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Wolf looks: He is a red, black, and white wolf with no wings. He is the ONLY wolf in heaven who doesn't have wings because he lost them tragically in a battle between the heaven wolves and the demons of hell. Roxal is a true warrior, so Maki made him the Leader of the Heaven Guardians.

Human looks: Blonde and Red hair. One blue eye and one green eye. A grey jacket with a checker vest, also a pair of green pants.

Personality: Flirty! He wants Maki for his own so that makes Kiba his rival! He'll stop at NOTHING to have Maki for his own! Kinda Yandere. He tries his hardest to not to get too Yandere, even though it is extremely difficult for the boy to do so.

Age: died at the age of 18


The story of his old life

Roxal was an orphan human. Both his parents dying before Roxal turned 2 years old. As Roxal started growing up the adults at the orphanage took notice to his aggression torwards the other kids and at the age of 8 years old, Roxal was removed from the orphanage and had to live on the streets, but he decided that the woods is much safer than the town, he lived there for several years. He meets some nice wolves who raised him in the pack like their own cub. He learned everything from the wolves and when we went back into the human village for the first time in a 10 years he didnt know what to do so he freaked and ran back to the pack, not knowing that a group of humans followed Roxal. The humans killed most of the pack, untill the wolves won the fight and the whole time Roxal just stood there in fear, not knowing what to do. For the punishment to  Roxal for what he did, the wolves who found him as a child, was forced to kill Roxal or they would be killed. So Roxal's young body was ripped to shreds by the two wolves who he called his family,as the rest of the pack watched.


When Maki found his soul, she made him a wolf guardian, even though he was born human.


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