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Winner of the General Naruto category, 2019

It's a pleasure to be able to interview you! How are you today?

1. Living a life full of denial and surpressed rage like the hulk, but I guess I can't really complain. No one listens to me anyways. I'M KIDDING!! I'm freaking happy! Living life Larry you know?! I'm so freaking happy my dudes! Like yesterday I was feeling Gucci but today I'm feeling pretty Fendi, you know?! 

How are you?! :) 

Thats fantastic to hear ((: I'm doing well, thanks for asking ^^ Let's jump right into the questions! Congratulations on winning first place in our biggest category: General Naruto! How do you feel about that and what was your initial reaction to the news? Did you brag about it to your family and friends? (;

I was super excited and super happy!! For sure. I remember when I saw the post about it and I was on break at work, and choked on my water not gonna lie. I also made like this weird noise afterwards that sounded like a pterodactyl and hyena both screeched? Idk. It was a good feeling for sure :) as for the bragging I didn't do that! Um my family doesn't even know I write a book, but I did tell my lovingly followers that we won, and thanked them and what not ya know? :) they're the sole reason I won anyways<3

Thats understandable ^^ What was your inspiration for the story? Was it something that came to you all at once or did the idea take a while to develop?

Honestly I was doing one shots in my one shot book, and I had this idea in my head that said "I love Obito, but Obito loves Rin, but Rin loves Kakashi, and for the sake of the story let's just say Kakashi love me because... Well who wouldn't?" And ran with the idea. 

I always loved Kakashi's back story, but I hated how he had to suffer through everything alone ya know? So I wanted to write a story where two rivals become friends and bond over the loss of their comrades. 

 Plus I wanted to add some more moments since we don't get a lot of team Minato in action ya know? 

 I'd say in a sense it can't to me at once, but it also took a while to develop. Because I'm not done, and currently I'm playing it by ear! But before this point I had a strategic timeline I went by. :)

Very cool!

 Since many of your followers will be reading this interview, do you have anything you'd like to tell them? About yourself or your stories?

Goodness, man I could write novels about them. I love them so much, and I really hope they know that? Like seriously they are my little lovies and I tell them that at like every end of each chapter. They are always so supportive, and so caring. They are like my armor if that makes sense ya know? They make me a stronger person. 

In my story it's a reader insert, but honestly I use my own personal experiences in the story, with a Naruto themed twist ya know? Which isn't easy to do, but it's great because people really relate to her in a sense. It makes me happy, and or sad depending on what people are relating too! 

Oh and just because I'm evil, expect the unexpected! Because trust me, you don't know what's coming :) 

 And I guess the last thing would be to anyone who's starting it, or is thinking about reading it, or who's gonna read it, I really do hope you enjoy? It's a shitty book. It's really a crappy book, but it's my crappy book, so I like it, and I hope you do too. And don't be afraid to comment because like I love it, and it inspires me more than anything. Welcome to the family! 

I'm sure they'll be happy to read this (: Is Endearment of the Quadrumvirate your favorite story of the ones you've written? Or is it one of the others you have posted? If so, tell me about that story.

Honesty it is my favorite, I've really worked on that one this past year. And it's brought me so much stress yet so much reward really! I have one I'm working on in secret that I think people will enjoy! But Endearment is my favorite thing for sure. It's really funny tho, I can't pronounce this title of the story to save my life. Nor can I spell it on my own, I need google for that LOL. just a random tidbit of information.

Haha, I understand that, it's a long word!! I've just been copy pasting XD So will this secret story be ready in time to be entered into next years contest? Should I expect to give you another interview in 2020? 

LOL I don't blame you. I do the same thing if I'm being honest! And hm, I guess it depends on when I finish this book! But I'd love to hopefully enter again! Honestly I feel like if I say yes that sounds really cocky, but I have the best readers in the world who honestly probably voted because I I threaten to kill off their favorite characters, because they know I'll do it too... So if I keep up that tactic I'm sure we might cross paths again, hopefully haha. (I keep wanting to put laughing emojis but Wattpad doesn't do that here :( ) 

Well, I hope to see you next year ^^ Anyways, is there anyone, other than your general fan base, to which you'd like to give a shoutout to? On wattpad or not.

That's a stressful question because there's so many people and I wish I could name them all because I love everyone *cries* but man I'll slim it down. 

So first I wanted to shout out riddlemehiddles um she was the person who created the name for me. And she listen to me banter and encouraged me to write the book in the first place. She has a big following and in her reads and she gave me my first shout out and much love to her. 

I want to shout out tailgate-stars because she's a great friend. But also her story is what inspired me to write my own Kakashi fanfic. Also, if you're reading this, I, as your grandma want to inform you to eat your veggies and scrub behind your ears! (Idk she probably already does that but I'm her grandma so) 

MidnightAngel5 for being a good friend and listening to my banter and supporting my story. 

the_blue_dandelion for telling me I should enter in this. I heard she won her entry too! So congrats!!! ❤️ 

And theforgottenwaves for being an amazing friend, giving me ideas, listen to me as I practically ruin the story for her. Drawing some of the characters for me. And just like being the first internet friend I met in person. I adore her a lot. So if you're reading this!!! I love you bean ❤️ 

Can I shout you guys out too? Because this idea is super dope!! It not only helps people gain a following, but it allows for stories to be heard and seen and that's so freaking dope. Thank you for this opportunity fo sho! 

And finally (sorry there's so many) I know you said other then the general fan base, but like... all of them are my family. Ya know? I love them all so much! Like they didn't have to read my story, they didn't have to like or comment or vote, they didn't have to be kind and understanding, they didn't have to add my story to their library. I see everything and I truly appreciate them. They are my motivation. They don't have to engage but they do and I love them for it. And they never had to branch out to me, but they have 

And I adore them so much for it. Whew that was a lot I'm sorry *cries*

Sounds like some great people have your back (: And this is our last question. If you could describe your writing style and how you like to structure your books in five words, how would you describe what has brought you so much success on wattpad?

I live by these five words, ironically enough which is going to sound so rude but... 

"Always play with peoples emotions." 


I'll stop there lol but yeah :) if you do that it will always keep your people wanting to read ya know? 

If I play with the emotions, it becomes unpredictable and people need unpredictability. Why do you think people love the unpredictable knuckle headed ninja Naruto Uzumaki himself? So in a sense write like how Naruto acts and bam. I'd say that got me pretty far :)

That's a pretty interesting way of thinking about it. And that concludes our interview! It's been a pleasure ^^ Is there anything else you'd like to say?

Hmm yes! 

 One again thank you for this! You guys rawk! And this is very appreciated for sure! So keep up the hard work :) 

and my final words to anyone reading this: my readers, new ones, and whomever else who has somehow made it this far down the interview lol. 

You're pretty cool ya know? So don't let anyone ever tell you, that you can't do anything, or that you're not good enough or whatever other bullshit people say now adays. You take that and don't let it hurt you, but motivate you? And if you needed to hear it, you're absolutely beautiful and handsome and super freaking awesome. You're always enough, so keep fighting. Because I can promise, if you weren't enough, you wouldn't have been given the opportunity to be here in general. And if you ever need a friend, I volunteer as tribute! You're perfect so don't change the way you are. You're strong too so don't let anyone say you're not. Be what makes you happy, not whatever makes everyone else happy. :) 

Thank you again you guys. :) 

Much love Brookelle Marie :) 

Ps. If you haven't read my story don't. (I'm saving your life at this moment lol ;) )

Thank you for being interviewed! Have a good day! ^^

You too!

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