Chapter 6

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MY Pov (Its your darksides  Pov)

it's already 6:55 and i know that (Name)'s school time is 7:00. hehe, time to bend some rules 'mom'

I heard knocking on my door. I smirk and head to it to open. I saw Fresh standing.

once he saw me in my sleeping dress he blushed madly, which made me thought.

does fresh like (Name)?

"(N-Name)! i-I thought you were going to school today so I thought--" I cut him off, putting my index finger to his mouth signing to shush.

I gave him a seducing eyes and a smile. he fainted.

I giggle. "Oh come on fresh~" I said as I carry him inside my room.

I'm not planning to do any harm on him, that's what she said. don't hurt anyone she know.
Fresh Pov

I open my eyes and saw a unfamiliar ceiling. I'm in someone's room.

I heard shuffling. I look over to over it and saw (Name) tying her hair up while looking down at me.

Her Dressing change. her eyes showing seduction. Her body change.

I felt a cold liquid coming down from nose, I wipe and saw blood.

What the-- What?! am I nosebleeding in front of her?!

I heard a cute giggle coming out from her mouth.

She stand up, pulling me up close to her.

she's basically shorter than me. I look down to her as my face grew dark red. I want to get out of this.

I can clearly feel her chest to mine. I started to sweat. I feel hot...

"What are you waiting for fresh? let's go or we will get late." She said as she push me a little and went out side.

What happen to her? she's not like that yesterday, and where's her glasses. that's the first time I saw her without her glasses! and her dressing!! she's not wearing those kinds of things! what he'll is up to her today?!

I got out of her house to see her waiting for me.

Wind has been blowing her skirt up and she doesn't even mind it! people were staring at her especially boys! some of them are whistling!

I didn't know what did I do next but I was dragging her all the way to school!

I don't know what is up with her today...

Third persons.

you had been clinging yourself with fresh which made guys glare daggers at him.

he sweats. you look at him with eyes showing seduction.

"Something wrong fresh?" You asked, fresh look at your lips. it was perfect, and kissable.

he blushed and avoid eye contact.

"Can...Can you...get off of me?" He asked, avoiding it to be rude.

You raise an eye brow but then smirk.

"Okay!" You let go of his arm and he fall down at the ground. you giggled.

"Come on fresh! you couldn't be that clumsy~" You said as you head walking to your school, wind blowing up your skirt which made guy drool over you.

you smirk as your eyes change it color to dark red.

this outta be fun...!


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