I Am God

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Hello. My name is Maki and I am not an ordinary woman. I am your creator!!! Ahahahahahahah!!! Just kidding. I may not be your creator but I am the creator of many worlds, which may appear to be an 'anime' in your world. But trust me, those worlds are 100% real. I love my worlds so I gave some special humans ideas for 'their' anime. But technically I own the ideas. Examples are Naruto, Bleach, Wolfs Rain, Magi, Homestuck, etc.

In the 'anime' worlds I am mainly known as 2 people Kami and Jashin, there are many other ways for me to be known but, mostly Kami and Jashin.

Well in this story I had to travel to the Ninja world to stop the end of the world!!! A huge war was gonna happen and it will end the world! I have to stop that from happening with the companionship of my beloved wolves.


Maki in Heaven

Age: OLD

Height: 5' 9"

Looks: She has long white hair that reaches her ancles with vibrant blue eyes and she looks to be the age 25 when in reality she is older than your great great grandmother. She wears a white fluffy dress ( in the photo).

Personality: Upbeat, Funny, Knows everything about everyone, Kind, Always trys to lighten the mood but sometimes just makes everything worst.

Maki has a inner being in her who is know as the "Jashin." It is like a split personality that sometimes takes over Maki's body, her name is Yami. Yami is the exact opposite of Maki, she loves to kill and destroy everything. Some people in these world worship Yami, as they believe that she is more powerful than Maki, but that isnt the truth. Maki is more powerful and that is why she is in charge of her mind....most of the time. There is times where Yami does take control of Maki's body, which usually results in disaster. Worlds destroyed... Warriors killed... Maki lost some good friends to Yami's behaviour...

Maki Likes: Mostly everything. Her wolves, Her worshippers, Her worlds... Mostly everything in the worlds.

Yami Likes: Wars, Killing, Fighting, Terrorising Maki, and ruining lives.

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