Chapter Forty Two

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The plane had scattered pieces every where from impact. And if that wasn't bad enough the rest of the jet fuel had caught fire while the boys were still in it. Both pilots were missing. Jamie was thrown from the plane after impact and had landed 500 feet away from it. His head had hit the ground hard knocking him out. Kyle was crushed by pieces of the plane. The wing had snapped and a fragment had forced it's way into Kyle's chest. Kyle dealt with the pain for about an hour then had blacked out because of it.

****** Two Hours After Impact******

" Kyle! Where are you?!"

Kyle hears followed by coughing. He opens his eyes weakly. Smoke covers the sky letting ash cover his face and arms. His sight is blurry.

" Jamie?" Kyle croaks out of his dry throat.

His skin burnt in many different places from the jet fuel that caught fire. His clothes torn in many areas. And impaled in his chest is a piece of the wing.

Jamie hears kyles attempt and then jumps over the nose of the plane that is halfway into a lake.

" My lord.." Jamie says as he sees Kyle laying there with a shard of the wing sticking out from his chest.

Kyle coughs and looks up.

" What?" He asks then tries to move.

" Kyle don't! Stay still. Your body is in shock so you won't be able to feel the pain." Jamie says.

He is now kneeling beside Kyle examining the shard.

" Your injured badly. Stay still." Jamie says.

Kyle takes a deep breath and tries to relax. His lungs though struggle because of his condition.

" where are we Jamie?" Kyle asks.

Jamie sighs.

" No idea. Where's your phone?" Jamie asks.

Kyle coughs up a little blood. His eyes growing duller by the minute.

" Hang in there kyle. I'm going to get you out of here." Jamie says.

He pulls his phone out of his pocket and tries to get it to work. The screen though is shattered from the impact. Jamie winces from his injuries but he knows that Kyle is in worse of a situation then he is. He dials 911 and hears the phone dial.

" 911 what is your emergency?"

The phone operator says. Jamie sighs with relief.

" My budy and I were in a horrific plane crash. He's worse then I am. Part of the wing has punctured it's way into his chest. I have no clue if it has penetrated his heart though. I have him laying flat on the ground to save energy. I have no clue where we are but if I got through to you just tell your boys to look for a lot of smoke and fire." Jamie says.

Then He coughs because of the smoke.

" Sir stay on the line with me please. They are on their way to your location. We are tracking your cell." The lady says.

Jamie kneels beside Kyle helplessly as he waits for the EMTs to come.

Chase gets out of his race car and sets the helmet on the roof of the car. Today the boys are timing runs and pit strategies on juniors test track. Chase looks over at the wall where Destiny is sitting holding her helmet. Kasey was talking to her as well.

" Guys!"

All three hear from the other side of pit road. Destiny and Kasey look down towards the noise. Chase does as well. Chase can see dale walking with a girl who's in a black fire suit. Her hair is red, and Her eyes, hazel.

"There she is, Daniela Bayne." Chase says out loud.

" Kasey, Destiny, Chase, I'd like you to meet Daniela." Dale says.

Destiny grins and waves at her. Chase can tell it was a fake grin though. Kasey smiles and speaks to her. Chase walks over trying to think straight. His mind was racing because of there being a new rookie. But how beautiful she looked. But can she drive is the question. Chase walks up to her and grins.

" Hi. I'm Chase Elliott. Top driver at Junior Motorsports." He says.

Daniela laughs a little.

" Daniela Bayne, Trevor Bayne's cousin."

Destiny rolls her eyes.

" He's William Clyde Elliott the second. He just likes to sound cool." She says.

Chase gives Destiny a glare. Destiny laughs then she pushes herself off the wall.

" My turn." She says while she throws her helmet on.

Destiny slides into the car and straps herself in. Then she puts the steering wheel on and fires the car up.

" Case. Let's show this new girl what we've got." She says into the built in head set.

Case grins then gives the signal to Joey who is spotting Destiny.

" You are clear to go." Joey says.

Destiny revs the engine loud then Shifts it from neutral to first. The car takes off down pit road and heads for the track.

Destiny rips up the track beating Chase's record by half. After ten laps she pulls the car down pit road and stops in front of Daniela. She cuts the engine and then gets out.

" Now that's how you drive a race car." Destiny says.

Daniela watches as Destiny walks away towards the building.

" What's her problem?" Daniela asks while looking at Dale.

" I'll go talk to her. Excuse me. Chase why don't you help her into the car since she has never driven one of these." Dale says.

Chase takes a deep breath.

" Alright Dale." Chase says.

Then Chase goes over to help Daniela.

Destiny walks into the garage and puts her helmet on one of dales nationwide cars. She takes a deep breath then makes sure the cars safe to get into.

" What the hell was that?!"

Destiny hears as she goes to get into the #7 Camaro. She looks up seeing Dale.

" What are you doing?! That car is for this next up coming race! Destiny Rene Ell-"

Dale tries to say but she starts the engine up blocking out dales yell. She waves at Dale then drives the car out of the garage and heads towards the track.

Chase hears another engine fire up. He puts the window net up on the sprint cup car. Then he notices Kasey getting up as Regan Smith's #7 Tax Slayer Camaro comes rolling over towards the opening of the fence. He can see dale running after the car. Destiny pulls the car onto the track and pulls up beside Daniela. She revs the Nationwide cars engine and looks at Daniela.

Daniela takes a deep breath and glances at Destiny. Daniela then shifts the car into first gear and spins the tires slightly as she gets up to speed. Destiny follows behind her.

" Alright Daniela let's see what you've got. Destiny is in a nationwide car which means she has 200 horsepower less then your car. So have at it and have fun." The spotter says to her.

Daniela watches as the green flag waves then she shifts gears and heads for the first turn. Her mind focuses on her driving for the most part. She had this one thing floating around in her head that was bothering her. The first four laps went well. Destiny though was in toe right behind her. Destiny knew how to force every inch of horsepower out of a car. Cause that car that had 200 less is still on Daniela's ass.

" How can she do that?" Daniela asks the spotter.

" she's forcing the car deep into the turns. It's dangerous on a short track." He says.

Dale stands on the stands trying to not rip his hair out. That million dollar Nationwide car is supposed to be driven this weekend. And Destiny is in the damn thing ripping up the road with it. Kasey chuckles a little seeing Dale sweating balls.

" Dale calm down. I doubt she's going to destroy it." Kasey says .

Dale glares at him then tries to focus on his rookie. Chase watches them both. His sister in a lower level car and then his new teammate... Daniela.

The girls come around the turn now starting their last lap. Daniela keeps her line but Destiny pushes it and tries to pass her. Daniela pulls high but then cuts Destiny off startling her. Daniela goes into the last turn. All of a sudden her mind spaces out and she sees crushed metal ,Blood streaks, and then the road by someone's head.

" Daniela turn! Hit the brakes!" She hears in her ear. It snaps her out of the memory and she sees the wall hurtling towards her. Destiny stays low going into the turn.

Daniela locks up the brakes and turns the wheel hard left. The nose of the car cuts back down towards Destiny.

Dale grips his hair tightly as his rookie looks like she's going to nail his teammate. Destiny shifts and speeds up to avoid the other car. She then comes to a stop on the front stretch. After pulling her helmet off and unhooking the window net she gets out and sits on the side of the car watching as the black car smashes the wall hard. She can barley hear the crunch over the rough idle of the 7 car.

" Dani!!!!" Chase yells.

Both him and Dale run for the fence that holds them back from the track . Destiny climbs back into the car and backs up spinning the car around. Then she shifts into first and drives over to the other car. Water and coolant leak out from the destroyed radiator.

Daniela pulls her self out of the car weakly then sits down next to the car. The wind had been knocked out of her. As she looks up she sees Destiny in the 7 car come to a stop. She climbs out and walks over to Daniela.

"You alright?" Destiny asks surprising Daniela.

" Yah I'm fine. Just knocked the wind out of myself." She says.

Destiny nods then looks up at Chase and Dale and waves.

Jamie can hear the sirens of the fire trucks. Kyle wasn't doing very well though. He was slowly breathing now. His eyes were shut and his blood loss was almost at 60%.

" Hang in there Kyle. Please..." Jamie says.

Kyle coughs then tries to breath. His chest slowly rises and then falls.

" We are here! Hello?!"

Jamie gets up seeing the firemen.

" Over here!" Jamie yells.

As Jamie looks back at Kyle he notices something. He had grown quiet. He was very pale as well.

" Hurry he's dieing!" Jamie yells.

An hour later finally a chopper lands to take Kyle to a Hospital for immediate surgery.

" Your safe now Kyle. I promise." Jamie says.

The emts holding him up as well. Kyle's breathing had lessened to almost nothing. But Jamie knew the doctors would do everything in their power to save him. Jamie gets into an ambulance and is driven to a near by hospital for internal examination to see if he's bleeding internally.

Authors note: I hope you enjoy this! Vote and comment! I have no idea when I'm going to be able to update again. Life's going to start getting busy soon with work and the drag cars. I'll try my best though! Chapter 42 is complete! Ironically Kyle Larson is in it. Well anyways enjoy. :D

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