Caspian -15-

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"People turn on you just like the wind.
Everybody is a fair-weather friend.

In the end, you're better off alone,
any way the wind blows.

"You really won't help us?"

You nodded stiffly, crossing your arms at Caspian's interrogative gaze.

"Then if you're 'better off alone', why are you trying to stop me from confronting my uncle?"

Your smirk disappeared as your expression became serious and you replied, dropping your arms to your sides in a gesture of assent;

"Because you're the best chance the Narnians have at reclaiming their freedom, even I can see that- and if you can free them, who's to say you can't free my family from slavery in Calormen?"

Caspian realized then that the Narnians meant more to you than just your allies- you saw them as a people in your family's situation: cornered, oppressed, unable to rebel without a leader. He hesitated just long enough for you to see you'd gained some traction with him by revealing how close to home this hit with you, and you narrowed your eyes at him in a challenging manner.

"The decision is yours, of course... though it's hardly a choice, isn't it?"

After a moment, Caspian nodded and turned back toward the direction he'd come from in the forest, a new determination in his eyes.

"You are right."

"I regularly am."

Caspian raised an eyebrow at Trufflehunter.

"Is she always like this?"

The badger wrinkled up his nose and answered with a shrug.


Inspired by the song "Any Way the Wind Blows" from the Broadway musical Hadestown. ()

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