Chapter Eight

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The black Luxor touches down and the engines switch to reverse to slow down it's momentum. Chase's cell rings waking him up.

" ugh hello?"

He says as he answers his phone. He gives a quick yawn then he rubs his eyes.

" Chase where are you? I thought you were going to come chill with Dylan and I."

The voice says through the speaker. Chase opens his eyes realizing he stood up his two friends Kyle Larson and Dylan Kwasniewski.

" oh my god Kyle I totally forgot. I'm so sorry. Something came up and I had to fly to concord with Destiny."

Kyle coughs on the other end surprised.

" Your sister is with you? Since when do you two get a long?"

He asks calmly. Chase looks at Kasey who's now asleep in a chair and Destiny leaning against the wall.

" Tell him he damn right owes us one!"

Chase hears in the background knowing it's Dylan.

" well when are you coming back Chase? We have practice on Thursday you know. And a race Saturday."

Chase rolls his eyes.

" Kyle I know. And I know you and Destiny have a race on Sunday. Look I'm doing a friend a favor ok? I'll text you later when I get settled in. Tell Dylan I'm sorry and I will make it up to both of you."

Chase says calmly as he sits up.

" Alright Chase. But you owe us big time!"

Kyle says then the line goes dead. Chase pulls his iPhone away and exits out of the call log. He stands up as the plane shuts down and he goes over to Destiny.

" Destiny we are here."

He says as he slightly moves her shoulder. She moans and try's to roll over but fails.

" two more minutes."

She says pushing him away. Chase sighs and pokes her.

" we are here. Up, now."

He says and she opens her eyes slowly.

" Chase Elliott...."

He grins and tickles her. She yells pushing him away. Kasey wakes up sitting up fast. He snatches the xbox controller and gets up.

" Destiny I'll protect you!"

He says as he nails Chase off the head hard with the controller. Chase recoils and spins around grabbing his head in pain.

" Dude what the fuck was that for!"

He yells while he has one hand over the place he got hit. Kasey backs up slowly and his cheeks are red from embarrassment.

" I'm so sorry Chase! I didn't mean to do that! I didn't know it was you!"

Kasey says trying to help the situation but only makes it worse. Destiny gets up and moves Chase's hand away from it and she looks at it.

" it's just a bump Chase calm your self."

She says as she lets his hand go. He growls and gives Kasey a look. Destiny looks at Kasey and pushes him towards the door to the plane.

" Come on let's get to the hospital and see your mom."

She says and Kasey sighs.

" I'm only staying here till tomorrow morning."

He says as he now walks on his own without Destiny pushing him. Chase follows behind them. They unboard the plane and head for the car that Rick set up to pick them up. A black Chevy Suburban sits out front of the little airport. They get into it and the driver peels out of the pick up area headed for the hospital. Chase sits in the second row looking out the right window still holding his head. Destiny chose to sit in the middle just incase her brother beats in Kasey's one of a kind face. And Kasey sat on the far left. They are all silent the whole ride there.


Chase follows Destiny and Kasey into the hospital entrance. Kasey walks up to the receptionist and asks for the room number of his mothers room. He smiles fully and goes back over to Chase and Destiny who are both looking at a car out the window.

" She said room 234A on the third floor."

Chase turns around and nods.

" let's head up there then."

Chase says. Kasey heads to the elevator and hits the up arrow. Destiny comes over after Chase had to literally pull her away from the window.

" Kasey we will let you go in first if you want."

Destiny says calmly as the elevator door opens. They all get in and Kasey hits the button for the third floor.

" I want you guys to come in too. She needs all the support she can get."

Destiny nods and looks at Chase.

" be nice."

She says. Chase gives her a look. He feels his pocket vibrate and he pulls out his phone. He unlocks it and sees a tweet on twitter from Kyle Larson.

"@chaseelliott, thanks for ditching us.# rookie @KyleLarsonRacin"

Chase shakes his head and then tweets back.

" @KyleLarsonRacin, helping out a friend of mine so cool it #heated


Chase puts his phone away as they walk down the hallway heading towards Kasey's mothers room. Kasey signs and the looks at the numbers reading them in his mind. 238,237,236,235, he stops at room 234A and takes a deep breath. Destiny puts her hand on his shoulder.

" Come on Kasey. I'm right beside you."

Destiny says. Kasey nods and opens the door. A low beeping noise echoes around the room. The machine shows Kasey's mothers heart rate at a normal pace. She asleep under the white blanket. Two pillows supporting her head. The usual IV in her right arm and her left arm is in a blue cast. Her face has crusty old blood on it but she looks fine from where Destiny stands. Kasey goes over and sits by her. He lays his hand on hers and sighs.

" Mom I'm here. It's Kase your baby."

Destiny sits across from him on the other side of the bed. Chase sits near Kasey.

" Mom you gotta wake up soon. I want you to watch me in the 500 this year. I want to make you proud."

A tear falls from his eye. He chokes on the word proud.

" I wish dad was here to help me.. To help me go the right way in life. I wish he was still here to help you. If he was hear I'm sure this never would have happened."

He says. He kisses her head and continues to talk to her.

Destiny's phone goes off and she pulls it out of her pocket. The name reads Carl Edwards and she slides the answer button. She gets up going into the hall.

" yah Carl?"

She says quietly so she doesn't disturb the other patience.

"are you alright? I haven't seen you all day and I know your not the type that misses a day of track practice. Case won't tell me shit. And the guys won't either."

Carls voice sounds a little worried.

" Carl I'm in Concord NC at the hospital with Kasey."

Carl grows silent then he pushes out a name.

" Kasey?"

His voice worried.

" Kasey Kahne? Is he alright?"

He asks nervously. Destiny sighs as she looks at the boring tiles on the floor.

" Kasey is fine. His mother was in an accident and now she's in a coma. She Chase and I brought him to Concord so he can be with her."

She says quietly. Carl sighs with relief.

" Thank god. Well I hope he's going to be ok. And tell him I hope his mom gets better."

Carl says. In the back ground Destiny can hear Greg Biffle talking to someone. Maybe Stenhouse.

" alright I'll see you later Carl."

She says and then she hangs up. She silences her phone then walks back into the room. Chase is looking out at the parking lot. Kasey is looking at his mom. His eyes blood shot from crying.

" Kasey are you alright?"

Destiny asks concerned.

" I'm... Fine..."

He pushes out.

" I could have prevented this.."

He says under his breath. Destiny walks over and lays her arm around him.

" Kasey she's just like you. She will fight through it."

Kasey nods. He lays his head on her hand shutting his eyes. Tears fall like a summer rain storm. Destiny runs his back for about a half hour until the tears stop and he is sound asleep. His moms hand holding his head.

" good night Kasey."

She whispers. Then she sits down in the other chair. She pulls her phone out seeing a text from Tim. She opens it and reads it.

" Hay babe I miss you. Text me when you can. I love you. Btw Case has the car ready for Sunday."

She texts him back then puts her phone in her pocket. She tries to sleep but can't. After about two hours of trying she gives up and walks around the hospital two times. She pulls out her phone seeing another text. This time it's from Johnson.

" Tell Kasey I say I'm here for him. And tell Chase that Kyle and Dylan are going around saying that he has to race them when they get back. Btw Dino Martinez is trying to call you out since no one but us know where you are."

She sighs as she sees the name Dino.

" Bastard needs to calm his balls."

She says then she goes on twitter.

"@Dinomartinez, don't you dare call me out. If you want me then come get me. #agravatted @destinyelliott84"

She nods then puts her phone away and goes back into the room. She sinks down into the seat and looks up at the clock.

" it's 12:30 am and I can't sleep...your kidding me."

She sighs and pulls her cell out again. She clicks on the app called flappy bird and plays it for a good hour. Then she finally starts to feel tired. Her eyes grow heavy and she falls asleep after about 320 attempts at beating 88.

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