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(Offers you some green tea and Anko dango) Thank you for allowing us to interview you, Shy-san. (hums thoughtfully) I guess the first question our readers would love to know is how you came across Wattpad? How old were you when you became one of their many thousandth slaves? :p

(Accepts tea and dango) Please just call me Nana, it's a nickname of sorts. I came across Wattpad about five years ago when I was about 10 or 11. I had joined Fanfiction (.net) around the same time and got an ad on my computer for Wattpad and was instantly enamored with it. I've been here ever since.

[nods head and nibbles on a dango] Interesting you are the youngest so far to join at Wattpad :D Nana-san why did you decide on DeathByShyKid as your username?

Ah, funny story actually. When I was younger, I was extremely shy but had a weird sense of humor. The name comes from the time when my older sister had brought home one of her friends, we'll call him Sam for personal reasons. Well, upon meeting me and slowly getting to know me, Sam instantly started making jokes. "Oh no, Nana is gonna get me! Ah, what a cruel world; death by a shy kid!" And it went on like that for several months and he became like family to us. When I made my profile, I wanted something that meant a lot to me and "DeathByShyKid" just fit.

[coos softly.] That sounds utterly adorable~ So how do you feel becoming quite a popular writer with over 1,000 followers? How do you feel about He's My Son having over 68,000 reads to it?

Well, it honestly is a dream come true. I never believed that I was capable of being able to write something that would appeal to so many different people. The 1,000 followers was a complete shock to me, that I could do something like that, that so many people liked my stuff enough to follow me and get notifications on things I did on my page. It's thrilling and amazing and I could have never asked for better readers. As for "He's My Son" having over 68, 000 reads, I'm speechless. The last time I looked at it, it was close to 30,000 reads. I had to check to see if that was correct and it was; I honestly don't believe it. It's astonishing to see my stories grow in popularity; I'm just so happy and grateful for my amazing readers.

[nods thoughtfully with a grin.] What inspired you to write this crazy but awesome idea of Zabuza raising Naruto? Who is your favorite character from the Manga/anime?

My favorite characters (since I cant just choose one) from Naruto are Naruto himself because he is an amazing character with lots of fantastic qualities, Shikamaru who reminds me of myself on most days, and Jugo who is the sweetest of cinnabuns and must be protected at all times. As of what inspired me to make Zabuza raise Naruto, it was honestly just fanfictions that I was reading on Wattpad. They have adopted type fanfictions where someone, mainly Iruka and/or Kakashi, would adopt Naruto after his parents died in the Kyuubi attack. After reading nearly three dozen of these types of fanfictions, it got boring. They were the same stuff just being rewritten by a different author. So, in some spur of the moment, I decided to write a Fanfiction where Naruto would be adopted by someone but his parents were still alive. It was something that would be new to the writing community and I was pretty stoked to get it out into the Fanfiction world.

[nods head as she takes a sip of tea.] That is interesting to know~ Is there something from the anime/manga you would change if you could? Who is your least favorite character?

Hinata has always been, by far, my least favorite character in all of Naruto. Stalkers are a no-go for me when it comes to characters, to be honest. As for what I'd like to change, it would probably be some of the smaller and hidden aspects. I really hated how dense Naruto and the village was about his heritage; he looks exactly like Minato, how could they have not noticed?! I also would have loved more team bonding with Team 7 and fewer filler episodes. I wanted Sasuke to be less of an asshole and Sakura to stop being useless... And maybe Hinata should have died when Neji hurt her in the Chunnin exams. Other than that, there isn't much I would change.

[blinks in surprise.] That is interesting, not many people hate Hinata, very few do. Only two more questions for you Shy-san. Can you list some of your favorite Naruto fanfics you have read on here? Can you tell us about some of the friends you've made on here?

I actually don't have a lot of Fanfiction that I truly like; I'm fairly picky. However, I'm not sure of the author's name, but I do like "Defender's of the Leaf". It hasn't been updated in a while but That's okay, it was an interesting read. Along with a story from Fanfiction (.net) called "Fifteen Million Ryo", That's about it. As I said before, very picky. As of my friends, I started out having no one on here that I truly connected with. It was only just recently that I started to get in touch with some other people. The people of Korigakure, a village/writing community on here that I joined a while ago, are at the top of my list. People like SlushyBee and Tarturous are wonderful and I care a lot about them

[nods head] We know a lot of our interviewers are rather picky when it comes to what they read. Thank you so much for allowing us to interview Shy-san. We hope you have a wonderful day and fruitful writing in the future.


It was an honor and thank you for the good tidings. ^^



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