XXV: Impures Unleashed

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QOTC: Chiruka: You're pretty smug for a bloody vampire.

Sakura:I've met red-headed bitches worse than you.


Chapter 25: Impures Unleashed

The Hokage wasn't pleased.

"She's unconscious. No major injuries for now, but her brain might be suffering damages due to her optical visions." She queered placing an arm into Ino's forehead sensing her temperature. 

Sakura stood there feeling dubiously, guilt running in and out of her system. "So far nothing's gone off. She needs some time to rest."

Sakura didn't bother a word and silence enrupted them. Tsunade watched her with a keen observation as her student felt like those eyes were made of sharp razors piercing her soul. If it would've been Naruto and the others, they'd probbably be running into the hills by now. 

"What were the two of you up to all this time?

Sakura gulped. "W-we were just testing her Jutsu, my lady." 

"Ah, the Mind-peeping jutsu. I should have known." She laid an arm into her hip and the other resting into her bed. "Well, what's the harm?" 

"She fainted before I was about to ask her," Said Sakura.

"Did you not even consider the risks of the jutsu? If she didn't stop she would have probbably get stucked into her vision forever!"

Sakura glowered her head remorsefully and let Tsunade reprimand her on such repentance. 

The Daimyō sighed. "Next time, try to take more cautions instead of pulling off some jutsu without the knowledge of harnessing it propery. Whatever you two were planning to achieve." Her wrinkles were deepening. "Now that we've lost all the blood we have, we don't know what kind of casualty that comes in next. First the mysterious abduction of kunoichis around every nations, the next thing I knew we have an old friend on the loose and that he'll stop at nothing to restore his clan." She stared at Sakura, studying her in extreme delicateness. "Speaking of Lucifer, he hasn't approached you yet, has he?" Sakura responded with a huge grin. "Noooope. I'm all in shape."

Apparently the Pinkette hasn't told anyone about her companionship or any commerce with the Raven. Now that things get worse by the passing hour, she really didn't really feel like disclosing it to anyone, not unless they could be carefree like Ino. Or patriotic to her that they'd comprehend with all those deals she made with the Akatsuki. It's like collecting every bit of duplicity you've accomplished then shove them back to your face. She had high hopes that Tsunade would understand, but less chances that she'd forgive her. Tsunade crossed her arms again, then she turned. "I've expected more from you, Sakura." Twisting the door open, "You should know that."

That was approximtely three minutes when Ino woke up, fully aroused and sweating.

"Pig!" Sakura ran and kneeled at the side of her bedstead, flabbergasted."Oh my god you look horrible." 

Platinum blonde stared at both of her sweaty hands, pulling herself up and sitting at the edge of her bed. The dream—her vision; it looked so real she almost felt what it's like to be inside Sakura's body... The endearment, the pleasure of kissing Sasuke, she was kissing the most prominent Uchiha!

"Well, what did you see? Did you remember anything?" Sakura asked.

"H-he kissed you. Sasuke kissed you!"

She squinted her eyes at this very delirious moment. "WHAT?!"

Ino was pinpointing at every objects she could lay her finger on. "It happened at his r-room. You two were like—picking fights and arguing like there was no tomorrow, and the next thing I knew was I was being laid and even if I liked it I knew I had to be out of there because if not I will die of suffocation!" But Sakura was glaring at her like a seven-year-old, and she had a hard time picking up what her crazy best friend could be making of."And to make it short, you made out with him." 

Sakura chuckled in disbelief. She waslaughing"And you suppose I'm gonna believe this—so called Peeping Tom jutsu of yours that I don't even know if it works? I can't even listen to you right now!"

"Do I look like I'm making this up? I mean Hello??? Then why am I sitting in a darn hospital bed where in my roommate just died of a heart attack? Because if I stand here another day longer, I'll die of a mini vugina pectoris!" 

"It's called angina pectoris," said Sakura, "andunless you want to die a virgin you better start talking or I won't be able to stop myself from taking down my utter frustration at the hospital while you, Pig, are sitting there counting the lizards in the ceiling." 

"You want to hear the truth from me? Sasuke screwed you up, Sakura. He loved you that he didn't want you to suffer the consequencess of loving him, so he thought of leaving you hanging around with all those questions when he wanted you to figure it out by yourself!"

"Well thanks to you, his plan just got whipped up. What am I supposed to do now that I know?" 

Ino cocked her shoulders. "Wait—you're wearing that Miss I'm-on-a-mission look again. You're not gonna kill someone, are you? Ever since you agreed with that deal you did nothing but to scare me off."

"I want answers. And when I do, I'm gonna give that Uchiha a piece of my mind." The clock ticked. Five O'clock sharp and you know what that means. Cracking her knuckles, she reached for the door and flicked the lights off. "You stay here until I get back." 


Shit. All this time, she forgot to tell her?

"Y-you're marrying Naruto..." 

                                         ✞ Եհҽ ղҽ×Ե մϲհíհɑ ✞

                           KNOW WHAT YOU'RE FALLING FOR

Things didn't turn well after Sakura got into the hideout. Of course she'd slapped Sasuke in the cheek, and the Raven didn't ask what was that for. He knew he deserved every tiny piece of shame and regret of what he did to Pinkette, and as much as she'd begged him that rainy day he knew he shouldn't have done that.

"That's for seducing me when you knew I had no power against you." Sakura said as she slumped back at her room. 

Sasuke was left rubbing his tinting cheek, while Suigetsu and Madara made fun of him and gladly it didn't seem like an igominy. Obito gave him a pat in a shoulder and said, "I see you haven't mastered the jutsu yet, boy. You and I are gonna have a grim discussion of how Uchihas do it properly." Then Sasuke would lick his lips. He liked the new Madara. From the brainless doltish nitwit and thick-headed moron Tobi to the adamant Madara down to to the new Obito; despite he never knew, he thought the two of them could actually make a good team. He was his only family left.

"I like your boyfriend. He had the size I'm looking for."

No, no, no, this is NOT the reason she worked tirelessly for this.

Born from an unknown clan, Chiruka was one of the lucky kunoichis who survived the drill. Based from the identity Kabuto handed her, she was threw into the foster system even when she was born, had her mother exported her to Ame, grew up to be an abstract woman without having known her real family. Truth was, she'd developed this energy most people would refer to as a 'disease', her tribe's specialty also known as the Kiss of Death. She and Naruto have already encountered this kind of opponent, a woman named Fuuka, but what she didn't expect was Chiruka's force to have outgrown to the point her touch had become fatal. That's why she wore gloves.

Sakura tried to focus back at the liquors she was working on, now seated uncomfortably at her desk. Chiruka laid down the bed like she owned the place. "He is NOT my boyfriend. And if you don't mind, I'm trying to do my best on continuing my work so why don't you just shut up."

"You're pretty smug for a bloody vampire."

"I've met redheaded bitches worse than you." 

"Oh come on, that creepy guy in the mask and your boyfriend is leaving, which leaves me finding someone to horn in." "WHAT?!"Sakura stood up as she stormed outside, where in Obito and Sasuke have now worn their cloaks. "You guys are leaving?" 

"Relax, love. It's only for a couple of days, and I'm afraid I have to borrow Sasuke for some time. Would you mind?" 

"Why are you leaving Taka behind?" 

Obito swiped the dirt off his shoulders. "Karin hasn't fulfilled her obligations with Kabuto's experiments yet, Suigetsu and Jūgo will keep her preoccupied, which leaves the two of us doing all the butchery thing and that sort of stuff. Unless of course, if you would want to accomodate us and we'll gladly teach you a lesson on how to dagger a villain." 

"I don't care how many person are you planning to get rid of! What about Wakana??" 

"Kabuto will take good care of her." 

Big NO for Sakura Haruno. With Kabuto, Sakura just came up with the craziest thought that the little girl might be able to fit inside the Serpent's famished stomach. After all, he looked quite ravening. "Sasuke, come here for a second." She gestuclated a finger upon the Raven, as they plodded towards a corner. In Sasuke's imagination, this was usually every teenager's first step of seducing their prey. "What do you want?" 

"You touched me."

Sasuke looked inwardly diverted. "What do you want me to do with it?"

"Don't ever do that to me again."

The irony! "You're the one who asked for it."

"I did?" She sounded so surprised. But Sasuke merely shook his head. "Alright, can we just skip the part where in we argue something—then we go back all over again? Can't you atleast take her with you?" 

"The child can't come." Said Sasuke.

Both eyes glare jumpy at her direction, seeing how she wipes the blood off her mouth. "Just look at her!" Now Sasuke observed how the girl looked so indeed lost in this world, in other terms, similar to what he'd usually saw during his past. So he stood there, watching as Sakura paced with so much impediment. He didn't even know why she mattered so much to her. Even if she did, Wakana was hardly his concern yet he's letting the Pinkette consume his time because he knew this kid was the only valuable reason he could get to her. "I'm not leaving unless I figure somewhere else she could stay safe." She quickened her pacing, as sweat merely dropped from her forehead. Think, Sakura, think!

And Sasuke just had the mentally demented idea. "You know there's only one place you can keep her safe."

She looked into the mirror as her headband glimmered through its shining plate. KONOHA


Sakura kneeled in front of her baby girl as she held her arm. She made her decision. "Wakana, I need you to listen carefully to me, okay?" The silvery-headed girl nodded in anticipation and Sakura once again felt sorry for her once more knowing she was incapable of speaking. "We're going on a road trip!" She said in merriment, as the child grinned and made handsigns indicating the Uchiha. Is he coming? Her fingers say, and Sasuke just glanced at Sakura impassively to do the whole prattle. "No, see, he and your—er, uncle Tobi will be out on a mini vacation." 

"I prefer Madara sweetheart," Obito chimed in as he stood on the doorframe. To put it in a delicate manner, Sakura was surprised on how the relation of the two seem to escalate further than she'd expected. Some other time she caught Wakana meddling with his mask, the reason he couldn't get out of his room the other day. Then instead of admonishing her he'd ended up telling her fictional stories that would scare and foster her at the same time. "Now, can you promise me not to hurt anyone?" Sakura asked patiently as Wakana then again performed several handsigns. What if they don't like me?

"Sweetie, you see," Sakura started, "these people out there, they aren't special as you. You look normal but deep inside you're gifted."

"Because she's a parasite, why can't you just get to the point??" Karin spats.

"Don't listen to her. Just make sure you'll gain control of yourself." Anxiety glint at girl's eyes. "You can do that, right?" Apart from nodding, the girl was also capable of one thing: Is to understand one's thoughts more cautiously and understably with her own eyes. It was different the way Sasuke and Sakura looked at each other with so much conundrum and desire, and she was rather grateful she could preserve it to herself. 

When Sakura passed into the lab to grab her stuffs, Kabuto bumped into her like he'd actually meant it. "I'd like to thank you for doing me a favor." Sakura froze, recognizing that voice again. "I'm warning you Sakura. When that girl gets to infect another human being, that person shall be mine. Nomatter how much you would try to hide it." Then Sakura walked away.

Three days. Three days Sakura will finally get a break with Wakana at the Leaf. A visitor. Obito and Zetsu were all set when Sakura started dragging Sasuke by the ear.

"Aw! Sakura let go of me!" Sasuke shrilled in instant irritation. Taka and the others just glared at him in frustration. You're the mere Uchiha Sasuke and you can't even beat a woman.

"I have a plan," Sakura said leaning against the door, locking it. Sasuke just rubbed his reddish ear in sullen aggravation. "Plan A: I bring Wakana to the Leaf and with deal with the rest. Plan B, I ran out of ideas." Sasuke shook his head at her childlish behavior. "Why are you telling me this?" His aggressively cold voice asked.

"Just help me distract them. Atleast give me some time to cure her."

His brows crinkle. "Cure?"

"It's some sort of a potion to those who were in possession of the curse mark." She looked at him in the eye carefully, as if the thought was provoking him since he was one of those unfortunate species. "First I didn't believe it, but it's true. Shikamaru did it with Temari. I figure maybe if she finds potential there, the cure will work and Kabuto will have nothing to do with her anymore." 

Sasuke didn't respond, because he thought of the things that turned him into a flimsy fool. He remembered those days he spent with her and how much pain he suffered through the curse mark, and suddenly all of that convulsion—was Sakura's misdoing.

"You're gonna lure her into Konoha like it's some sort of a trap," Sasuke repeated.

"And I need you to buy me more time."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because," she critisized sharply, "think of it as your payment for making me forget what a fool I was for kissing you... And if you're gonna compel me next time you could atleast learn how to master it perfectly." But Sasuke had now been smirking. "I can't even look at you!" 

Obito, who now stood at the doorframe, watched as Sakura managed to pull each and everyone's heartstrings. She only arrived for a week yet he finds himself completely indulged with the Pinkette! Not only solaced, but irresistibly drawn to her! Even that little girl—Wakana? Was that her name? Heck, he thought Sakura's presence would benefit the organization but instead she was affecting it with her fascination. Now look what she's done to Sasuke. Instead of imposing upon Sakura and focusing on building up his clan, the boy rather chose to be secretly sentimental around her. 

And it's killing him. 

A quarell had gotten between the two again.

"So you're saying we made out," she laughed, "but I still don't get why I'd even let you lay a finger on me."

He ran a hand through his duckbutt hair, then he bit his bottom lip.

He smiled.

"I know we make mistakes, but you know what Sakura?" The way he spoke was so gentle and kind, and Sakura's heart fluttered in response. "I'll be honest with you. If there's one thing I've regretted in my shitty life, that's when I didn't even think of letting you remember what happened that night." Then he moved forward to kiss her delicate forehead. "The rest was history." 

Once in an ordinary lifetime, love gives us a fairytale.



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