Chapter Nine

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Destiny opens her eyes to a dull lit room. The tiles above her are white. The floor in the room is grey with red every other few tiles. The heart rate machine still beeps at a slow but normal pace. She sits up seeing only Kasey's mother. No sign of Chase or Kasey.

" Maybe they went down to get some food."

She says to herself. She gets up and stretches. Her back makes a loud crack and she winces lightly.

" ouch much."

She says as she walks over to the window. The sky grey and snow covers everything but some of the new cars that just pulled in.

The door opens behind her.

" Daytona?"

She hears. She turns around seeing Chase eating a bagel with cream cheese poorly spread on it. Kasey sipping some yellow Gatorade.

" Daytonas too small to make a run going seven wide. Have you ever seen you guys going through the turns?"

Chase says back at Kasey. Kasey laughs.

" Ok how about Indy?"

He says determined to win the argument. Chase shakes his head showing frustration.

" Well good to see you two getting along again."

Destiny cuts in as Chase takes a breather. Kasey smiles.

" I wanna win the 500 for my mom."

He looks at her then back at Destiny. Destiny smiles a little.

" I'll help you with that. When ever you need help just pull in front of me. I'll talk to Johnson and Jr. bout it."

She says then she looks at Chase.

" Did you grab anything good for me?"

He shakes his head.

" Your too picky to eat hospital food. When we head to the airport I'll find some Ihop or Wendy's for you."

Destiny gives him a look.

" I don't eat track food because it makes about 90% of the people sick."

Chase laughs.

" You only got sick once back when we used to watch dad."

Destiny frowns. Then looks at Kasey who is watching over his mother.

" when is our flight?"

Destiny asks Chase.

" Ten o'clock."

Kasey kisses his mothers head and whispers something in her ear. He then walks over to Chase and Destiny.

" I'm ready."

He says. Then he quickly glances back at his mother.

" She would want me to race."

He says. Then Chase nods and heads for the door. Kasey follows and Destiny follows after them.


The jet lands on the runway at Fort Lauderdale airport about five hours away from the speedway.

" Why are we here?"

Chase says as he gets up. Destiny looks at him then at Kasey.

" Well since we are down here can we go say hi to our grandfather?"

Destiny asks curiously.

" I mean we don't have to be at the track till Thursday."

Chase sighs and gives her a look.

" You know I don't get a long with him."

Chase says as the jets door opens. Kasey gets up and grins.

" Come on Chase. We can do some driver autograph sessions too."

Kasey says as they get off the plane. The heat automatically meets Destiny's skin. She frowns out of displeasure.

" Whatever we are doing let's just get me out of the sun. My skins too pale for this heat."

She says. Kasey heads for the building as Chase and Destiny follow behind.

As they walk out to the front of the building three exotic cars sit parked across the street. A Lamborghini, Ferrari, and a Veneno. Destiny grins looking at the Veneno.

" you boys can fight over the Ferrari and Lamborghini. I call the Veneno."

She says and then bolts across the street towards the car. Chase shakes his head and goes towards the Lamborghini. Kasey follows Chase.

" these are yours?"

He asks Chase. Chase looks at Kasey.

" My grandfathers. He's friends with Rick. So he might have set this up."

Chase pulls the key out of the envelope that's hidden in the grill. He tosses Kasey the Ferraris key.

" what?"

Kasey looks confused.

" go get her."

Kasey's eyes widen.

" the 458?"

Kasey asks determined. Chase nods.

" We will take these to the track too. So don't kill yourself."

Kasey nods then bolts towards the 458 Italia. He starts it up and revs the engine listening to it hum. Destiny pulls up beside him and revs her engine. She laughs knowing the Veneno is four times faster then the Italia.

" Take it slow for now Kasey. I'll get you when we head up to Daytona."

She says. Then she peels away leaving the airport. Kasey follows and Chase behind him.

Destiny's silver Veneno glows in the warm sunlight. The bright red 458 shines as well as the line green Lamborghini Advantador. Destiny heads for Palm Beach and speeds down the main road. A light ahead of her turns red and she stops. Chase pulls beside her. He looks at her then he looks back at the light. The light turns green and then he hits the gas and pulls ahead of Destiny. They drive to their grandfathers house with Kasey following behind.

** Daytona 500 Practice, Thursday - 1:30pm**

Dylan runs up to Chases coach and knocks on the door loudly knowing he's inside asleep. Kyle runs over seeing Dylan and questions him.

" What are you doing?"

Kyle asks looking at Dylan.

" shhhh I'm going to scare him."

Dylan says then he knocks on the door again. He uses his phone to make a siren sound. About three seconds later Chases door flys open.

" I didn't do it! I swear!"

Chase says then he realizes that no one is out there. He looks down the side of his coach and sees Dylan laughing his ass off.

" Dude I got you good!"

He laughs walking over to Chase. Chase gives him a look.

" Dylan what the fuck."

Chase shuts the door behind him giving him a look.

" Just figured I'd wake you up after your long time away helping a friend ."

Dylan says as he crosses his arms still laughing Alittle.

" I'm not due to go out till 2 you know."

Chase says as he puts on a NAPA hat. Then he notices Kyle chilling in a chair under the shade of his motor home. He's laughing a little after what just happened.

" Nice job Dylan!"

Kyle yells. Chase gives him a look. He then heads to the garage with Dylan and Kyle following by his side.

" So where's Destiny?"

Kyle asks curiously. Chase turns looking at Kyle.

" what's it to ya?"

He says as they get closer to the garage.

" Just curious is all."

Chase sighs.

" She's by her car probably."

He says. They grow silent as they walk by the garages. Kasey Kahnes Chevy SS is running loudly. Kasey is sitting in the car waiting for his crew to finish up the tune up. They walk by Jimmies stall as he's being interviewed and Dylan runs behind Johnson. Chase and Kyle stand behind the camera as Dylan makes hand gestures over his head. Then he spins and bolts as Johnson notices. Dylan slides over the hood of jimmies car and runs by Chad before Chad can call his name. Kyle and Chase run after him through the garage. They run through Danica's stall. Chase almost plows into her as Kyle and Dylan bolt by.

" What are you three up too?"

Danica asks Chase. Chase looks at her catching his breath.

" trying to beat Clint Bowyer and win a trophy for running."

He laughs and then sees Kyle and Dylan over by Destiny's car. Destiny's talking to a brunette girl about her age. Dylan's arm wrapped around her. Chase walks over seeing the four of them in a deep conversation.

" This is Karlee Brown. She's my girl friend.We have been going out now for over a year."

Dylan says to Destiny. Destiny looks at the girl. Her whole figure is amazing. Her eyes even shine as the sun touches her hair. Chase looks at Kyle then Destiny.

" Ahhh I see Dylan finally had the balls to introduce Karlee to you."

He laughs. Dylan gives him a look then he goes at Chase trying to put him in a head lock.

" knock it off you guys!"

Karlee says as they still go at it. Destiny grabs Dylan and pulls him off. She grabs Chase and separates them. Kyle laughs.

" We are only trying to have some fun!"

Dylan protests and frowns.

" Chase should be getting ready for his practice."

Dylan gives her a look.

" oh the spoiled Elliott's I see."

He says then he looks at Kyle Larson.

" ummm Iv got practice too."

Kyle says. Dylan looks at him and sighs.

" Anyways. Chase, Rick wants you."

Destiny says then she looks at Karlee.

" If you wanna stay and hang with me you can. But in sure Dylan will want you to go with him."

Karlee smiles and then looks at Dylan.

" I'll go keep him busy so he doesn't feel left out."

She says and she grins. Dylan pulls her into his arms and kisses her then they head off towards the haulers. Chase and Kyle are talking to each other as Destiny gets into her car.

" Guys! Move!"

She yells then she starts the engine. Kyle jumps and Chase starts to laugh at him. They move out of the way and she backs out. Case watches and then nods to the boys. Chase smiles and waves as they head to their cars.

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