she is still sleeping. I know that Chisaki has feelings for Hikari also, know I want Hikari to know how I feel before Chisaki wakes up.
End of POV

At Tsumugu's grandpas house Chisaki was sleeping in one of Tsumugu's grandpas guest room. Slowly, Chisaki started to wake up. "Where am I?, where's Manaka, Hikari and...Kaname?" Chisaki said. Tsumugu's grandpa heard Chisaki and went upstairs. "Chisaki, Hikari and Miuna have both brought you here, they said for me to tell you when you wake up that you will be staying here until the residents of Shioshishio wake up" said Tsumugu's grandpa. "Okay, tomorrow I will visit them" Chisaki said.

The next day was a Saturday so both Hikari and Miuna didn't have school. Chisaki walked around and remembered all the things that has happened during the ofunehiki, she remembered when the ocean started to get rough and there were massive waves coming towards the ships. During the Ofunehiki Kaname was grabbing onto the boat seeing Tsumugu on Chisakis lap when she rescued him, Kanames eyes looked sad but he gave a smile while he fell off the boat, Chisaki saw Kaname she went after him and tried to rescue him but she ended up falling into the ocean and hibernated where she fell. Kaname is not awake yet and they don't know where he could be, Chisaki felt it was her fault if she paid more attention to Kaname, maybe Kaname could have woken up sooner. Chisaki started to regret what she had done.

Chisaki knocked on the door and Hikari and Miuna answered and they were surprised to see Chisaki awake. "Good morning" said Chisaki. "You're finally awake now! There are a lot of things I have to tell you, there were many things that happened when you and I were asleep" said Hikari. Miuna invited Chisaki inside and all of them sat down at the table. "Where is Kaname and Manaka?" asked Chisaki. "Manaka apparently woke up a month after the hibernation and now she is 19 years old while the rest of us are still the same age. Manaka stayed at Tsumugu's grandpas house with Tsumugu, and during those years with Tsumugu both of them started to fall in love with each other and now they are married and live in America. It's been a month since I have woken up, and now you are here. I still can't find Kaname, I searched yesterday looking for the 2 of you but I couldn't find any of you until I came back up to see you laying on a glacier" answered Hikari. "What!? Manaka is in America with Tsumugu! That is unreal but I kind of figured they would have ended up with each other anyways, more importantly I want to help find Kaname" said Chisaki. "I will be going down to Shioshishio later to find him, it is freezing down there and I don't want you to get sick" said Hikari. "No, I will help find Kaname, him being lost in the ocean is my fault. During the Ofunehiki when I rescued Tsumugu I saw Kaname holding onto the boat, his eyes showed sadness but he put on a smile while I was holding Tsumugu. Once the wave hit Kaname fell off the boat, I dived into the ocean hoping I would see Kaname but I didn't, if I had helped him into the boat then he could have been awake now and we wouldn't have to be finding him. So I want to help find Kaname no matter what " said a determined Chisaki. "Okay Chisaki lets go look for Kaname" said Hikari.

Hikari's POV
I saw tears coming down Chisakis face, Kaname was the guy who always puts others happiness before his, he wants to see everyone safe before he can be safe. Seeing Chisaki with Tsumugu must have hurt him, when Chisaki said that Kaname was sad then he was hurt, but why? As me and Chisaki walk down to the dock Chisaki asked me "Do you like Miuna?" My face turned red. "Yes...I have finally realized my feelings
for Miuna was different then the feelings I had for Manaka" Chisaki looked at me in the eye and said "I knew you and Miuna looked great together, I have realized something as well" I didn't know what Chisaki was referring to but then she said "I used to like you as well but I realized that I only liked you because of your determination whenever Manaka and I were lost you would be there to rescue us, I only admired that part of you and not all of you. Kaname confessed his feelings towards me the day before the Ofunehiki but I didn't give him a response because I still had feelings for you, but when I saw the look on Kanames face when I was with Tsumugu that's when I realized Kaname was the one that was always there, understands me, and I can always be myself when I'm around him. I love Kaname" I was shocked, I didn't know Kaname confessed and now I know that Chisaki likes Kaname. "Chisaki, tell Kaname everything starting with the Ofunehiki" I said. "Thank you for listening Hikari and you too, you should tell Miuna your feelings for her also" said Chisaki
End Of POV

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