Caspian -10-

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"Lucy? Edmund?"

You nudged open the door of the spare bedroom which your younger brother and your cousin were sharing for the time being, and frowned when you didn't find your siblings anywhere within. You could have sworn you'd heard them arguing with Eustace just a moment ago. Maybe your ears were deceiving you? Giving a sigh, you sat on the edge of Edmund's bed and noticed a painting laying on the floor. After studying it for a moment and wistfully thinking that the painted ship looked Narnian, you picked it up and hung it back on the wall- how you missed that wondrous land, the place that felt more of a home than England ever had. As you gazed at the image, you began to frown- something seemed off. 

Reaching out to touch the sea of the painting on an instinct, you froze as you realized it was as wet as water. The room began to smell like the salty ocean and you watched with wide eyes as the ship on the canvas impossibly moved and sailed out of view as the water parted into a path. You didn't even notice that the painting had somehow expanded into a doorway of sorts for you to walk through as your gaze passed along your siblings' faces through the watery ravine, then Eustace's, then Aslan's- and then your eyes locked on a familiar face, one that you thought you would never see again.


Without a second thought, you dashed through the water and into his open arms, laughing with exhilaration and ecstasy at his embrace. Lucy and Edmund shared a knowing glance and Eustace wiped away a stray tear. Aslan pawed the ground and nodded wisely at you as you turned to look to him. Surely he must have brought you here for a reason, but what? It looked as if this was the end of a journey, not the beginning, and you would have expected Aslan to bring you to Narnia along with your siblings had he meant to. Your hand slipped into Caspian's grasp and he squeezed it reassuringly as you waited for the great lion to speak.

"Although you were not born here, you belong in Narnia, Y/N. Now it is time for you to henceforth call it your home."

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