Chapter Thirty Five

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" Chase Elliott is going to win here at Kansas motor speedway in his sisters car!" Darrell celebrates.

The special painted #84 Chevy SS comes around turn four with a four second lead over Jimmie Johnson, the second place driver. The dark blue shines brightly on Chase's car.

" Chase Elliott has half a turn left until he wins his first NASCAR Sprint Cup race!" Bob yells excitedly.

Chase comes out of turn four, the car hugging the bottom of the turn smoothly. The car wasn't too snug and wasn't too loose.she was perfect. Soon after Chase takes the checkered flag.

" Chase Elliott has just won at his first try at Kansas!" Darrell yells.

That night Chase and Destiny celebrated. If it couldn't have been her, she was glad it was her brother out there. A week later the fans voted Chase into the All Star Race. Destiny's wrist was still in bad pain so she let him race again since points did not matter. Chase had led the second segment and won it. It wasn't until he brought it home winning the one million that Rick Hendrick started to consider hireing Chase full time. That was two wins in a row for Chase. Plus his nationwide races.

Dylan and Karley both ended up getting engaged after the summer New Hampshire race. Brendan Riley had won yet another championship in the NHRA.

Cindy had given up trying to fight with her daughter. She has somewhat accepted her for who she is. Now every weekend her and Starr watch Destiny and Chase. Destiny still races her #84 under the sponsor SV. But then there was another primary sponsor, Elliott racing. Bill Elliott had heard about what her daughter had done for Chase. Brendan had told him everything.

Timothy had finally returned from the military. When he found Destiny all she could do was run into his arms and cry. They both had made up and are going out again. As for Kyle Larson, he asked a girl out named Lauren. They have been dating now for four months. Both love each other very much.


The suns rays lay over the lake. The sunset very beautiful.Chase and Destiny sit in the back of his truck. They both are eating cheeseburgers from burger king. The lake is so calm you could look and think that the reflection is the real image.

" You know, Iv got to say something Destiny." Chase says after he takes a bite out of the burger.

" Yah?" She answers back.

" Thank you. Thank you for everything Destiny." Chase says. Then he smiles.

" For what Chase?" Destiny asks curiously.

Chase laughs.

" you know, the one thing that gave me my big break." He smiles a warm smile.

" Oh that. It was nothing." Destiny says grinning.

Destiny hits him with her right hand lightly.

" Ouchy!" Chase says jokingly.

Destiny smiles.

" Cheers, for the races to come." Destiny says holding up her soda.

Chase holds his up as well.

" and for both Elliott's making it into the chase." Chase adds.

They hit each other's cups then drink.

" Kyle! Come back here!" A voice yells.

Chase and Destiny hear. Then they both laugh.

" Lauren he's not gunna come back if your threatening to dunk him into the lake!" Destiny says laughing.

Lauren runs by chasing after Kyle.

" You gotta love our friends huh?" Chase says laughing.

Destiny nods.

Dylan and Karley sit by the fire kissing. She lays in his arms calmly.

It was a Thursday night, the night before they all go to Chicagoland to start the chase. Destiny is fourth in the Chase with three wins. Kevin Harvick is third with four wins. And the Penske boys take second and first with a tied five wins.

" So, what's your plan Destiny?" Chase asks as he stuffs another bite into his mouth.

" What do you mean?" She asks.

" The Chase. I know I'm thirteenth because I came in late but you. Your what fourth? How are you going to beat the guys?" Chase says.

Destiny gets up and looks at Chase.

" The same way I won all those ARCA championships." She says with a grin.

Then she gets up and punches Chase in the arm.

" Your it!" She yells then she takes off into the woods.

" Destiny!" Chase calls as he gets himself up.

Destiny runs through the woods. Her left wrist more then 65% healed by this point. She has been putting some wear on it from racing but not too much. The once heavy blue cast is now a light, line green cast. The bone had taken and all that was left was for the metal in her wrist to settle in where it was needed. Yes her wrist was deformed slightly. But it's better then having no wrist at all.

She jumps over a little creek from the lake. It seems like a scene from The Hunger Games. Destiny all alone just running.

" Kyle! I'm going after Destiny! I'll be back in a few!" Chase yells to Kyle who is now hugging Lauren.

" Alright Chase!" He yells back.

Chase runs after her. Destiny skids to a halt seeing the massive tree. She then grins and climbs it. Chase soon after stops at the tree.

" Destiny!" He yells out her name.

She slowly drops from the tree and lands behind him.

" BOO!" She yells.

Chase jumps and then spins around.

" I'm going to get you for that!" He yells.

Destiny turns and runs back towards the truck.

" You never seem to be able to catch up to me haha!" She says loudly.

Chase grins then Speeds up. Destiny comes running out of the woods followed by Chase. She looks behind her watching Chase. As soon as she turns her head she runs into a mass taking it down with her.

" Damn I didn't think you loved me this much!" The voice very familiar.

He wraps his arms around her. Then looks up at Chase.

" Chasing my girl? Haha." Tim says jokingly to Chase.

Chase stops and crosses his arms and shrugs. Destiny kisses Tim.

" Not with my sister your not." Chase says.

He then picks Destiny up off of him and she stands up straight. Tim laughs.

" Then why is Kyle and Dylan allowed to love their girls?" Tim asks. Then he laughs.

" They ain't my sister." Chase says. Then he helps Tim up.

" where have you been?" Chase asks Tim.

Tim shrugs.

" Work, as usual." Tim says.

Both Tim and Chase go walk over to the tailgate and chat.

They all surround the fire. The crickets and a few animals are the only things they can hear. The fire cracks every so often as the log burns.

" Who's first?" Destiny asks.

Chase shrugs then looks at Tim.

" Not me. I can't tell a scary story for my life." Tim says.

Destiny laughs a little.

" alright then I'll go." She says.

The light from the fire glows against her face. The warmth is the only thing keeping the fall weather from getting to her. Her leather jacket she left back in her mustang. Tim has his arm wrapped around her as well.

" Ok let's see...." She says thinking.

Everyone else listens.

" There was a couple of kids and their friends traveling. Their car had broken down twenty miles out from the last stop. There were rumors of a murder running around in the corn fields but they didn't take the warnings. As they were driving down the two lane highway the engine started to sputter.

" Dude." One boy had said.

" I just filled up when we stopped." The other says.

The oldest pulls the car over to the side of the road. It creeps to a stop.

" Jason what now?" The girl says.

Jason shrugs then he opens the door and gets out. His feet hit something wet on the asphalt. Then the other boys gets out. The only light would be the on coming traffic which at 12:30 at night, there isn't much.

" The tank was cut." Mark says.

Jason then kneels down and looks under the car.

" What the fuck?" He says.

Mark gets up as well does Jason.

" Come on babe. I guess we are walking from here on out." Mark says.

The girl walks up to him.

" Where will we go?" She asks.

Jason looks around. His boots still in the gasoline.

" The corn field is the best option." He says.

Then Jason starts to head for it. Mark follows bringing his girl with him."

The fire cracks and Kyle Larson jumps Alittle.

" so Jason, mark, and Kayla all head into the corn fields together. After twenty minutes of walking Jason sees something. The corn fields lead out to an old abandoned cemetery. As Jason steps out into the high uncut grass he takes a deep breath. What he doesn't realize is that mark and Kayla didn't follow. Behind him a twig snaps. Jason turns quickly around seeing nothing but a black figure run through the corn.

" Mark?! Mark this isn't funny!" Jason yells.

He backs up into a tomb stone. In the corn field he can see two red eyes coming towards him.

" MARK!" Jason screams.

The figure gets closer and Jason tries to run. But as he turns to run he trips over another tomb stone and hits the ground. He can hear the foot steps getting closer.

" MARK!!!!" He screams again.

As Jason picks his right hand up blood drips from it. He had sliced his hand on a vase for flowers. As he rolls over the foot steps stop. He can see two heavy boots next to him. All of a sudden he feels a hand in his hair. He's picked up helplessly.

" HELP!!!!" Jason screams out.

But then... There's silence. His body drops to the ground. An axe through the middle of his head....

Mark and Kayla continue running through the corn. They both hear foot steps behind them and stop.

" Jason? Jason is that you!?" Mark says.

He starts to walk towards the source of the foot steps. But his body collapses and his head is gone. Kayla screams and runs for her life. Soon enough she reaches the highway where they first started. A set of headlights appear and she runs into the middle of the road waving her hands.

" Stop!!!! Please stop!!!!" She screams.

The little ford pick up comes to a halt. Kayla gets in and tells the guy to floor it. But all she gets is an evil grin from the guy. The doors lock and she screams for help. She bangs on the window and try's to get out. Then the guy shifts gears and spins the tires peeling away. Kayla was never to be seen again. Some say her spirit as well as the boys haunt these woods now. The cemetery and also the corn fields where it all took place." Destiny finishes.

The others sit in silence. Kyle looks at Dylan who is gripping onto Karley tightly. Tim is hiding behind Destiny. Chase is silent not knowing what to say.

" hehe yah.... That... Wasn't.. Scary." Kyle says.

He cuts into the silence and then Dylan laughs awkwardly.

In the woods to the right of them they hear a stick crack. Dylan jumps to his feet shaking.

" Maybe we should get going..." He says in a shaky voice. Kyle shakes his head also.

" come on Lauren let's go." Kyle says.

Everyone heads back to there cars. Chase and Destiny head back to their mothers house. Tim follows them. Kyle takes Lauren home and Dylan heads home with Karley.

Authors note: two in one day! New record haha. Well I hope it's interesting! Vote and comment. I'm heading to bed so night ya'll!

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