LXV: Be Your Teenage Dream Tonight

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[Drunk]Come on, let's go make some Uchihas. I've waited a century for this.

- Sasuke to Sakura


Chapter 45: Be Your Teenage Dream Tonight

"Could someone come in here for a sec?" Ino asked, ducking her head out of the dressing room.

Shikamaru, seated lazily on Konoha's Fashion Apparel uncomfortable white chairs, gave a smug look, then winced. "I'll do it."

She looked better than nice. Lantern Festival was tonight, and the girls were allowed to pick whatever dress they wanted. She'd selected a shiny purple coppery silk with partial straps, a highwaist skirt that filled her mid-thighs. Her jewelry was a kosmo clip the Nara boy had given her, and a silver daylight anklet to prevent impures from being sensitive under the sun.

"Zip it up, will you?" Ino asked and Shikamaru did. He exhaled once he'd seen her twirl like a ballerina, her hair loose and straight which was flowing on her right shoulder. To his silent humor, she looked like the other version of Barbie.

"Well what do you think?"

You look beautiful, Shikamaru wanted to say, but he just shrugged. "It's... Nice,"

Ino smirked, as if she was able to read through him. Sadly she could, and Shikamaru had forgotten how a very clever woman she was as she turned back to the mirror. "So what's the glum?"

Shikamaru sat at against the corner of the wall, his arm resting to his knee. "Temari couldn't make it."

Silence. About a few months ago, seeing Ino dressed up as a fine teenager conjured Shikamaru in a mix of feelings: dark ordeal and dull titillation, whether or not he would get the guts to tell her what he truly felt. Now he just felt musing.

It took her a few seconds to respond to his somber news. "Aww, my poor Shika!" Her eyes brightened in sad melancholy, then he offered him her hands to pick him up. "Now that you don't have anyone to dance with, I guess I'll be your date for tonight." She said tightening his necktie. "What about Sai?" Shikamaru asked. "He'll come along,"

The pinapple-headed had thought of Temari again, and couldn't believe how intricate his life had become again. Whenever he stared at Ino he caught himself glaring at Temari. True, he'd rarely seen Temari out of her shorts and tucked-in Suna vests, fierce and dominating. In that way she was the opposite of Ino, who wore dresses and striking heels in inappropriate times. (Though he'd seen her once dispatch a rogue-nin with the use of her ninja boot, he was less worry to inclined of it)The shop bell tinkled, and TenTen came in, followed by Neji. Ino immediately got out, pulling Shikamaru alongside with her. Both were popping gummy bears in their mouths, and TenTen was looking up at Neji, her cheeks pink and eyes twinkling. He remembered what Tsunade said about them being the most impossible couples on earth. He didn't believe her though, as much as how many of the bounds beyond possibility were broken.

"Happy Birthday!" Sakura beamed as she raced to TenTen and hugged her. "We have a lot of surprises for you," the pinkette turned to Sasuke and handed her a rectangular-shaped box. "Open it!"

As much as TenTen hated anything girly, she started unwrapping the gifts Konoha 12 had given her, mosly accessories. Sasuke and Sakura had given her a necklace but with a sharp weapon in it, Naruto and Hinata's were a golden bracelet that she could use as a Shuriken, Kiba and Chiruka handed her a lipstick that has a laser in it, Shino, Choji and Lee gave her pearl earrings which she could pinch to create a smokebomb, Shikamaru and Ino gave her a bullet bra (much to Shikamaru's irritation) while Kakashi, Wakana, Sai, Yamato and Gai's present consisted of an expensive surveillance sunglasses.

"Aww you guys are so sweet!" She was wearing the shades Kakashi had for her. To Shikamaru's guess, it was the tool designed to level up with the Byakugan. "God now I can see all your underwear," after glancing around, finally she turned to look at Neji's. Hi hi hi! She was laughing like a maniac and her inner had been howling like a witch.

The Hyuga immediately siezed them with a flinty look. "We use them for S-rank missions, not for personal intentions."

"Don't be a killjoy Nej, if there's anything I hadn't seen before, I'd throw a coin in it."

Kiba cleared his throat loudly. "Alright guys, for the last time, this is it." He was standing in front of everyone, and Shikamaru sometimes wondered why he wasn't elected as president. "Rule number one, think of the worst thing Konoha and the other nations have ever done to you. Rule number two, toast to the glory of our secret departure. Rule number three, if you come across something really bad, repeat numbers two and three. They're trying to round our asses on people we can't even stand a night with." He took the Sake Hinata was handling and drank it. "Wait. Does that beat Danzo expelling my dad just because he commited adultery? What kind of husband doesn't cheat on their wife?"

"Don't think so," Yamato mumbled.

"I didn't think so either. Damn." Then he handed it to Sasuke. "Avenger, go."

Sasuke, of all people who could possibly be needing it, gave a huge smirk. "Itachi's dead because Konoha ordered him to get rid of his parents." He muttered lowly, sipping the bottle. A few weeks ago the thought would have affected him deeply, but now all that ball of anger had crawled away. Sakura was seated next to her, grinning and smiling like a pixie. She was wearing a pink sequinned dress, her hair pinned in little curls, but Shikamaru wasn't staring at the Cherry Blossom. He was staring at Sasuke. It was clear from his expression he didn't want to be here in the first place if it weren't for Sakura, and for once in his life Shikamaru could read Sasuke's countenance like a book. It was like everything in the world had fallen apart, and there seemed no one else in this room he could trust. This made Shikamaru to feel awkward, as if he had somehow been opening something that doesn't exist.

Sasuke drank again. "Which leaves me, as the only Uchiha left and they're still trying to get it extinct."

"Cut Madara. That dude is a creep." Ino mumbled, and to Shikamaru's surprise Sakura didn't flinch.

"Count that. Nej?" Said Kiba.

"My father's dead because of Hiashi, made me choose between TenTen and Hinata, where in I had to think of a good way of how to dispatch Naruto."

"Yes he is!" He handed Neji a shot which he drank. "And because of that, Naruto wouldn't have been hurt and you would never bribe me to pretend as Hinata's boyfriend."

"He proposed to me," TenTen chuckled, choking on her glass.

"H-he punished me f-for dating Naruto.." Hinata stuttered. Naruto on the other hand had been sleeping at Hinata's lap all the time, compelled by Ino otherwise their plan isn't going to work with him around. Shikamaru thought of the things the knucklehead would have said, if one was just given the chance to stay awake and find out your comrades are about to abandon you. Ino said as usual he would wake up with empty memories, and even if he'd wanted to protest he knew Naruto would someday understand.

"I heard my dad's a Leaf, all the more reason my mom would have been twice the bitch than I was." Chiruka said, as she and Ino had just cheered their glasses. Kiba gave him a concerned look as Shikamaru took the honor. "She was the reason for Wakana's kidnapping."

"It was Danzō who casted Hanare out and brainwashed me with lies," said Kakashi. He was reading his book on the other side, while Wakana was checking out some of the dresses he'd promised he'd buy for her.

Kiba cocked his head and poured his glass. "Hm. Explains why a ten-year-old girl showed up into your door recently."

"My parents wanted Shikamaru for me," Ino said, stunned, while Kiba had coughed upon the Sake he was finishing. Shino, who stood at the side of the shop without having anything to cover his mask, spoke up. "At first my dad ordered me to ask for Ino's hand." It surprised everyone he still had the motivation to confess.

Ino looked like she was about to freak out. "Not. Gonna. Happen,"

"Double shot! Sakura, what's yours?"

"My mom told me I'm about to marry Naruto when I'm eighteen." She chuckled. "Isn't that crazy??"

"You two certainly are the worst couple on earth," Neji mumbled, fixing his necktie at the mirror. "Am I right, Uchiha?"

Sasuke looked from the reflection of his glass to Neji, and he looked mildly surprised for someone to even call his name. Although it was hard to tell, he looked tired. There were shadows under his eyes, and he hadn't bothered to put on a tux yet because he said he'd be transforming to Naruto, while the real one will stay in his bedroom. "Hn."

Yamato went to his clock. "It's almost time." He said, and for the record, these words of his might be the only ones they have truly listened into. "Festival starts at eight. Kakashi and I will cover you. You kids watch over yourself, kay? I want you all to send us a letter of the places you've been into, of the goals you might have accomplished, just not here in Konoha."

Gai and Lee were hugging and weeping at the same time, and Shikamaru didn't even notice they were there the whole time. "It's just... I-I've watched y-you children grow through t-the years... And it's sad... That our endless springtime of y-youth ends here, where w-we have all come from." Then for the first time their tears could have been real, Neji thought, because Lee wasn't even planning to leave in the first place. He just thought of how an evil person he was, having loathed and disgusted his sensei in ten years without having done anything to him. He saw Gai picking up TenTen as he hugged her tight, while the others just watched. For a moment, an unbearable guilt formed into Neji's chest. He never would have hugged Gai like that, even at someone else's birthday. So when he walked a little close to give the thirty-year-old a pat in the back, he ran to him and wrapped him with his lean arms.

"Neji.. My student," he says. Gai was even surprised of how big he had become, from the last time he had the chance to stand within this close. "My boy, how strong you have become."

"No, no, no, please, I—" Kakashi protested, but Sakura has already seized to him. He had been wrestled by the Hondaime's apprentice, and that some of the pages of his book have been ripped out. "You're the best sensei in the world, sensei. If I were to have a new teacher right now, I'd punch him in the face and search for you."

"Steady, Sakura." Kakashi said. "I'm starting to look an old man lately,"

Sakura smiled and sniffed. "So you're not changing your mind about coming with us?"

"I would love to, Sakura, but this is my home now." He smiled. "I'd cross heaven and hell to protect it from the ones who will try to infiltrate it. I'm hoping you'd visit me at my funeral, hm?"

Sakura chuckled. He never ceases to make people smile. "Have you talked to Wakana yet?"

"Rin?" He suddenly said, and his eyes went to the little girl who was being hand-shaken by a few of the boys. "I don't know.." He just said, because whenever he thought of the word, his mind would go blank, like nothing had been in there in the first place. "I entrust you and Sasuke could take care of her."

"You're not asking her to stay??" Sakura demanded.

They were just in time to realize that Naruto had just woken up, tied up in a chair. He was enraged, and he was full of wrath Sakura thought he could easily break off within the binds. "What the hell is that teme doing in here??" He said, his eyes glowing in titian orange.

Sasuke stood where he was. He couldn't fight back; he needed to hear what the dobe had to say.

"You think you're one of us??" Naruto chuckled, a smart-alecky, jeering voice. "Bullshit, Sasuke! I went through every single damn thing in my life to bring you back, searched everywhere to look for you, and now you're taking my friends away. You fooled every people into thinking you could still change, but I know the truth. You're afraid everyone can see what you really are. An animal."

Naruto's eyes went to Shikamaru, who was standing against the wall. "And you. They call you the genius, but you're a coward. Just like everyone else in this room."

"Naruto, we're not taking Hinata from you." Said Kakashi. "There are others who chose to stay. You have Lee, Shikamaru, Shino, Choji, plus us sensei."

"What about me?? You said it yourself a ninja doesn't abandon his comrades!!"

"I'll compel him," Ino said, but Shikamaru gripped her arm and shook his head.

About a few seconds of pure silence, Sakura had kneeled in front of him, and she realized it's been a while since they've spent some quality time together. She was facing him with so much shame she could pass out, and she remembered that time when she lied having loved him. The thought just made her feel much wistful.

"Sakura, you can't trust him. He's lying! He's a mutt!"

Sasuke, who had been looking at the floor staring at extreme nothingness, stood aback. He'd been called worse by the stupid knucklehead, and it wasn't because it was the truth, but because he no longer sees to him as a humanbeing.

"Hey." She said. In opposite of what she could have imagined, the handsome knucklehead had been crying. "You are the greatest thing that's ever happened in this village. If there was any other way we could take you with us, we could have done it. You have a future in here, Naruto. A big one." Sakura grinned happily. "The world is going to know your name. And when that timecomes, we'll be back before you know it."

Sasuke watched as Sakura kisses the bridge of his nose. He was waiting for jealousy to corrupt him, but perhaps he was just being too selfish. A warm feeling wrapped his chest, because it's not like everyday you get to greet your friend goodbye and be gone the following day. With your memories filled with fake ones. The kunoichis did the same, Ino, TenTen, Chiruka and Wakana(though Naruto barely knew them), and behind he saw Hinata being squeezed by Kiba.

"I could have asked you to be my girl, but I never would have hurt you." Said the Inuzuka boy. For the first time, Hinata thought, he was being modest. Then Kiba kissed her in the cheek followed by Neji, his teary eyes staring back at her. He was tall, about six feet, and she smiled once he finally gave up. "I would have protected you all my life." He just said. Hinata didn't stutter, because she was too foul for words.

Yamato had scooped them all in a group hug afterwards. Even Gai, Kakashi, and so many people who have embraced themselves. The evening bell tolled, one that was constructed not far from the Nara shrine, telling them it's time to go.

"Time's up, babe." Chiruka said. As usual matte black was totally her color, a transparent long-sleeve and a silver belt that was filled with glitters. Her maroon hair was flowing down her waist, and her pink gloss was something that reminded Kiba of the seductive Mizukage. "Hold on, I'm fixing my hair."

"That'll be another two hours." TenTen mumbled, her eyes binded with a blindfold, while Neji was busy helping her find her way.

Sasuke glared at Naruto for the last time, his Sharingan glowing like red liquors in a fancy lamp. "Forget you saw me. Forget there was a festival, and that you'll be back at home, where in you and Hinata will be having a sleepover." Then he fell asleep. Hinata had swifted the two of them later on, leaving all Konoha 10 alongside with the senseis inside the shop.

"Forgot to mention how beautiful you look on that dress," Sasuke mumbled, kissing her cheek. The others have fallen in line by partners, Kiba and Chiruka, Neji and TenTen, Kakashi and Wakana, Gai and Lee, and some of the boys who weren't bringing a date. Yamato sighed after staring at Wakana. "It's like yesterday Kakashi was bringing your mother home." Then Kakashi placed a finger between his lips.

"One more thing," Shikamaru said pointing a finger to Ino, "don't even think of eating Hiashi."

                                                    ✡ тнe neхт υcнιнa ✡

                                                     THIS IS GOODBYE

Sasuke, who concealed himself inside Naruto's body, sat by the bench lazily. Sakura left him a few minutes ago saying Ino asked her to dance, and by any chance he hated socializing with them. Tonight was the start of the Lantern Festival and he was invited by the boys to a drink. Apparently they were planning on dozing the Hokage, offering her Sake so they could carry out the plan by tomorrow morning. He'd even chuckled once he saw Kiba and Neji kissing the Daimyō's cheeks on opposite sides. With nothing else to do he glanced at the sky and sadness crossed his obsidian eyes. On the pitch-black sky was a bright silver moon, hanging spectrally yet so fetchingly auroral and enigmatical. He remembered of the stories he'd told Sakura about the moon, of how it fought so hard to catch up with the Sun. Perhaps it was right. Because he'd seen the way Naruto looked at Sakura before. His love was—different; real. He'd probbably be making this up, but it was true. Whenever he would take a look at the future with Naruto and Sakura, it was a one big colorful horizon he would have wanted to give her, but with him—all he sees is nothing. Just one giant emptiness.

He clenched his teeth and closed his eyes. Thinking of these things make his head hurt. So he stared at the dim sky, raised the bottle of Sake into the purplish sky and said, "cheers, Itachi." Then he stood up and went to fetch Sakura.

"Have you guys seen Sakura?" Ino asked, a cookie in one hand. "TenTen's about to light the lanterns. She and Sasuke should be here soon."

Chiruka was standing with her hair now scooped in a ponytail. When Ino glanced around, Kiba was with the boys as they were talking nonsense with Tsunade. There was a kiss mark on his cheek. "Strange, don't you think?" She asked seductively. "I just saw the two of them walking away. They're probably be hitting on each other right now."

"WHAT?!" Ino shrieked.

"Hey, come here." Sasuke said, pulling Sakura into the shaodows. She'd forgotten he was transformed into Naruto. "Where have you been?" Sakura asked, then the Naruto who was standing in front of her raised his brows.

"What? Now?" She chuckled.

"You're a virgin, aren't you?"

Sakura flushed. "Oh my god. You're drunk aren't you? Is it because of my dress?"

Sasuke glared at head to toe. She was wearing a fuscia pink dress that was short in the front, and that her chest had somehow hugged her front that revealed her cleavage. More importantly she was beyond beautiful and natural, her hair clipped like she was the actual birthday girl. "No," he said popping his bubblegum, "maybe..."

"It's TenTen's birthday!" Said Sakura. Sasuke had now been pulling her by the waist, and Sakura could only laugh at his malfunction. "Come on, let's go make some Uchihas. I've waited a century for this."

Sakura turned to the rest of Konoha 10. "What about them?"

Sasuke smirked.

Ino teleported to Sakura who was sitting at a barstool. "Have a good time, Sakura." Then she grabbed a pen from her purse and poked her, disappearing into a massive form of clouds. Darn Shadowclones, she thought, as she raced to find Chiruka. "This can't be happening. We're leaving tomorrow, and if we miss the time we're doomed."

Chiruka gave her a wink, before strutting off to Kiba. "Maybe Sasuke has switched plans."

Sasuke had begun to kiss her, everywhere his lips would crave for her. He had already taken off few of his clothing, even Sakura, who only wore her thigh sheathe and fishnet bra. There was not enough sweat, pleasure and moan from the things he'd missed, as he laid her to the edge of her bed, her legs wrapped to him. He was kissing her in a way she felt he was released from all the tensions of the world, like an angel who was being seduced by a devil. She was so beautiful, he thought, and just staring at her makes him want to place all his energy upon making love to her.

"Lift your hips for me, baby." Sasuke said, and Sakura did without hesitation. At first everything was happening perfectly as it was, but then again she felt as if something she was touching was on fire; and it felt hot. When they've stared at each other, Sasuke immediately swifted away from her.

The curse mark.

It was burning him, beginning to sting again. And what Kabuto said was right; love is what destroys it, and now he was paying for the debt. The pain was eating him, crippling him over that Sakura was now facing his back, because he didn't want her to see his true form: a monster. Like a fugitive and a wanderer sent down on earth to be cursed in a lifetime.

Sakura had reached for him. His heart was beating too fast, and the mark on his neck had been spreading again like a splattered ink. And he didn't want to go back on that time before, where in he wasn't strong enough to control the demon rooting inside of him.

She wrapped her arms to his shoulders and said, "don't hide from me."

Sasuke gazed at her, his mouth partly open in horror. Sakura had used the tips of her fingers to brush his devilishly handsome face, and slowly, he pulled her lips into his and played with his hair, while Sasuke had grasped for her waist.

The fireworks have begun. Neji had released TenTen from the blindfold and were standing at the topmost part of Konoha, above the humongous gates that led to the entrance. Beautiful. Ateast something beautiful to see after everything that happens from tomorrow morning and out. They all gazed up to see colorful sparks blasting into the cloudless sky. The structures and lights mezmerized her completely. The explosions shot shapes of several people they've known, from the Shodai, Nidaime, Sandaime, Yondaime and Godaime Hokage, Jiraiya, Asuma, Nohara Rin, Uchiha Obito, even Itachi. Naruto, who was watching the lights fade in and out of his window, pointed towards the last figure with glitters of red.

"Who's that?" Naruto asked, eating a cereal. Hinata got quickly from the kitchen and see what the blonde jinchuuriki was referring; Kushina.

"She's pretty," said Naruto. Hinata hadn't said a word. She was far too contrite to even look at him in the eye, because earlier when he'd asked why he couldn't go outside he never got his answer. He didn't even know it was TenTen's birthday, but she said someone special was celebrating tonight. Apart from having his memories washed, the blonde started acting mature ever since he'd finished his bowl. He never pried, never asked anything. He just drifted off to bed like it was just another night; and when Hinata slept next to him he scooped her, unconsciously.

"You sure you wanna do this?"

Sakura laid down on the bed with her knees folded. She focused her eyes on the emerald infusion lamp that was glowing beautifully; and that she could somehow relate it to herself. She was a firefly descended, and that one day someone will be casting its light out. She was breathing hardly sweat was all over her.


There was no way of stopping this; she thought, and that all her defense had been shattered. She'd lost control, trapped like a prisoner in her skin; and being punished by an enemy for her sins. She was trapped between pleasure and pain, of the darkest instincts of the people who were counting on her. But she didn't care anymore. She'd forgotten for once that she was a ninja, a medic and a student, more likely she was just an ordinary people like others; who were in need of lust and fervor. Because when you couldn't possibly have all time in the world, why could you not seize for it in one night?

"Don't hold down, Sakura." The Raven once said, as he gave her a genuine smile and kissed her full in the lips. "This might hurt,"

He had entered her now, fully thrusted, following his hard diapason.

Sakura screamed.

*P L A Y S O N G* - It's a very beautiful one;')

This one's for you and me, living out our dreams

We're all right where we should be

with my arms out wide I open my eyes

And now all I wanna see

Is a sky full of lighters

A sky full of lighters

TenTen hadn't felt happier in her life. There she lit up the very first lantern as it floated up into the indigo welkin, followed by hundreds and thousands of them, like a titanic kaleidescope of lights shooting brightly into the sky. Nothing lit the heavens but the lamps the villagers have released, glowing a golden-white against the darkness.

As a ninja, you couldn't erase everything that's caused you pain from its recollection. She didn't want to forget Gai, Lee, Tsunade, or the ones she chose to leave. Every memory was dropping to her the way the fireworks exploded in a shower of sparks—sparks that painted her mind with all the refreshing reflection, and TenTen glanced down at the glint of silver against her dress. She had still worn the Leaf Headband as a belt and she sometimes wondered why. Did she really wanted to be reminded of Konoha? Or, at the same time, was it ever right to forget?

"TenTen," Neji said, breaking her out of her reverie. He tightened his arm around her, and she raised her head once she'd heard the crowd cheering. "Look up."

Shikamaru, Kiba, Yamato and Kakashi have set freed rockets that ascended up into the blue, and there four lanterns have popped into a blizzard saying: Will You Marry Me?

Neji kneeled, and deep down he could see the overwhelming shock she hid in her cupped mouth, and he smirked in response. She could almost cry in joy; of a dream come true, after he opened the lid of a box which shone a sapphire ring.

"I know we're at war, but I'd risk a thousand lives just for you to become my wife, and ten thousand lifetime to die right beside you, where in we get to see our children spar before us." He said. "Will you marry me, TenTen?"

She nodded widely, and down from the view, Kiba and the boys gave off a derisive whistle for the lovely young couple. "Yes!" She said, in a tone there couldn't be anything possible she wouldn't say no to. "Yes!" Then he slid the ring into her finger; she was crying happily, as he embraced her and hugged her as if his life was depending on it. The whole people of Konoha had given them a round of applause, all except for one person—and he didn't look so pleased once he'd heard the news and watched the whole tragic scenery.

Hiashi frowned as he exited from the blustering crowd, his right hand clenching compact at his crotch. One of these days he'll be needing to teach his nephew a lesson.



VOMMENT guys! <3 Just finished watching TVD and Damon Salvadore is D E A D you guys hear me?? D E A D :( Like Itachi and Deidara and Sasori :'(

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