The Race ( Chapter Four)

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Destiny walks down the garages watching teams work on the cars. Some jacked up some missing tires. She walks down to the fifteenth stall and stops. Her black HendrickCars #84 Chevy sits untouched. Her crew done with it after she ran it in her first practice session. She placed 9th because of it.

" Hay new girl."

Destiny hears. She turns around seeing a kid with brown hair and brown eyes walking towards her.

" What?"

She says calmly. The boy smiles and stops in front of her. His fire suit tied at his waist.

" I hope you can keep up with us men."

He says with a cocky tone. Destiny grins then crosses her arms.

" And who are you?"

She says annoyed. She moves her right foot a little across the asphalt.

" Chris Carr. Two time Champion in the ARCA series. And five time winner here at the Glen."

The boy says.

" So Chris. You think you can take on a girl hired by Rick Hendrick?"

She says. Her arms still crossed. Chris gives her a look.

" Hendrick power does nothing here for you. This is where you race for bragging rights. You wreck people when it's nessasary. And we race hard. Why don't you go play with a Barbie doll or something."

The boy says. Then he laughs as he turns and heads for his massive hauler. Destiny looks at the hauler. She then sighs and looks down.

" Man how much id kill to have one of those."

She says. Then she turns and walks towards her car. She runs her hand across it then looks at her team.

" The race starts in an hour Destiny."

Her crew chief says. She nods.

" Thanks Chad."

Destiny says. He goes off to talk to the rest of her team.

Destiny comes out of her team trailer and walks down towards her car as the teams start to pile in onto pit road. She walks by her brother as he's taking pictures with a couple of girls. Then she walks towards her car that's in ninth place. She listens to Nickle Back as she leans against her car. The air is warm against her face.

" Ladies and gentlemen please rise and remove your hats as we present our nations colors."

The small crowd at GlenWood speedway stand up. Many colors reflect from the stands. They play the anthem after they pray. Destiny stands by Chads side. To her right is her race car. She had already named it too. Thunder Bolt was it's name since it was so loud. As she looked ahead of her she could see Chase. His arm around a girl. The girl had red hair. Dyed hair since it was dark red. Her body was skinny. No muscles what so ever. Chases arm was wrapped around her waist and they were real close. Destiny rolls her eyes. Then she sees that other boy ahead of her. That kid named Chris, the so called "sponsored" one. She was so determined to run his ass up the incline. She wanted to pass him and flip him off then take off and never let him by again. The thought made her grin.

" Destiny it's time to get into your car."

Chad cut into her little day dream. She shakes her head out of it then looks at Chad.

" Huh?"

She says then she realizes how dumb she looked. Chad looks at her.

" Get your head into the game Elliott... Go get in the car."

Chad says fiercely. Destiny sighs then slides herself through the window of the car. Her body fits perfectly inside the seat. As the guys are putting the window net up she hears a very familiar voice.

" My daughter will NOT race! I demand you get her out of that death trap now!"

Destiny tries to look left but the head rest only allows her limited movement. All she can see is half her crew holding back her mother. Her mother pissed off. Her face wearing a furious look. Destiny starts up the race car trying to ignore her mother who is now calling her name. The rest of the cars start up. By that point her mother found it pointless to call for her daughter. The Chevy pick up takes off pit road followed by the cars. Destiny watches as the light blue #89 swerves in front of her. The back of the car reads " TeddyBear Peanut Butter".

" Huh. I didn't realize they had money to sponsor a car."

Destiny says. Then she pulls snug up near the back of the car once it stops. The twenty cars line double wide as the pace car pulls off the track after two laps.

" Ok Destiny, let's go out there and have some fun. Good luck."

Chad says over the head set. Destiny grabs the shifter as the field comes towards the start/finish line. The green flag waves setting the twenty cars free. The leader ( Karley Brookes) takes off down low getting the advantage over the second place car (Ash Travis). Ash Travis pulls his #6 car along side Karley's #40 black and red race car. Her sponsor was " Nitrous Toxic Dyno Shop." Destiny passes the light blue #89 and then sets her eyes on Danny Travis, Ash's older brother. Danny, who's driving the #66 car sponsored by Route 66 racing, follows behind Chase. Destiny speeds up trying to catch up to them. She drivers her car hard into the turns only letting off on the throttle half. While others were hitting the brakes In the turns. She catches Danny off guard and pulls along side him as they go into turn one.

" Twenty to go Destiny."

Chad says into the radio. It was a short race. Only thirty laps at most. Destiny pulled forward as they came out of the turn. She gained the seventh position. And ahead of her was Chase who was battling that Chris kid for sixth. Chase was along side Chris as they ran down the small back straightaway. Chris with the advantage into the turn gains a little speed and pulls ahead. As they both battle Destiny ends up catching up in a matter of two laps. She runs behind her brother. As she's doing that she takes the draft off him and does something no one would ever risk. At the very beginning of the turn she cuts the wheel left and makes it three wide into the turn. The draft helped her sling shot around both Chase and Chris. Then she forced the wheel right and slammed the door on Chris making sure he does not get by. Destiny grins as she shifts again and takes off four the fourth spot. Up ahead Karley still had the lead but Ash was still trying to keep up. They round out of turn four as Destiny just reaches the middle of the turn. The third place car is running the high line all around.

" Easy."

Destiny says. Then she grins and hits the gas. Her car flying by the crowd. As she enters turn one she's gained almost a full second on the third place driver. She shifts gears again and then pulls her car low as she goes into the turn. The other car runs up high against the wall. As she pulls out of the turn all she hears is a loud " crunch" noise. The two cars ahead of her have slowed. And the yellow flag is waving.

" What's going on?"

Destiny asks Chad.

" the third place car slammed into the wall coming out of that turn. He barely missed hitting you. Chase made it out followed by Chris Carr. But he wrecked five others."

Chad says.

" Oh.."

Destiny says. Then she pulls behind Karley's car. The pace car stops on the back stretch as the field catches up to it. The race, now under a red flag, only has ten laps left.

" Your doing amazing out there by the way Destiny. Nice driving."

Chad says. Destiny grins.

" Just having fun."

She says back.

After ten minutes the track is cleared and the cars have pitted. Most tool four tires and fuel. Only four took two tires and one took only fuel. The field lines up behind the Silverado pace car as they go around turn one and two.

" seven to go."

Chad says as the pace car pulls off. Destiny shifts on point. The field goes into turn one with Destiny right behind Ash Travis. Chris right behind her. Ash takes the middle line as they go into turn three. Destiny down low and Chris follows her. Chase sits back in fourth being forced to watch his sister race for first in her first race. As they come out of turn four onto the front straight away Ash still has position one. Destiny falls back in line with Chris really close behind. Chase not to far behind. Maybe a half a car length back. Ash flashes by the line with Destiny right on his bumper.

" Six to go."

Chad says. Only firing her up more. They go into turn one. This time Destiny has the advantage. The nose of her car has the lead as she runs down low. Chris passes Ash but Ash comes right back. They come out of turn two almost running three wide. Destiny just a tad bit ahead of both of them. They run down the back stretch still in close quarters. Three laps later they are still running two wide. Destiny now in second running next to Chris as they come by to take the white flag. As the go into turn one once again Destiny gets the advantage. She runs the middle line pulling up beside Chris. As they come out of turn two she has the high line. Chris tries to side draft her as they go down the track. Ash now right on Chris's bumper makes it three wide into turn three. Destiny holding on trying to take first. She shifts in the middle of the turn and pulls ahead slightly.

" Come on! Come on!"

She yells to herself and the car. Her heart is pounding as fast as her car is running RPMs. Her nerves start to act up as they come out of the turn. The nose of her car giving her the lead. But as they all come out of the turn Chris gets a run then so does Ash. As they come closer Chris and ash are trying to beat each other. Destiny takes her chance and makes it three wide. She pulls her car into the middle lane and pulls up in between them. As they flash by taking the checkered no one knows who won. Not even her. The crowd cheers seeing the finish. And the rookie challenging for the lead.

" ladies and gentleman. It seems to be that the number #84 HendrickCars Chevy had the lead when they crossed the line. Destiny Elliott takes the win here at GlenWood SpeedWay!"

The track owner announces over the speakers that are all around the track. By this time the cars are all lined on pit road. Well the three that were racing for the win. The rest were either being loaded up or were already loaded up. Chase leans against the side of the truck waiting for his sisters car to be loaded up. His mood... Pissed off. His arms are crossed and he has not spoken one word since he got out of his car. His mother was in the hauler flipping shit on Rick for letting her daughter race. After about five minutes Chase looked up seeing his sisters car being rolled over. His sister no where to be found. The crew stopped the car behind the truck then looked back. Chase followed their stares and saw Destiny with Chad. In her hand was her iPod. He gives her a look even though he knows she won't see it. Then he looks down at the grass.

Destiny walks beside Chad as the team pushes her car from victory lane to the trailer. Her mind totally focused on her mother and what she will say. As she walks closer the beat of the song she's listening to starts to match her nervous heart beat.

Destiny looks up seeing her crew stop the car in front of the trailer. She sees Chase leaning against the right half of the trailer. His arms crossed. As she gets closer she notices that he looks up at her. Then he looks away. Destiny sighs.

" All I did was win... And he hates me... And I'm pretty sure my mother is going to kill me..."

Destiny says out loud in a sad tone. Chad looks down at her then stops her.

" If she yells at you or disowns you.. I know some one that will take you in. He will help you a lot. I know he will."

Chad smiles a warm smile at her then pushes her along towards the trailer. As they get to the trailer all she can hear is yelling. Destiny stops in her tracks. And Chad does as well. The door swings open and Destiny comes face to face with her mother. Her mothers eyes filled with rage. They stare her down viciously. Guilt boils up in Destiny. Chad then pulls her back and he stands in front of her.

" Can I help you?"

Chad asks nicely trying not to make things worse. Destiny's mother gives him the dirtiest look ever and then pushes beside him.

" Chase Elliott. We are going home."

She says. Chase looks up at her.

" What about Destiny?"

Chase asks. Cindy looks at him then gives Destiny a look.

" No daughter of mine races."

She says then she walks towards the red Chevy Suburban. Destiny's eyes lower slowly towards the ground. Tears swell in them as Chase walks by her. Chase stops for a moment looking back at his sister then he gets into the car.

( authors note: sorry for not updating. Iv been to two wakes and two funerals in the past four days. Life is fricken tough. It really sucks when all you can do is watch people cry. I felt hopeless.. And helpless. That ain't me at all. Anyways if my boyfriend ever comes on here and reads my stories. This is for him. Thank you for everything you've done in the past almost four years now that Iv known you. And thanks for getting up this morning at seven just to drive me to the funeral. I love you Tim:) well it's like 11 o'clock here and just getting home from work. I guess the Nationwide race is on according to my phone. Night!)

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