The rescue mission. (Part 1)

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Korra, Tenzin, Jinora, Ikki, Meelo, Bolin, and a few police force members all were now in the middle of a mission to rescue Naruto.

They now knew where he was, or at least partly, and they didn't plan on waiting one day to save him. Because then, that would give the kidnappers time to get away with him, and they might never see him again.

And they just couldn't let that happen.

They were now divided up: Korra, Jinora, Tenzin, and Ikki were all on a bison named Oogie, and were flying to their destination. Bolin,  Meelo, and the police force members were in a car; driving behind the bison.

Poor Bolin and police force members... stuck with Meelo.

Anyway, they were approximately two or three minutes away from their general destination. They spent the time in between talking strategy, and getting prepared.

Who knows what they would come across?

Korra was in the saddle with Jinora and Ikki, while Tenzin was flying the bison.

Korra clipped two sacks of water on her belt. "Good. Always helpful to have some water around."

Ikki raised her hand.

Korra nodded. "Go ahead."

Ikki thought for a second. "So, what's the plan? Do we just bust in and kick some evil guys' butt, and then grab Naruto and get out?"

Korra sighed. "Well, kind of. Bolin and I will see if we can earthbend into their base without getting noticed. If we don't get noticed, than we'll have you the rest of the team come in after us."

"And if we do?" Ikki asked.

Korra pounded her right palm with her left fist. "Then we'll get to kick some evil guys' butt."

Ikki cheered.

Tenzin looked back at them. "We're here!"

Korra, Jinora, and Ikki all looked down at where the guy told them it was. They saw an old shack, and some rusty vehicles.

Tenzin landed the bison, and they all got out.

Jinora looked around. "I don't see anything."

Korra got angry. "I figured that guy might lie to us about it. There's nothing here!"

Tenzin raised his hands defensively. "Now Korra, calm down. There could be one here, just not within our line of sight."

That's when  Bolin and the others showed up in the car.

They turned the vehicle off, and all got out. "What's going on? There's nothing here!" Bolin called to them.

Tenzin looked at Jinora. "Will you please use your spirit to search around here?"

Jinora nodded, as she closed her eyes and focused.

Suddenly, Jinora's spirit disconnected from her body, and was floating around.

Ikki pointed at her. "I want to learn how to do that too! Daddy, will you please teach me?"

Tenzin face-palmed, and shooed Jinora; silently telling her to go ahead and search.

Jinora's spirit went down underground, and began searching.

-Two minutes later-

Tenzin had told Ikki that he would show her some other time to get her to be quiet. He wanted to focus on the mission right now.

Right then, Jinora's spirit came back up, and returned to her body. She opened her eyes and looked at them all.

Bolin took a step forward. "Did you find him?"

Jinora shook her head. "I don't get it. There's nothing here."

"That's because you're searching in the wrong place!"

Everyone turned to where the voice had come from.

They all saw... a man. Like the ones who had kidnapped Naruto.

"But, you see... I can fix that for you if you like." He told them.

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