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Winner of the Kunoichi Only Category, 2017

Hello~! :3 It's a pleasure to be able to interview you, how are you today?

Hello! The pleasure is all mine honestly! :D Kinda busy, as per usual '^-^ Trying to write and do graphics around work and study is hard sometimes. But hey! How can I complain!

Sound's like a lot of work! Please remember to take care of yourself ^^ Regardless, let's get right into the questions. Congratulations on winning first place in the Kunoichi Only category, and the newest category, of the Naruto Watty Awards! How do you feel about that and what was your initial reaction to the news? Did you brag about it to your family and friends? ;)

I'll try '^^ Thank you so much! It was funny how I found out I won because I was WAY too scared to actually read the results so I had my little sister read them out! And my sister has THE BEST poker face so she just calmly reads out first place and I FLIPPED! I thought she was joking because I assumed there was no way I could win! Honestly, I feel like the only reason I won was that I made amazing friends here on Wattpad, cause let's be real my stories aren't that great ahaha '^^

So modest! Come on, I'm sure your stories are amazing! Well, you're doing one or two things right at the very least (; For fanfic, Hidden Saviours, has brought you a bunch of success on wattpad ^^ Please tell me, what was your inspiration? Was it something that came to you all at once or did the idea take a while to develop?

It's funny because Hidden Saviours isn't even my most popular book aha! But I feel the idea both hit me and progressed slowly. I find that that's how stories work for me as you who your characters are and you flesh out every part instead of everything being a means to an end, ya know :D

And what about your followers? You're at just over 400 at the moment. When did your rise in followers begin? And where do you hope to be in the future in this aspect?

Omg it was so surprising to reach 400 followers because I was just teetering under it for so long! And then one day I received, I think, seven followers and it just blew my mind! I couldn't believe it! My followers count has always fluctuated, first when I was writing Insomnia (the old version of Dragons Wake) and again when I started my graphics shop and portfolio, and its recently started again because I'm actually doing things here again. I went on a semi-hiatus for a bit because everything was so hectic and I had just lost my motivation for everything. But I'm back now and I'm really trying and I hope to finish a book this year!

That's great! I wish you good luck with your writing~! On the topic of your followers, since there's going to be quite a few of them reading this interview, is there anything you'd like to say to them? About yourself or about your stories?

Uuuuuuh hehehehe, yeah. I'm really sorry for the constant re-writes and the crappy update schedule. But I'm so grateful you have stuck around, it means the absolute world to me and I'm hoping to fill your library with a ton of updates this year! ^^

I'm sure your readers are patiently awaiting your updates ^^ On that note... let's go back to your stories. Which one is your personal favorite or which one are you the proudest of? Is it Hidden Saviours? Or another you've written?

I honestly think all of my stories are my favourite just because they are all so different! Dragon's Wake has morals of growing up in your own way and becoming your own person and Hidden Saviours is an amalgamation of so many people in one story (because I ask everyone to make characters for it and I put them in) and it feels like such a community effort with a whole bunch of hidden plot. I really just love them.

If you were to enter our 2018 contest, would you enter Dragon's Wake then?

Most likely, even though I know I won't win '^^

Well, there's always a chance! To be so talented and successful on wattpad... I'm sure you had some support along the way! Other then your general fanbase, is there anyone you would like to give a shoutout to? Both on wattpad and not ^^

I've had so many friends along the way, a lot who have inspired me in so many ways. Sadly most of them I've fallen out of contact with, as is the way of life. But if I were to thank anyone it would probably be my fellow keeper, NekoKeeper. Wattpad was honestly one of my phases in the beginning but I think she made it more than that. We used to sit in homeroom and create stories and ideas together and it was honestly such a wonderful time ^^

Last question, if you could describe your writing style and how you like to structure your books in five words, how would you describe what has brought you so much success on wattpad?

Ummmm ahaha! Well I've been told my writing is "Melodramatically descriptive and emotional" so I think that might be it XD 

And that concludes our interview! Is there anything else you'd like to say?

Thank you so much for this honor! It means so much to me and I hope you have a great year and I hope the same for everyone else reading this! I hope motivation always find you when you sit down, distraction is at an all-time low, and the words come to you easily!

Thank you for your time~ Bye!


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