Chapter 3

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It's been watching her since then. It just can't stop stalking her, it can't stop looking at her.

It was just fascinated on how beautiful she was, the problem is, they can't approach her.

Every single time, every day to be exact. They follow her, and the fact that theyve been watching her secretly.

They're not stalking her, but knowing what she was doing everyday.

He's just so curious about her. She''s strong, and she doesn't give up. She had DXgxwxgxuxnxzxmxowxzxpxmx...


Readers point of view

"(Name)!" Someone called out, I turn around to see cray running towards me. I fake smile at him.

"Hey there cray!" I said with a fake tone of my cheery attitude.

"Hey, I just want to ask that you're okay?" He said, I raise an eye brow, then turn into a giggle.

"Of course I am! What makes you think that I'm not?" I said, faking it again. I've been like this for so long. Faking my smile to others.

He sigh in relief, "thank god. I thought something has happened to you."

There is.

"Heh, nothing has happen to me. Why you ask?"

"Nothing in particular. But then again, careful!" He said as running waving good bye at me, as I return it with a 'smile'.

Once he was gone, I can clearly hear undyne's voice.

I saw them walking. Once Their leader looked at me, I quickly turn around and ran away.

Third person

Undyne saw you ran away, "hey Jam! Isn't that the nerd? Let's go mess with it!" Undyne said, full of 'determination'.

PJ chuckle, "later, we'll get her real good." PJ said with a smirk.

"That's what I like about you man!" Undyne said as she rest her arm on PJ's shoulder.

"Heh, I know." PJ said as he look at the way you ran off.


"Phew!" You sigh in relief, really glad that the jocks didn't caught you this time.

But something is up, and you don't what it is. Deciding to ho to the library to see if you're friends are in there.

Opening the door, you saw no one except for palette and goth talking.

Jumping to they're conversation, you startled them.

"(Name)! You scared us!" Palette said as he playfully punch you,

"Sorry..." you said scratching the back of you're head. Faking it again.

You should stop this routine, lying to you're friends that you're okay. But it's the right thing to do in you're opinion

Because you don't want them to worry about you, you'll be a burden to them if you'd say it. But then all of you're thoughts were wrong

They weren't buying you're smile, they also lie to you about believing that youre smile is real. But then you and you're friends are on the same boat. Lying.


"So jam, what's the plan?" Asked Undyne, PJ smirk.

"We or you, humiliate her in the whole school." PJ said, without even noticing that fresh was there.

Once he heard the whole conversation about you, ruining you're reputation.

He ran away to find you, but then he was too late.

PJ knows that fresh heard all of it. So burgerpants make him go knock out by hitting him on the head, making him all dizzy and stuff.

"That was close!" Undyne Said,

"Yeah, close..." skater girl said, as she looks at Fresh sleeping figure.

"Just do it Undyne so we'll be finished." Burgerpants said, as he carrys fresh sleeping figure to the janitors closet.

¤~¤~¤Time skip¤~¤~¤

The bell had rang, leading everyone out of theyre room including you.

Once you got out, everybody was looking at you. Some of them was laughing, giggling, whispering and most of them giving you a disgust look.

You're mind was confuse.

What did I do?


Don't judge me :P

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