XLIII: Sasuke's Last Days (Part 4)

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QOTC: Kiba: Naruto, I've got an idea!

Naruto: [sleeping] Oh Hinata-chan, do whatever you want with me just don't wake me up.


Chapter 43: Sasuke's Last Days (Part 4)

"Is it me or do I smell a smoke bomb?"


"I'm starving..."

"Get your feet off my face, you moron!"


"I'm not on your toes!"

"My friends, where are your youthful manners?"

"Kami now have I realized that we're all insufferable together."

"Hey Naruto, is this a pillow or it's bigger than your equipment?"

Sasuke shook his head in clemency and trivial tantrum. Earlier it was Sakura whom he vowed to be with in a blue moon, and now Naruto laid next to him, clinging into his arm. One thing the Raven testified onto himself was he would never sleep next to a guy, because the way the Dobe would embrace him made him feel like he was somehow in an extramarital affair. He snored like there were three generators next to him, and he would have strangled him alive if it weren't for the boys who keep on battling over something less important like a bunch of bisexual chickens.

~ Flashback ~

Tiny rays if light gleamed through the Raven and the Pinkette. First they thought it was only dusk of dawn, but the white aurora had been too bright that it disturbed their precious slumber.

"AHA!" It was none other than Gai, who held a flashlight closely to the two. "My man Kakashi you have got to see this!" Sasuke and Sakura immediately disentangled from one another, as if it was against policy. "Did we violate a law or what?" Asked the green-eyes, wrapping herself with the Uchiha's long-sleeved clothing. When Sakura looked up, the stars were glimmering upon the cimmerian horizon.

"It's the middle of the night," said Kakashi, raising a visible eye. She realized he hasn't changed changed into his night attire yet, unlike Gai who slipped into his cotton bathrobe. "You two are supposed to be in the inn instead of making matresses out of sand."

"And you call yourselves detectives or something?"

"That'll be the last of them," Yamato flicked off his flashlight as he joined them. "Hate to break it up to you kids, but we're gonna have to seperate you by gender."

"WHAT?!" Sakura exclaimed. "What's the whole point of this vacation trip then? Play tag?" But the jonins weren't listening to her anymore, rather they were either scratching the back of their hair or rubbing their foreheads. "Sakura, let me ask you a question. How old are you?" Asked Kakashi, looking pleased with himself. Sakura scowled. "Sixteen." "Alright then, since both of us know you're in a hazard situation, we don't want to risk any incident regarding to what happened with—"


"—the other guy." Kakashi cleared his throat apologetically. Yamato on the other hand stuffed his hands inside his pockets as he stared down at his feet. "What Kakashi here is trying to tell you is that we are trying our best to help you children. Since we're in charge, and on behalf of Tsunade-sama we all know the consequences if something goes—inappropriate. Now that in extreme cases, we wouldn't want any of you to ever again experience the pain Temari felt. Or Shikamaru."

"Thank you, Yamato."

"What proof do you have??"

Wakana strutted alongside Kakashi, holding some sort of candy wrappers. "Daddy look! I found these!" The little girl beamed. Kakashi's jaw dropped underneathe his unbreakable mask. "I see you're a fan of sweets, kid. Why don't you share them to your Gai-sensei?"

Sakura grew an anime vein. "Those aren't candies! These are condo—" But Kakashi had already raced to her side and cupped her mouth. "Sakura, there are children present."

Sasuke rolled his eyes in disgust. Not that he hadn't seen one before, in fact those were very artificial back at Oto. The funny thing is how his thirty-year-old sensei seemed so new with it in fact his daughter could be just as perverted as he was. "Wakana. Where'd you get that?"

Gai stretched an index finger to indicate the little girl. "Yeah! And I'm pretty sure there's more where they came from, young lady!"

"Want one?"

"THAT'S IT." Yamato called. "Someone's gonna have to teach those boys a lesson if they don't behave well."

Kakashi sighed. He and the others feared that Tenzo might be taking too much pressure on the kids' behaviour. Because if Hatake Kakashi would be entrusted with such responsibility of watching over a flock of rambunctious kindergarthens, he might as well encourage them instead of drawing them apart. Weren't they just seeing the reflections of themselves during their epoch? He and Yamato have been childhood friends, and not only they've kept secrets with one another, in fact he knew everything. Even Konoha 12 would bribe him to spill all those luscious details, he'll just laugh at their faces and tell stories of how the two of them were so much worse of the anathema they were. "Alright. Rin and Sakura, you go with me and I'll lead you to the girls' dormitory. Sasuke, you're coming with Gai and Yamato."

Sasuke just gave his old sensei a dirty look and growled.

"Hey come here." Silently Sakura dragged him into a corner. She kissed him, and when Sasuke hesitated, Sakura smirked and placed a seductive finger between his dry lips. The Deja Vu. "Shhh... I said no talking." Then he let her do as she pleased and their lips burned.

Kakashi was left cupping his daughter's eyes.

Sasuke could still feel those lips enduring to his, like fire and ice. Oh what he wouldn't give to settle next to her instead of this.

"Kiba this was your fault," Neji said, crossing his arms. He was seated next to Sai and Shikamaru, while Choji and Shino were frowning deeply on one corner, obviously trying to find their peaceful repose. "My fault? I was going to sell them! The kid has guts to even ask me what it does!" The Inuzuka boy slouched defending himself. Instead of taking this personally, Sasuke finds it rather fracturing. "What did you say?"

"I told her the truth. She's Kakashi's kid, after all."

They were all swallowing their laughter when Shikamaru rose up from the dead, looking entirely pissed. "Look, can we all just please be like Naruto for once? Can't you see someone's trying to sleep here??" Then he buried his face under a pillow. "Oooh. Daddy's trying to be asleep," Kiba said tickling the Nara boy, while Neji and the others who lay wide-awake kept giggling. Sasuke too, seems little by little he couldn't find the reason why he should continue to loathe them. "Hey Uchiha," Neji approached, his right arm resting into his knee. Seems of all people in the room it's only his maleficent ally who could relate to his dreariness. "You sure know how we can bust out of here and get to the girls." He said, and the way he did it was as if they were all cellmates stuck in a prison for a hundred days.

Sasuke smirked. He liked the Hyuga's thinking. "You have something in mind?"

Neji drank his bottle of sake, a smirk crossing his lips.

                                               ≔≔≔≔≔≔≔THΣ ΠΣXT UCHIHΔ≔≔≔≔≔≔≔

                                                               THE TIME HAS COME

"Naruto!" I've got an idea!"

Kiba had been pinching the sleeping jinchuuriki, and the boys watched, in inducing lethargy as he would later scrape his butt. "Oh Hinata-chan, do whatever you want with me just don't wake me up."

Neji wanted to step on him, but Kiba already secured his arms. "Chill buddy, he'll be dead-meat before we stick to the plan."

"Well you guys are definitely starting to sound like me," Naruto giggled folding his arms behind his head. "Shhh!" Shikamaru signaled a finger, attesting them to be quiet. "If I hear one more sound, we don't have to worry about sneaking into the other room because Yamato-taichou will lock us up for good."


*P L A Y   S O N G*

They all swifted and jumped in a jitter. Lee was wearing his bunny shoes, and for some reason Neji wondered if it was the first time he'd seen a dude wear those nonsense or the solidity that he was just being mean.

They all placed a finger in their lips and screamed a SHHHHHHH in which all that saliva instantly showered upon the mushroom-headed ninja's face like crossfire.

"I have a question." Whispered Shino. "What do we do afterwards?"

"Considering this could be our last reconcilliation, we Shinobi are hereby to seek justice that leads on sneaking up upon the girls' boundary." Neji said impatiently as he glanced at the snake-eyed Inuzuka. "To do that we must have our senseis' attention drawn away, in other words—a distraction. As for my friend Choji here, he's willing to do the priviledge. Right, big guy?"

"Why do I feel like this is a bad idea," Choji said.

"On with the fullness of youth!" Lee punched the solid air. "We are about to witness the time of our lives, people of Konoha!"


Beyond the wooden walls, Kakashi was laying down the pallet, Yamato was impelling several buttons of a remote he'd bought for their portable TV, while Gai was doing push ups near the kitchen. He was wearing a TOWEL.

It happened; the unbearable...

The towel slid off the thirty-year-old sensei's waist.

"Well what are they doing?" Kiba asked.

Neji immediately sunk onto the floor.

"I s-saw... What any man shouldn't have..." Then he dropped off unconscious.

"Alright we're going in," Sasuke declared, then he glanced at the gawking Naruto. "Time to put on your hero hair, dobe." The boys have all worn their malevolent grins, especially Naruto who smacked his fists. The Hero of the Hidden Leaf, altogether with the Uchiha Heir who have joined forces in uniting their loved ones. Kiba grabbed a stone as he flung it into the sliding door, all defense gone. The walls crumbled down the edges of the earth like the invasion of Peīn.

Gai and Yamato stared in awe like they were caught dressing up naked.

"We're sleeping with our girlfriends." Naruto pointed a finger. "Let us pass!"

Yamato stood up and turned off the TV. "I know you boys are desperate, but knocking is still a thing."

"Why do keep on defending us?" Neji asked. "We're not children anymore, we're sixteen. We don't rely on others to tell us what we do with our lives."

Yamato frowned. "Before anything else, you kids still have to see this." He turned, whereas as much as they were pissed off for turning his back against them, they were reminded of the scope they've damaged and the broken door. That guilt made Naruto want to take back everything he'd said, because not only did they disrespect their elders to get what they want, but judging the look on Gai's eyes... Something didn't seem right.

There was a curtain that shielded a bed over one corner. There he was; the mighty Kakashi coughing like there was no tomorrow.

Naruto and the others gasped lightly. "K-kakashi-sensei..." Naruto whispered. Due to his hair, he looked like he was dying of old age.

"Hello there boys. Did anything le--*cough*—genda*cough*ry yet?"

"Sensei? Are you sick or something?"

Kakashi glanced at Yamato to grant him a eulogy. "We were just considering of merging you all when we heard a loud noise." His eyes darken at Kiba. "Although, there is one thing we would like in exchange."

∶∶∶∶∶∶ ✬ ∶∶∶∶∶∶

Knock knock knock

The girls jumped like a bunch of ninjaturtles. "Quick! Find your positions!" Ino said, as she and Sakura guarded the door. Holding a baseball bat. Hinata and the others squealed and hid under the thick blankets, especially Wakana. "I knew there were thieves in here!" Chiruka said, sniffing the air.

When the door bursted open, the first thing the girls heard was this: "Daddy's home!"

"Shannaro!!" A bit of incensed, the pinkette flew her fist at the Blonde Jinchuuriki. But Naruto was no longer that boy anymore who lived under her command, instead he teleported within a flash as her punch landed on Sasuke.

"OH...." Kiba and Neji said in unison.

"Oh my God, Sasuke?!" Sakura grinned, in cachinnation, remorse and surprise. She ran into him and placed her hands in his face. "So sorry baby! Don't worry we'll fix that," she was performing her mystical palm technique when Sasuke grabbed him by the waist and made love again, in public.

Yamato cleared his throat loudly.

They stopped, but little did they know, others have already reached to their first love; Neji kissing TenTen's forehead, Naruto lifting Hinata from the ground, Ino giving Sai a peck in the cheek, Shikamaru was hugged by Temari, Chiruka and Kiba on the other hand—both were clearly unstabled when they're together.

"What a disgrace," whispered Gai. "This is why I was having second-thoughts of permitting them to." Yamato murmured. He better not regret this. "Now now, everyone. Can we please ateast learn to control ourselves for the sake of a child?" They all glanced at the white-headed Hatake who stood not less than 4'1. "No, I'm good. Really." She seemed to be enjoying the whole show without breaking a sweat.

It appears that the only thing Kakashi had asked was for his daughter to pay him a visit. The girls did too, each one of them giving him a kiss in the cheek in hopes of making him feel better. The perverted-nin blushed in return, and he'd even let Yamato and Gai roll over to the whole Konoha 12 for some party.

"You know the others are having fun. I can't let you sit by me and watch an old man sleep."

Wakana giggled, squeazing a facetowel over a bucket. "I've never felt so satisfied." Kakashi smiled at her, revealing his twin dimples. She remembered when her mother used to complement those dents to her when she was little. "You and I, we've never had a casual conversation about your mom huh?" Kakashi asked, after the little girl had placed the face towel above his forehead. "I should probably be ashamed of myself of not having swiped your dirty diapers." Wakana laughed, and there it is. The same thing he'd always wanted to see for himself. "Will you forgive me?"

"I just did." She sighed, as if it was a necessity she'd been carrying all along. "Kakashi, if I spend a vacation far away, or maybe if I'm gone, I need you to promise me you'll survive."

Yes, the thought of isolating him had been torturing her over her bedtime. She knew the moment she met him they won't stand a chance—to live a normal life together as father-and-daughter, or all those fantasies she's dreamed upon even when Hanare was alive. Sooner or later, she'll have to move on and live her life as an Akatsuki and persevere her endowmen as Madara's Grandaughter. The presage of what Obito had threatened to her if she doesn't pay the price to his deal; the deal Sasuke had sacrificed Sakura in order to transpose her other eye. Kakashi frowned. "You used to call me daddy."

Wakana forced a smile. In my whole life I haven't entrusted anyone with my forefather's eye. You have two choices, either you say goodbye to Kakashi while you have the chance or I'll just have to do it myself. But don't worry, sweetheart. I swear on my love's name and yours that I'll make it up to what your father did. Abandoning you over the years. Kakashi awkwardly sneezed.

"Someone forgot to take a shower this morning."

"A bless you would have been nice."

Wakana had already laid down next to him, letting the sheets bury them over the cold nightfall that splashed the windows. Kakashi felt his heart skip a beat, because never did he sleep with anyone with his blood, and the thought was like restraining him with his hamstrung body. "Goodnight daddy." Said the little girl. He wanted to run his fingers to her hair, or kiss her forehead, because he was afraid that she'll have to evolve into a different person before he'd even knew it... And he blanched that he'll never get to do these things a father would have carried out to his baby girl. Instead he embraced her farther, letting himself fill all those times he'd missed out to her. "Goodnight Rin."




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