Edmund -8-

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"I don't suppose... this could help?"

You glanced back from the mouth of the cave you and Edmund had been sent to scout out and saw him waving a strange metal contraption with a little smirk on his face. Even though you didn't know what it was, you could tell he found this amusing and so you offered a sigh as he tossed it to you. It only took you a second to find a switch on its side, but you weren't prepared for the beam of light it shot into your face when you flicked it on. With a grunt of surprise, you dropped the device on the ground as Edmund laughed behind you, and to mask your embarrassment, you bent down, picked it up again, and pointed it directly in his eyes.

It was your laughter that rang out then as he stumbled back from surprise, tripped on a root, and started rolling down the hill behind him.

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