Chapter Thirty Eight

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It's a beautiful Saturday morning in Chicagoland. The weather is about 50 degrees which is excellent for the motors. The sun is shinning bright after an earlier morning rain storm. The wind moves only slightly. Destiny can hear the engines on the cars start up and then stop. The pit crews have been up since five working before qualifying.
" Want Apple juice Chase?" Destiny asks as she opens the fridge.
Chase is sitting at the island that Destiny had custom built into her coach. The top is solid marble. Not the cheap stuff that they put in normal trailers and motor homes. You could actually call her coach a class A.
" Sure I need something to help wake me up." He says in a quiet tone.
She nods and pours him a glass then hands it to him. Chase smiles and drinks it.
" so the drivers meeting is at 11 then we qualify at 12?" Destiny says questioning it.
" Yup then the nationwide series kicks off their Chase later at 5." He says.
" Well that sounds fun." She says.
Destiny places a plate full of waffles in front of Chase. Then she sits down and turns on ESPN on her wide screen. They are going on about which team is better, the Bruins or the Black Hawks.
" So where's Tim?" Chase asks.
Destiny points to the bedroom since her mouths full of food.
" Oh. You two doing alright?" He asks.
" We are fine. Probably better then mom and I." She says.
Chase sighs. Then he looks at her.
" I tried getting it through her head ok? She's just stubborn." Chase says.
Destiny gets up ignoring Chase.
" Where's dad when I need him the most..." Destiny says.
A camera shows the front stretch of the track. Then it shows the teams from earlier that day working hard. A few drivers walking around. The logo ' NASCAR Sprint Cup Series' flashes over the screen then a camera focuses on pit road where the cars are lined up and ready to go for qualifying.
" Welcome to NASCAR Sprint Cup Qualifying! Today will determine the starting line up for the first race of the Chase." Bob says as the broadcast starts.
" Oh I'm so excited Bob! This year sixteen drivers made it into the Chase. There is no longer a twelve driver set up. Their wins will pull them to the top while others will fall flat. Points don't mean as much as they once did. Wins will win you the championship Bob. No more running well. Only the wins." Darrell Waltrip says.
Both of them sit in the HollyWood hotel trailer. Their suits attract the high power set lights that are pointed at them. Darrell moves a couple of pieces of paper then he looks at Bob.
" Destiny are you ready?"
Destiny looks away from the screen that's built into her large toolbox. Walking towards her is Jimmie in his "Lowe's" blue fire suit. His brown hair sticking up slightly. Destiny takes a deep breath numbing her nerves slightly.
" I'm ready Jimmie." She says holding back everything.
Jimmie hugs her then pulls away.
" Iv got faith in you kid. We all do." He says.
Destiny starts to blush thinking about how the boys including Tim, have faith in her. They all believe she can do it.
" Come on everyone's waiting on us." He says.
Jimmie puts his arm around Destiny's shoulders and somewhat drags her out of the garage area.

" Ok Des, welcome to Chicagoland. The turns will get you if you are not paying attention. So let's go out there and grab another pole for Mr. Hendrick." Case says through the scanner.
Destiny sits strapped into her seat. Her helmet is somewhat suffocating her but it's something that has to be dealt with. She shifts her hand to the button that is located on the underside of the steering wheel. She presses it and goes to talk to Case.
" I ran here yesterday you know. I can do this easily. Thank you Rich and Chris for the amazing car. Thank you guys for being here with me giving me this chance. And case, thank you for putting up with me. Let's go out there and win our selves a pole position for the first Chase race!" She says.
A NASCAR official stands in front of her car awaiting to give her the signal to fire up.
After about ten minutes the official gives her the ok to fire her car up. Destiny flips up the switch labeled ' Fuel injection' then she flips up the ' ignition' switch. Finally she puts her left foot on the brake and presses the button to ignite her #84 machine. It idles loudly at first then the engine settles at 1000 RPMs. She shifts the car into reverse feeling the transmission gears shift. Destiny backs her car up and lines it up behind Ryan Newman and his #31 Caterpillar Chevy. Then she hits the clutch with her left foot. Her right foot now is hitting the brake. She pulls the shifter into 'drive'. The car jolts forward slightly but comes to rest right after. Destiny can feel the sun beating down on her car through the plastic windshield. The air conditioning in her helmet only helps slightly as it blows on the top of her head moving the loose strands of hair.
" You've got twenty five minutes... Go get her." Case says.
Case let's go of the button on his radio and settles down into the chair that is up on the haulers trailer. The crew stands behind him as the cars start to pull off of pit road. The black #3 leading them onto the track. The 48 ends up waiting on the 24. Then they start to go. He watches as Ryan Newman pulls ahead lining up behind Danica. Then case looks for his car. And there it was, already on the back stretch almost up to full throttle. The car runs beside the safety barriers.
" Tell me how she is." Case says into the scanner.
Destiny flashes by him for the first time. Chase behind her trying to keep up.
" She's tight on entry of turn one. Other then that it's all good." Destiny says.
Case watches her times as she continues to move up the standings. Her first lap wasn't that good but as the tires started to warm up her speeds picked up. Her times were getting faster every lap she would run.
Destiny goes into turn three riding the middle lane. Her right hand resting on the wheel holding it so it doesn't come back letting the car hit the wall. She could feel her car ripping through the wind. The sun gleamed down on the car but it did make it go faster.
" Ten minutes Des."
She hears in her ear. A slight grin appears on her face and she hits the gas coming out of the turn. She shifts the gears and forces the car over 9000 RPMs. Behind her is Chase, he's running about 160mph and losing time fast. Case looks up from his notes and sees her flash by the start finish line. The car now just a blur because of the speed.
" My lord.." He says dropping his notes.
The #84 on the scoring board that is located in the center I the track, jumps up to the first position. Case looks at the tv that is up where he is. Her time matched no ones. And in this case it was a good thing. She had beaten out Kyle Busch by twenty seconds.
After ten more laps the red flag comes out letting the drivers know that the first session is over. They come back into pit road and stop. The engines grow silent.

After two more sessions Destiny had taken the pole. Kyle Busch had second and Denny Hamlin had third. Chase Elliott takes fourth followed by Kasey Kahne. Sixth and seventh were Jimmie Johnson and Jeff Gordon. Eighth is Brad Keselowski. Ninth goes to Dale Earnhardt jr, and to round out the top ten, Martin Truex Jr.
Destiny takes a picture with her car and crew. Then puts another pole award on her car. Case lays his hand on her shoulder. When she looks at him he smiles.
" Does she have anything left?" He asks jokingly.
Destiny smiles.
" Case I didn't even go all out. I just pushed myself enough so there wasn't going to be anyone to challenge me." She says.
Then they take another picture.
The crew pushes the car to a NASCAR inspection stall so the officials can look over the car. Case and Destiny walk towards the garage chatting about the run.

" So if you've been hiding your true skills then what have you been doing all year?" Case asks as they enter the team hauler.
He puts the clipboard down and grabs a cool can of Coca Cola.
" I guess I just wanted to save it until I got to the Chase." She says as she stretches out and then settles in on the couch.
Case tosses a coke at her and she catches it. She places it on the table and let's the fizz settle. The door to the hauler opens and a girl with blonde hair walks in.
" Destiny!" She yells.
Destiny sits up with a huge smile on her face.
" Ashley! It's been forever!" She says.
Both girls hug then sit down talking about what's happened over the two year span since Destiny came up to the NSCS. Case also sits in and talks to both of them.

**** At the Harvick's Motor home around 7:30ish.****

" Want another beer Keselowski?" Kevin asks jokingly as he is holding a Budweiser.
Brad sits up from his blue camping folding chair. The fire cracks as Kevin takes another swig from his beer.
" Toss me one. Just don't let my sponsors see it." Brad says.
Kevin chuckles. Then tosses him a beer.
" They haven't been live since like five. It's 7:30 Brad." Kevin says.
DeLana comes out of the motor home holding their son Keelan.
" You two getting into trouble out here?" DeLana asks then she let's Keelan down onto the little fake grass carpet that they have laid out.
Kevin laughs.
" Only as much trouble as I can get into while driving." He then says.
Brad takes another sip of his beer then puts it into the built in cup holder that is on the right arm of the chair.
" Daddy!" Keelan says as he runs over to Kevin.
In his hands is a little #4 Budweiser car. The paint starting to chip off from how much he uses it.
" What's up bud? Did you enjoy watching daddy today?" He asks as he picks Keelan up.
Keelan grins and holds up his car.
" Dad's number one!" Keelan says.
Brad laughs a little.
" You taught him well I see haha. What about uncle Brad?" Brad asks joking around with Keelan.
Keelan sticks out his tongue at Brad and they all laugh.
" Hay teammate!" They all hear.
Kevin sees Kurt Busch walking up to him.
" Hey Kurt, what's up?" Kevin asks.
Kurt sits near the fire.
" Just out for a walk. What's up with you?" Kurt says.
Kevin puts Keelan down and then straightens back out.
" Just hanging out before the bugs start coming out." Kevin says.
Kurt nods.
" Makes sense. Well Iv got to go find Kyle. Him and Samantha wanted to hang out with me." Kurt says.
Kevin waves as Kurt heads to Kyle and Samantha's motor home.

Destiny walks back towards her coach after hanging with Ashley for a few hours. Ashley was only in town for two days then she leaves for California. Destiny climbs up the side step of her coach and unlocks her coach. When she opens the door she notices the lights are off and there are candles everywhere.
" Timothy?" She asks as she walks in.
She shuts the door behind her and then walks up onto the main floor. There's red candles on her marble island and on the marble cabinet tops that are in her kitchen. The door to the bedroom opens and she sees Tim. His hair wet like he just came from the shower. He's in soft jeans and a black tee shirt.
" Like it baby?" Tim asks.
Destiny looks around and tries to hide her red cheeks.
" Maybe." She says with a grin on her face.
Tim takes her helmet from her and her folded fire suit. He lays them on the couch then goes over to Destiny. He let's his right hand slightly gild across her right cheek.
" I love you." He says.
Then he kisses her intensely. His arms wrapped around her tightly making sure there's no room between them. She wraps her arms around his neck and the kiss deepens.

" Come on Chase! Just let me win once!" Dylan wines as he tosses the xbox controller to Ryan.
Chase grins evilly as the next round loads on his 'Call of Duty Black ops' game. Ryan readies himself and tries to memorize the buttons. Austin and Ty sit on chases other couch making beta on who will win. Kyle Larson is on Chase's left side watching intensely. Alex bowman sits next to his teammate. All the rookies are chilling at Chase's coach after running a Nationwide race. Chase figured what the hell, let's have a party. So he did.
" Get ready." The game says.
Ryan readies himself as does Chase.
" Go!" The game again says.
Chase picks up a small pistol then a sniper. Ryan goes for a mini gun then takes off. All the boys cheer as they play the game. Chase killed one guy already and now is running towards a spot to camp. Ryan doesn't know the map well but tries to hide anyways.

Authors note: well that was a long one huh? Haha yah Iv been working on this for four days. In between a few graduations too. Congrats to my boyfriend for graduating yesterday. And congrats to my brother who graduated today! Best of luck to both of ya'll. yup and here I am still stuck in school haha. Two more long weeks till I get out. Sadly I get one week with Tim, my boyfriend, when I get out. He leaves the 8th of July for Georgia. Yup Iv also been feeling the pain hit. Four years is a long time. I remember when we first met. My first crush had dumped me. He wanted to hug me and yah, I almost hit him with a metal base ball bat. But either way he's going away. I'm going to need all the support I can get so I don't fall into a depression again. Well vote and comment. How bout that Lowe's car huh? Two in a row! :) well night peps! Going to go hang with my work guy friends.

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