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(Coughs and offers some tea) Thank you for allowing us to interview you today Writer168!

No problem!

(beams happily) So first things first how did you come across Wattpad and how old were you at the time?

I first came across Wattpad when my friend introduced it to me in 7th grade and I was 11 at the time, I think.

Wow, so young~ Though I think a lot of people are introduced to Wattpad through a friend at school. Next question why did you decide on Writer168 as your username?

I didn't think I'd be using Wattpad all too much so I made up something on the spot.

I see lol. So how do you feel knowing you are quite a popular author? How do you feel knowing your book Darkest Before Dawn has hit over a million views?

I honestly didn't think I'd become such a popular author on here and once I did, I have absolutely blown away by the love and support I got on here! I still remember one day when I was logging on, I was so shocked to see a sudden increase of 70 reads on my first story. I really couldn't believe my eyes and kept refreshing the page because I thought there was a glitch XD. As for Darkest Before Dawn, I'm amazed that I've been able to hit over a million with that work. I'm not too proud of its quality, but I don't have the heart to take it down because its the first story I had that really took off.

I think a lot of people would be blown away as well if the same thing happened to them. What inspired you to write Darkest Before Dawn? Is it safe to say Sakura Haruno is your favorite character from the Manga/anime?

I don't really remember what inspired Darkest Before Dawn because I think I was 12 when I wrote it, but I think it was due to the fact that I hadn't read a satisfying Sakura fic, so I decided to write my own. That line of thinking still continues to now, and it's pretty safe to say Sakura Haruno is my favorite character.

What about Sakura Haruno makes her your favorite character? Is there something from the anime/manga you would love to change? Who is your least favorite character?

What made Sakura likable to me was the fact that a lot of the fandom hates her guts, and I wholly agree that she, along with many of the other characters, could've been fleshed out better. There was so much potential to her that went to waste, and I think I can say the same about characters like Tenten, Chouji, Lee, and basically everyone that wasn't Sasuke or Naruto. If I had to change something, it would probably be for Sasuke to be 100% irredeemable. Don't give him a second chance. He didn't deserve it. At this stage of being in the fandom for so long, I can't really say I have a least favorite character.

That is interesting. You might find it cool to know that while here in the Western hemisphere that Sakura is hated, in the Eastern part she is quite loved, particularly in Japan. Okay just a few more questions to ask and then we shall be done. Can you list your top favorite Naruto fanfictions you have read on here and why? Also, could you tell us some of your friends you have met on here?

I don't really read fanfictions on here, but I do read a lot of them on fanfiction.net. Some of my favorite ones on ff.net are "Sasuke is a Moron" by Natarie, "Love Lockdown" by Lady Silvamord, "Uneasy coexistence" by DeGlace, "Phantom Pains" and "Just the Usual Habits" by mapplepie, "The Way of the Wind" by just enough, "The Eyes Have It" by Shana the Short, "Dirt and Ashes, or: The One-and-a-Half Body Problem" by Tozette, and "Freedom in the Eyes of Another" by Oroburos69. The reasons why I like those Sakura-centric ones are because they're very well written, though I could add a summary and personal recommendations if you'd like! (I don't really remember which ones are Mature, but there are definitely some in there.)

Some of the friends I've met on here are OfClovesWattpearl, and shewillbelooved. I know I talk to a lot more people on here, these three stand out the most to me. OfCloves has become my editor, Wattpearl has gifted me a lot of her artistic talents, and I talk with shewillbelooved  

and @Crowillow outside of Wattpad.

Well, thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us today! We hope you continue to have a most fortunate writing career from here on out.(bows)

It's no problem at all, and thank you very much! <3

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