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Winner of the Next Generation Category, 2017

Hello~! :3 It's a pleasure to be able to interview you, how are you today?

Pretty good! I just woke up, haha!

That's good, I hope you slept well~ Now, let's get right to the questions. Congratulations on winning first place in the Next Generation category of the Naruto Watty Awards! How do you feel about that and what was your initial reaction to the news? Did you brag about it to your family and friends? ;)

Haha! Well, to be honest, it was a bit sudden. I had moved to Japan recently, so the news kind of got lost in moving from America to Japan!

I was super excited when I found out, but no real bragging! I was just super stoked to find out!

Moving to Japan? That's awesome! I'm sure many of us wish we could do that XD. Your fanfic, What You Wish For, seems very interesting and has brought you much success by winning you an award! Please tell me, what was your inspiration? Was it something that came to you all at once or did the idea take a while to develop?

'What You Wish For' is probably my most successful fanfiction. The inspiration came from one line in the movie where Boruto laments that it was good that Naruto never had to live with his dad being Hokage. The line really stuck with me, because it showed how naive Boruto was, so I made a world where Minato was still alive, and then made it as bad as can be to put Boruto in a situation where he can mature. I guess it's a kind of "coming of age" Tale. Originally Ansei wasn't supposed to play a significant role in the fanfiction. I had barely even given him a name when I started, but his character grew on me, so he became the lead character beside Boruto!

That's very interesting! I might just have to read it for myself ^^ You're currently at 55 followers and yet you've still won an award, you must be very talented. Where do you aim to be in the future, followers wise?

Well, honestly I joined Wattpad with the intention of just posting What You Wish For. I never really had a follower goal, and I'm not sure how to even gain followers. The story was originally posted on Fanfiction.net. I don't know much about followers on Wattpad. I just like to let my work speak for itself and people can follow if they like it!

That sounds wonderful! On the topic of your followers, since there's probably going to be a few of them reading this interview, is there anything you'd like to say to them? About yourself or about your stories?

Well, first I'd like to say that I'm really glad they enjoy my work! I love writing, and I love sharing my writing, so I'm always happy when people read and enjoy my stuff, so thank you! About me? Well, I think most of my followers might know me already from YouTube... but... some general things. I've been writing for most of my life, Naruto is my favorite anime (kind of obvious), I edit Amvs and I'm an English teacher! As for my stories... you may not know this, but I actually do write original fiction. One thing that What You Wish For did was give me Ansei. On FF.net, He was a break out character and I've since written three novels that took a lot of ideas from WYWF, and Ansei, and then implanted them into an original series!

I'm sure your readers are sitting on the edge of their seats for your updates! On that note... let's go back to your stories. Which one is your personal favorite or which one are you the proudest of? Is it What You Wish For? Or another one you've written you've written?

I think What You Wish For is probably my opus as far as fanfiction goes. It was the best-received piece of writing I've ever done and it has generated a lot of buzzes. It also paved the way for my first ever finished an original novel, 'Those Who Live in Villages.' So I'm very proud of What You Wish For because people really seemed to enjoy it and connect with the story being told.

That's amazing! And if you were to enter the Naruto Watty Awards again in our 2018 contest, what story would you enter?

I'd have to write something entirely new! I don't have many Naruto fics on the backlog.

Ah really? This is your first and only Naruto fanfic? That's amazing~! To be so talented and successful on wattpad... I'm sure you had some support along the way! Other then your general fanbase, is there anyone you would like to give a shoutout to? Both on wattpad and not ^^

Hmm... that's a tough one! I guess a big thank you to all my subscribers that found me on here from YouTube... but personally... Renie_08 has been super helpful both for my writing and amvs!

Last question, if you could describe your writing style and how you like to structure your books in five words, how would you describe what has brought you so much success on wattpad? 

Five words? Well, let's see. I guess I'll list the things I take into consideration before starting any story, in order of importance to my own process. "Character, relationships, backstory, plot and world." And outlining gets thrown in there eventually!

Thank you for allowing me to interview you! Bye~

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