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Alright~ (offers you some tea.) Thank you for allowing us to interview you today Raven-san :)

No problem, it's my pleasure!(giggles happily)

Well, the first question for you my dear is how did you hear about Wattpad and how old were you?

Well, I found Wattpad when I was looking for a good site to read and write fanfictions. It was a few months after I started writing, and so I decided to post my stories here, too. I was about 13 years old, I think.

That is so cool! Now Raven-san I have to inquire why you decide on your username? Can you give us insight into why you chose it?

I wanted a username that represents me, so I choose both 'raven' and 'crow' since they're my favorite animals, and 'midnight' because that's usually the best time for me to write. Now, a few years later, a part of me wants to change it, but I guess it's not that bad, I'll keep it as a trademark?

(Nods head in understanding) That is interesting to know. I can see how after a couple years you might wanna change it, XD sure trademark it! How did it feel to gain over 1,000 followers and being considered as an up and coming author? How do you feel that your most popular book Masters of All Beasts has over 380,000 views?

It was... unbelievable, at first. Unlike my other stories, MoAB has no plot planned out when I first published it. I remember the time I uploaded the first chapter, I waited for so long just to get a single vote. Now, my notifications are full of votes and comments on it. And honestly, my readers and followers are the reason why I'm alive.

(frowns and pulls you into a hug) We what you to know we love you, ne? you are here for a purpose. What inspired you to write some of your books? Who is your favorite character from the manga/anime?

Thanks. Most of my books came from simple 'what if's and the rest is my imagination. Other books (not just fanfics) also helps with my ideas. The funny thing is, I never watch or read Naruto. My knowledge is based on the many fanfictions I read and Narutowiki. As for my favorite character, can I say Kurama? If you prefer a human, I'd choose Kisame (though he's still a half-shark)

Whoa! One would think you have watched the show for such great books! That is completely awesome~ I see Kurama is adorable and such a tsundere. Lol and Kisame the fishstick. I guess he is handsome and cool in his own way. Just three more questions and I'll leave ya in peace. :D Who is your least favorite character? Could you list some of your favorite naruto fanfiction you've read on here? And how about you tell us about some of your friends? One gave a shy nudge about your temper. (grins in amusement.)

I dislike Danzo, but I can still understand the reason behind (most) of his actions. My least favorite character would probably be Kabuto. I mean, he blindly follows Orochimaru and helps him to ruin people's life. When the Sannin died, he had the chance to start over; as a shinobi or just a civilian. But no, he chose to become an antagonist. Kisame also died as the bad guy, but he's still loyal. He did everything for what he thinks is right. The first time Kabuto had the chance to do what he wants, he joined Madara. Though in the end, he helps people, too, I think it's sad that he could have become a good person, but he chooses not to be one until the last moments.

As for my favorite books, the first on the list would be Hoshigaki and Stumble by writer168, Kids in The Dark and its sequel by tweNtyonEpiLots6, The Frailty of A Genius and its sequel by Insomniac_Lullabies, Empathy by 2_SHENAIGANS, Devilish Origin by xxcindaxx, and also Concrete Angel by Babywolf-Lover.And friends... Well, there's a lot of people I talk to, but these are the closest ones to me: tweNtyonEpiLots6, my first co-writer; Crowillow and KakikomiSama (Crowillow-chan is right about my temper. I have little patience when it comes to idiots, and I don't mind to beat some sense to them *grins and cracks knuckles*); heckingheckme, the little bubble who needs more love, seriously; and of course Dragonficz, DementorsLovers, and AwesomeDragonTamer.

(blaches and sweatdrops) I see well thanks so much for allowing us to interview you! We hope you keep on writing successfully.(bows)

I should be the one thanking you! Sorry for my long and late replies, and again thank you!

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