Chapter Eighteen

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( Sorry for ending the last chapter like that. I was so caught up in the Darlington race that I couldn't focus anymore.)

Destiny enters pit road and then pulls behind the wall heading for the garage. She stops in front of her stall and then cuts the engine. The guys push the car into the bay and jack up the left side of it.

" You are going out for another run. You didn't get eliminated. So be ready."

Case says through the radio. The window net still is up. And Destiny is still strapped into her #84 machine.

" Give me two rounds of wedge. And check the toe on the left rear. Dino fucked it up and wacked it out. And give me alittle more positive camber in the front."

Destiny adds. Case nods and tells the guys. They jack her car up high enough to get jack stands under it so Matt can get underneath the car to adjust the toe and camber. As they finish checking over the car Destiny looks out the windshield at the scoring monitor on her teams tool box. First is Brad Keselowski. Then Dino Martinez in second. Third is Destiny followed by Jimmie Johnson.

" give her two rounds of wedge! Then let her down! We have five minutes to get our ass back out there!"

Case yells. They quickly open the hood to check oil and oil pressure. They check the coolant and then the belts.

" Everything looks good Case."

Chris says to Case. Case nods and then shuts the hood. Matt crawls out from the front and throws a size 26 wrench onto the toolbox. He stands up and straightens himself out. He wipes his forehead and then gives the ok for Dominic Chocolate to let the car down. Dominic let's it down slowly then pulls the jack out.

" Get out there and have fun!"

He yells. Rich Yukon, James Challenger, Mark Charger, and Henry Smith push the car out of the garage. Destiny starts it up and then drives out to the line of cars that are awaiting to go out again. She lines up behind Austin Dillion. Kyle Larson pulls up behind her. About twenty cars wait till the official lets them go. Up ahead is Jr and Johnson. Jeff is three cars behind them. Dino's car is seven back behind Danica Patrick. Ricky Stenhouse Jr sits in front of Danica. Ironically.

" Case I'm going out there and running this like a race. Just tell Joey to be my spotter and for Chris to take down my lap times."

Destiny says over the radio. Case stands on the hauler shaking his head. Chad looks over at him and so does Alan.

" What's up Case?"

Chad asks. Case shakes his head then radios to Joey.

" Just watch her back. I'm not fighting with her anymore."

He says to Joey. Chad looks at him.

" She's going to run this like a race. She will destroy that engine before we even get to race it."

Case says. Chad looks at him.

" Ah I understand. That's how Jimmie was his first year."

He says. Case sighs then opens his note book getting ready to take down times. They are all on top of Jimmies team hauler since it has the best view.

The official steps out of the way letting the cars pull off pit road and get up to speed. Jimmie and Dale follow each other's lines. Brad is way up front running close to the wall and then in the turns he forces the car down low. Dino again runs the middle line all around except on exit of the turns. Destiny races Austin for a lap then passes him down low. She speeds up and pulls back into line. Ahead of her she sees Joey Logano's Shell/Pennzoil 22. She sets her sights on him.

" 25.859"

Joey says over the radio as Destiny completes another lap. She passes Joey Logano after two more laps. After several more laps Destiny ends up in the Hendrick posy. Jimmie Johnson still ahead of both Jeff and Dale. Dino just a few cars ahead. And Brad long gone.

" Next time around ends this session."

Case says on the radio. Brad crosses the line at 139.384mph with a time of 25.828.

He keeps the top spot as the cars go around for the last time.

" Nice job you made it to the last round. Dino and Brad did as well. And Jimmie too."

Case says. Destiny goes back to the garage and pulls into her bay.

" She is loose and the splitter is dragging a tad bit."

Destiny says to Case.

" We will do our best."

They jack the car up again and work on the car. After twenty minutes Destiny is being pushed out again and she heads out one last time. This time though the cars have already been let out. Destiny stays low as Brad flashes by going twice as fast as her. Then Jimmie goes by. Destiny now running around 126.587mph pulls up onto the track and makes a spot in line. Joey Logano now follows his Penske teammates line. He steals the second spot away from Dino. After twenty minutes of the last session the red flag comes out. Rain starts to come down heavily causing the session to be cut short.

" Well we had another ten minutes left but Mother Nature wouldn't permit it. The cars are now pulling onto pit road and are being covered."

Bob says.

" Well it looks like a Penske sweep! Brad Keselowski takes first with his lap time of 25.828. And Joey Logano takes second with a lap time of 25.850. Jammie McMurray takes third for Sunday. Fourth is Jimmie Johnson. Fifth is Dale Earnhardt Jr. Sixth is Destiny Elliott. Followed by Kyle Busch in Seventh. Eighth is The rookie Kyle Larson! Ninth is Dino Martinez. And tenth is Kurt Busch. That rounds out the top ten for Sundays race."

Darrell says. They go on talking about drivers and times. How both Penske boys beat Johnson's old track record.

Destiny climbs out of her car and walks over to Jimmie. Her team covers the car and pushes it towards the NASCAR inspection garage. Jimmie is talking to Dale and Jeff as Destiny gets closer.

" Yah in turn two I hit that rough spot a few times too. It really screwed up my tires. I think it bent up my splitter too."

Dale says to them. Then they all look at destiny as she walks up to them.

" Hay nice job. Top ten."

Jimmie says smiling. She gives him a effortless smile then looks at them.

" Dino fucked up my car in the turn. I should be up with the Penske boys."

She says as the rain hits her head. Dale and Jeff look at her.

" Come on let's go get a few beers and relax."

Jeff says. Jimmie nods.

" Chandra doesn't want me drinking anymore. But we can go play some pool at the local bar."

He says. Dale looks at him trying not to laugh.

" whipped much?"

Jeff bursts out laughing then Dale. Destiny just gives them a look. Jimmie sighs.

" I have two little girls jr. They don't need to see their father drunk. I think it's better that way as well. It was bad back when we would have our bar moments."

Jeff agrees and nods.

" I have a little boy and a little girl Jimmie. I don't go that far anymore either. But come on. One Budweiser or miller won't kill ya."

Jeff says. Jimmie shakes his head.

" No. And that's it. You two go have fun at the bar. I'm going to stay here."

Dale gives him a look then it disappears.

" Alright alright I understand Jimmie. Your drunk moments only happen when we are in Vegas during championship week."

Jimmie gives him a look.

" That's on Chad. He made it a tradition."

Jimmie says. Then Destiny adds in.

" It's a rare moment to see Jimmie drunk. But you know you could always lose your friend on the roof again."

Jimmie gives her a look.

" That was just a vine they had us do. Why would I ever... I mean... Ugh!"

Jimmie stops. The others laugh. They all then realize that they have walked all the way to the motor coach lot. The first coach on the right was Matt Kenseths. Pretty obvious when he leaves his BRIGHT yellow golf cars outside. If that's not obvious enough they also have his sponsor and number on them.

" Iv got an idea."

Dale says. Jeff looks at him as well as Jimmie and Destiny.

" What is it?"

Jeff asks.

" Wait before you answer do I even want to know? You minds scary when your bord."

Jimmie says. Dale laughs then points to the golf carts.

" Let's take them. Screw Matt up completely. Park one at Danica's coach. One at Denny's and the third at Kyle Busch's."

Dale says. Jeff's slim grin turns into a full out smile.

" I call the first one!"

Jeff says as he bolts towards it jumping over a puddle. Jimmie runs after him and grabs the other.

" Your kidding me right? You guys are in your thirties and your acting like Dylan and Kyle Larson!"

Destiny says. Dale laughs.

" Come on. Have some fun."

Dale begs her. Destiny sighs and finally agrees.

" I'm grabbing the solid black one though. Your taking the yellow."

She says. Dale smiles.

" Deal!"

Dale takes off towards the kart and backs it out taking off for Busch's coach. Destiny gets in the kart and peels out of the little drive way before anyone notices. The boys drop off the karts at the different coaches and then meet at Dales coach after. Destiny rings the bell that he has.

" why is his door in between to slide outs. It's sooo weird."

Destiny says as she waits for Dale to open the door.

" hay how did it go Des!"

Dale laughs. Then he let's her into the house. She waves at Jeff and Jimmie then she sits on the couch. Budweiser bottles everywhere. Jeff is drunk as anything. Dales on his third. Jimmie is drinking soda.

" Still listening to Chani?"

Destiny says to Jimmie. He smiles then nods.

" Wow your a true man hahaha."

Destiny says. They all grow silent as they hear a knock on the door.

( There's the rest of Qualifying and much more haha. I wonder who could be at the door. Anyways I did use real facts from this years Phoenix race. I just removed Kasey since he's still MIA for now. But he will return. Camber, Caster and Toe are what helps the wheels turn better. Toe helps the car lean to the left much better into the turns. Camber either makes the tire lean way out or way in to the car. Positive Camber has the top of the tire lean out as the bottom leans in towards the car. Etc. I'm pretty sure you know what wedge is if you watch NASCAR. Caster is the center line of the wheel. But anyways I hope you guys enjoy!)

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