Chapter 1

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Readers Point of View

as we enter the library, goth instantly saw. He exited his counter and help fresh on carrying me.

"Hey, are you two okay? Who did this?" He asked us both, fresh look at him while I was looking down.

Goth sigh, "it's them again huh?" He said, we both nodd, "wait here I'll go get some ice." He said and exited the library. While we were waiting for our friends, someone opened the door.

We thought it was them, but It was basically palette.

Once he saw us, he quickly went our table, he sat down calmly. Once he sat down, he sigh.

"...WHO DID THIS TO YOU GUYS!?!" he shouted,


"sorry, sorry..." he said, he looked at us very serious. "Once again, who did this?" He asked, I look down as fresh rub my back, "please don't remind her, or remind us." He said, palette nodded in understanding.

Third person view

Goth returned, he saw palette and sign hi, which palette returned.

"Here..." he said, as he handle the ice bag to fresh aas he put it in his cheeks, you on the other hand still holding you're stomach.

"(Name)...we gotta take you to the nurses office, so that Ms. Toriel could give you a pain killer." Palette said with a worried look, "No, I'm okay. I'm...I'm just gonna get home..." you said, goth and fresh looked at each other, "but it's too early (Name)..." palette said, goth on the other hand, had an idea on his mind.

"(Name), we're not gonna let you skip you're classes. But, we're gonna make a excuse letter of you're absence." Goth said, palette nodd "yeah, maybe that'll work!" He said, fresh looked at you as he hold you're shoulder, "are you sure? You want to go home?" He said, once again you nodd,

You stand up from you're seat as you hold you're stomach, "guys, thanks. But I'll rather be not noticed, so please don't make an excuse letter for me..." as you said, you pick up you're bag, and head outside of the library.

"I feel so sorry for (Name)" palette said, "Yeah, she's so very nice and what's in return is this..." he said in agreement. Fresh nodd, once realization hit him, he said this.

"hey! What about me?"

Reader's POV

I quickly exited the school, and head home.

I live alone, the next was fresh's house. That's why we go to school together, and leave the school together.

My dad has been long dead(in this fanfic), and my mom was 24/7 in her work, I did say I live alone, but that's because I rarely see my mom, when she need to get something she need for her work.

I've been long in depression cause of the bullies. It started when it's my second day on underhigh, it happens when I bump into pj, I said sorry with a bow since I'm new to the school, and my manner is from a Japanese country since I got there to here. He didn't let it past, his gang and him starts to bully me, emotionally and physically.

I'm mostly becoming numb because of them, because of him, of I hate him, there's nothing gonna change.

And also, if I avoid them, and hide myself. They just find me everywhere, and that's when I started to go to the library, that's the place they never enter, except if they really wanted to.

I...I just want to be happy without any of them.

I'm a normal person, I can't fight against them. Their powerful, they got skills. And what do I got? Nothing.

I'm just a nobody, some people may call it. Invisible person when you are visible.

Is it hard to believe that I wanted to end this right now? But then, when my senses knock me out. I realized that my friends really cared for me and loved me, and that's it. I stop myself for being so suicidal. But when I can't get over it, I slit.




That's why I wear clothes that is long sleeves and hoodies. I don't want my friends to worried when they saw what I did. I just don't want to bother them, that's all.

I went to my bedroom, and I turn on my components and radio.

[Plays the song up up ^ ^ ^]

As I was listening to my song, I sat down on my desk as I lay my head on my study table.

I was singing along with my music even tho I feel so down. It makes me more comfortable.

I open my drawer and get my blade,

Should I do this?

I can't do it.

I should do it. I deserve it.

No I won't do it.

It'll be a sin on fathers eyes... I won't do it.

I sigh, I put back the blade on where it should be and continue to listen on my music  as I drifted off to sleep.

I just wish I could be the one who's belong in the whole school...


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