C-Rank Mission Taking Place → Chapter Fifteen

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♤♧ A/N: This fanfiction is going to be a crossover. The anime "Bleach" and the anime "Pokémon." However, I'm only going to include pokémon next in the chapter. Unless, you amazing readers can help me out with the pokémon idea for the entire story. Anyways, enjoy the chapter, and see you amazing reading next time/chapter. ♧♤

< Nobody's Point Of View >

"Kakashi-sensei, we won't get attacked-" Sakura looked scared. "Right? Kakashi-sensei?" She got close to Kakashi.

"Haha. Don't worry about that Sakura. This mission is a C rank mission. Fights don't happen." Kakashi looked the at rest of the team.

"Even if that did happen, I'll protect all of you. Your family to me now." Sakura smiled at the reassuring answer. Naruto smiled, and (Male Name) gave him a thumbs up.

Sasuke didn't show any emotion. On the other hand, Tabuzan was tense.

"Oh, thank you sensei!" Kakashi smiled and nodded his head.

< (Male Name)'s Point Of View >

That's weird...I don't remember it raining. I looked at the puddle as I tried my hardest to remember the day when it rained. Whatever..

"Huh?" The Kakashi-sensei was suddenly, ripped apart. 

< Nobody's Point Of View >

Sakura gasped and Naruto had the same reaction. However, the older Uzumaki and the Uchiha went into action.

The two males raced to their enemies as they can't help, but glare at each other. Wanting to get the first hit (Male Name) kicked the taller enemy straight in the face.

"Hmph." Sasuke rolled his eyes and punched the shorter enemy. The now knocked out "Temé!" The older Uzumaki yelled to the Uchiha.

"Idiot." (Male Name)'s blue eyes twitched at Sasuke's statement. The said Uzumaki gripped the Uchiha's shirt. Sasuke returned the favor by doing the same action. 

"Now, now -- Why don't you just let of of Sasuke's shirt (Male Name)?" The entire team 7 and Tabuzan had their eyes widen.

"K-Kakashi-s-sensei?" (Male Name) asked as he released the Uchiha's shirt shakenly. His blue eyes had tear gathering in the corners of his eyes.

Sasuke bit his lip as he was fighting his urge to kiss the older Uzumaki, or anything, to gain back his attention. It looks like he might just have to kill the Hatake.

"K-Kakashi-sensei!" (Male Name) yelled as he jumped on the Hatake with a huge smile as tears went down his face. "I-I thought you were dead s-sensei."

Kakashi ruffled the Uzumaki's hair as he soft smile appeared on his face. "I wouldn't die that easily. Like I said before, I'll protect you."

Kakashi looked to his other students. "All of you." Naruto smiled as he wiped the tears from his eyes. Sakura hicuped from sobbing, while Sasuke twitched in annoyance.

(Male Name) left the hug and smiled at his sensei brightly. "Arigato sensei." The Hatake just gave him a closed eyed smile.

Kakashi tied up the knocked up enemies with their rope that was on the ground. "Why did you attack my students?" He asked the now wide awake(Anybody see what I did there? No...? Okay..) enemies.

"Y-You have our target. We need to kill hi-him." Kakashi nodded and smiled at them innocently. This confused the both Teki(which means enemy in English).

He punched them causing them to be knocked out agian. Tabuzan sweatdrop as well as the rest of the team. "Let's go on the move folks." Kakashi said as he started to walk forwards. Tabuzan smiled nervously and went with Kakashi's plan.

"Tabuzan..." Tabuzan sweatdrop and smiled once again nervously, "W-What is it Kakashi?"

Kakashi smiled at him, "Don't think that your off the hook. I'm just waiting til' we get peace and relaxed."

_Time Skip, Time Skip_
<(Male Name)'s Point Of View>

"Arigato." Kakashi-sensei said once all of us -- six us us sat on the boat.

"Hm. (Male Name) it seems that there is not enough seats on the boat..." Kakashi-sensei trailed off. I just smiled at him.

"It's fine. I could go on by myself." His eyes widen. "W-WHAT?! BUT (MALE NAME)!?!?" Naruto grabbed his hair tightly in confusion.

"SHUT IT NARUTO!" Sakura yelled out in frustration. Naruto nervously smiled and waved her off.

"Hmph." Sakura rolled her eyes. "Are you sure (Male Name)? I mean, were out in the fliping ocean for all I fuding know?!" She asked me.

I smiled at her. "Hey, I'm a Uzumaki. I'm prepared for anything..even when I don't know it."

"Hm." I looked at Sasuke. "Temé." I said more softly than the usual way. "We'll see each other, just wait for me, okay, Uchiha Sasuke."

Sasuke's eyes widen and he turned his face away from mine. "I'll trust that you'll be safe, (Male Name)."

"You got it sensei! See ya'!" I waved them as they faded from my sight.

I took a deep breath and took a steps backwards. I exhaled then I ran. Everything was a blur to me, and all I could see was the color yellow. I smiled as I felt the air hit my body. I couldn't help, but laugh when I heard the sound of water whenever I placed my foot down, over, over, and over again. I felt adrenalin pumping in my veins, and I was living this feeling.

The color yellow dissaperead, and I could see my surroundings. "Where am I?" I asked out loud to myslef. I just walked towards voices and to my luck my team was there.

"Hey there Naruto, Kakashi-sensei, Tabuzan, Sakura, and Sasuke." I waved at them as I stopped 5 feet away from them. "You guys took forever."

They looked at me with their eyes wide. "H-HOW DID YOU COME HERE SO FAST, BIG BROTHER?!?!" Naruto asked me. "I ran over here. Why? Did anything happened or anything?"

Kakashi looked at me and smiled. "How about we ask questions later and start walking to Tabuzan's house. Huh. Sounds like a good plan right." He ignored all of us and walked in front of us.

I just shrugged and walked to were Kakashi was heading to. "(Male Name) how did you get here so fast?" Naruto asked me.

"I ran here Naruto. Didn't you here me, little brother?" I playfully ruffled Naruto's hair.

He opened his mouth, but quickly closed it. "I hear something in this bush." Naruto pointed at the bush and took out a kunai. He than threw the Kunai. I then decided to hell with it and threw one of my air E.K. at the Bush as well.

"WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING?!" Sakura yelled. "W-We heard something in the bush, Sakura-chan."

Sakura raised a eyebrow. I moved my hand forewords hand then, I moved my hand backwards. My air E.K. come towards my direction and my E.K. had Naruto's kunai attached to it. I put my E.K. in my backpack and made sure it didn't hit the case that hold the egg that gramps gave me as a gift.

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