Tumnus -5-

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You danced around the glade with a wide smile, beaming up at the falling snow all around you. Next to you, Lucy Pevensie, one of the children staying with you and your grandfather to stay safe during The War, examined with excited curiosity a nearby lamppost. It took you both a few seconds to notice the crunching of footsteps on snow and together, you looked about to find the source, instinctively stepping closer to each other as the sound grew closer. From around a tree stepped a stranger and you and Lucy yelped, more from surprise than fear, and you flung your arms out to your sides in a protective motion as she tried to hide behind the lamppost. The stranger had, peculiarly, shouted as well when he encountered you and Lucy, and was now hiding behind the tree you'd first seen him appear around.

A moment passed and you tilted your head, offering a small smile as the stranger cautiously peeked his head around the tree trunk. You met his gaze and he paused, watching you, as you knelt to pick up one of the packages he'd dropped. He stepped out from behind the tree, nervously protesting that the package was his property, and your smile grew as you willingly handed it back to him.

"Were you hiding from us?"

The stranger flushed at Lucy's question and stuttered a protest as you helped him gather his other possessions from the snowy ground, and as you offered him the last of them, two bottles wrapped in paper and tied together with a string, he finally smiled at you, and right then and there, you knew you wanted to be his friend.

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