Chapter Thirty Seven

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Destiny was up and ready for her first run at Chicagoland. She had already showered and threw on a tank top and tight black shorts. After breakfast she went back into her room and slipped into her fire suit. This time it was blue and white since they swapped around her designs. Her number on her car was now white. The 84 and 48 were like sister cars. They both looked the same just different numbers and sponsors.

As she opens her bedroom door she almost walks into Tim. Her heads so focused on the Chase that she didn't even notice him come into the coach.

" Morning baby." Tim says as he wraps his arms around her.

Destiny takes a deep breath breathing in his scent.

" Morning timothy, where have you been?" She asks as her face is buried in his shoulder.

Tim rubs her back.

" Went for a walk. The garages have been busy since five this morning. The crews get here early, damn." Tim says.

Destiny pulls away and looks at him.

" It's the life we all chose. We live, breath, and sleep NASCAR. The crews are the ones that make the cars run smooth and well. I just drive it to hell and back." She grins then kisses his cheek.

" See you out there timothy." She says then she walks out into the living room of her coach.

Destiny walks out of her coach and heads for the garages.

" Morning sleeping beauty." Alex says as he leans back into the couch.

Ryan rubs his eyes. Then he grabs a blueberry pop tart out of the top cabinet.

" Who let you in?" Ryan says in a low tone.

Alex laughs.

" Martin. Who else?" He answers then sits up.

" Where is Martin anyways?" Ryan asks then he stuffs the first pop-tart into his mouth.

" Garages I believe. Dale wanted to talk with him before practice and qualifying." Alex says.

Ryan yawns then groans letting his head fall onto his arms.

" it's too early. I feel like I'm going to school again. And I hate school." Ryan mumbles between his arms.

Alex gets up quietly and goes towards his teammate. He sneaks behind him as Ryan is still leaning over the counter waiting on his other pop tart to pop from the toaster. Alex then pokes Ryan in the sides startling him.

" what the fuck! What was that! Come here you idiot!" Ryan then yells.

He lashes out at Bowman but Alex runs towards the couch. Ryan grabs the back of bowman's fire suit and pulls him backwards.

" Now Iv got you!" Ryan shouts.

Then he puts Alex into a choke hold.

Both boys go at it in Martin Truex's motor coach. Alex gets out of the choke hold and pushes Ryan backwards. Ryan's body connects with the oven. When he looks up at Alex his eyes are fierce with anger. His hands now fists.

" Come here you bitch!" Ryan says and then runs at Alex.

Destiny and Kasey walk down the long road that is surrounded by million dollar motor homes. On their right is now Kevin Harvick's and to their left is Matt Kenseth's.

" So are you excited?" Kasey asks Destiny as they continue walking.

Destiny looks at Kasey who is in a black and white Farmers insurance fire suit. His hair combed and tamed.

" for?" She asks.

Kasey looks at her and smiles.

" the Hendrick force in the Chase? For a chance at the title?" Kasey says.

" Oh that. I guess I don't feel excited. More relaxed then anything." She says.

Kasey looks at her. Her hair flowing in the wind.

" Well how about your brother being in with us?" Kasey adds.

Destiny grows quiet and stops looking towards martin's coach.

" What is it?" Kasey asks then he follows her glance.

They both see the back of a boys head hit the window near the couch.

" Ummmm? Should we stop whoever that is?" Kasey asks.

" I'm pretty sure Martin doesn't want his coach destroyed.." Destiny says.

Kasey nods then follows her as Destiny runs towards the coach.

Alex's head meets the window hard. Ryan comes running at him again but now this time Alex dodges and runs for the door. His head throbbing from the impact.

" No you don't!" Ryan yells.

He goes to punch Alex but Alex catches his hand and grins.

" Stop it Ryan." Alex says.

Ryan's eyes still hold anger as Alex's grip on his hand gets tighter. Behind them the coach door opens fast.

Ryan's eyes move from Alex to Destiny. His breathing starts to slowly slow.

" What the hell is going on in here!" Destiny says as she walks up the three steps to get in. Kasey following behind her.

Here she is. The girl of his dreams, she had just walked into his coach. Her blue and white fire suit compliments her body and makes her pale skin look even more paler.

" Des... Destiny." Ryan says but struggles.

Alex still keeps a firm grip on Ryan's fist. Destiny crosses her arms.

" Ryan Truex..." She says in a tone that startles Ryan.

Kasey looks at Alex.

" We were just messing around Des. Don't worry about us." Alex Bowman says trying to cover for his friend and teammate.

Destiny shakes her head.

" Nice try Bowman... Come on Kasey..." She says.

Destiny uncrosses her arms and heads for the door.

" Destiny! Please!" Ryan says begging her.

She rolls her eyes but stops.

" Please Destiny..." Ryan says in a sad tone.

She can hear the hurt in his voice.

" Ryan we have better things to worry about then the Burger King boys..." Kasey says.

Alex looks at Ryan. His eyes red and a few tears have already fallen.

" Kasey... Go to the garages." Destiny says.

Kasey looks at Destiny who is still facing the opposite direction.

" What?" His tone sounds surprised.

" Tell Case I'll be around soon." She says.

Kasey still looks surprised as he looks at her.

" O..Ok Des..." He says. Then he walks past her and walks out of the coach.

Alex looks at Ryan then at Destiny. She turns around and sees the two boys.

" Now. What do you want.." She asks.

Ryan looks up at her.

" To be friends.... Like how you are with Larson and Dylan." Ryan says.

Destiny takes a deep breath.

" Fine.. But on track we are still enemies. I am no ones allie. It's Chase time which means it's time for me to race aggressive." She says. Then she heads for the door.


The cars take to the track around one. To the north of the track are rain clouds. Destiny gets up to speed following behind a very slow Ricky Stenhouse Jr.

" Would someone tell steakhouse to move his ass!" She says into the radio.

Case laughs at the nickname and then looks at her times.

" Just pass him. He shouldn't block you." Case says. He continues to laugh.

Destiny pulls down low on the back stretch and shifts gears to try to pass Stenhouse. By the time she gets the nose of her car below him they come into the turn. Ricky runs on the low line. But here's Destiny beside his left corner panel. Ricky pulls down low and almost runs her off the track. She quickly hits the brake and then shifts gears using a sling shit maneuver to go up high. She runs up high and pulls away from Ricky. She flips him off then pulls in front of him.

" Someone tell me they saw that.." She says pissed into the radio.

" I already talked with his spotter Des. Just memorize your line." Joey says.

Destiny sighs and speeds up.

Case sits up on the hauler watching his driver. Every lap she gets more aggressive and faster. He reaches for the button to the radio and presses it.

" Destiny this is our main car. Keep the fenders on it." He says.

Then case takes down her lap time as she crosses the line once again.

" She's running well." Case hears from behind.

As he turns around he sees Chad Knaus who had just finished climbing up the steps to the top of the hauler. Case nods.

" Was she always this good?" Case asks Chad.

Chad nods.

" Oh yah. Once she had a race car. She never backed down. I'm pretty sure most of her track times in ARCA still are standing." Chad says. Then he slips his clipboard in between his arm and side.

Case looks at Chad.

" It must have been amazing to watch them both back then." Case says.

Chad walks up to case and watches as she flashes by.

" Her mother tore them apart. Neither of them talked for along time. Chase and Destiny races each other but they never spoke." Chad says.

Then Chad talks into his radio to Jimmie as Jimmie passes Joey Logano.

" I didn't know that.." Case says.

Chad looks up from his notes.

" I can tell you the story if you want. I'm sure both of them will be fine until practice is over." Chad says.

Case nods. Then Chad starts to talk to case about the past.

Destiny passes Brad Keselowski just for the hell of it. As she settles back in line she finds it kind of awkward that the scanner has been quiet. Case, who is usually on her ass about driving how she does, has said nothing for the last twenty minutes. In front of her is Kasey Kahne's car. He's been running the middle line all practice. She tries to catch up to him by shifting gears and pushing harder on the engine. She could already hear the bearings on the pulleys for the belt screaming. They were making a noise that she had never heard before. But she still pushed it and forced the car over 9,000 RPMs. She was running flat out at Chicagoland. Which in any case, can not be done. Kasey's car goes into the turn and continues. He can hear the squealing of Destiny's car.

" What is that noise?" Kasey asks.

He shifts gears and pulls his car down low to pass a slower car.

" I think that noise is the 84. She's coming up pretty damn fast." Kenny Francis says back to Kasey.

Kasey looks up at his mirror seeing Destiny's car coming up to him fast. She could freight train by him if she wanted.

" She's running like ten times faster then me.. What the hell!" Kasey yells into the scanner.

Kenny laughs then presses the scanners button. Kasey can hear him laughing.

" She's running around 9,700 RPMs Kasey. I don't know where Case is either. As for her spotter, he's trying to keep her from crashing and he's sweeting balls up their." Kenny says.

Kasey focuses on trying to stay away from the wall.

Soon enough the red flag comes out ending the practice session. Kasey and Destiny come into pit road together. Their garage spots are next to each other as well because of points. Kasey pulls into his stall and then cuts the engine letting the crew get to work. As he gets out of his car his crew is already popping the hood open. When he pulls his helmet off he sees Kenny walking over to him. He takes a quick glance over at Destiny but doesn't see her. She must have already headed to the hauler. Her crew though was already hard at work on the pulleys to the belt. He could hears her car ticking loudly from how hot she had run that engine.

9,700 RPMs is unheard of. A NASCAR car shouldn't be pushing that out. It can't. The engines can't withstand that much pressure and heat. Is this how she really is? Was the preseason just for show? And if so how will she be in qualifying? And then the race?

" Kasey!" Kenny yells snapping Kasey out of his thoughts.

" Huh? Yah Kenny?" Kasey says.

Kenny shakes his head.

" Snap out of it god damn it!" Kenny says.

Kasey Shakes his head then looks at Kenny.

" sorry Kenny. I'm just worried that Destiny has been holding back all season... If so, then we are screwed." Kasey says.

Destiny walks towards her hauler to the beat of the song 'I wanna be a rock star' by NickelBack. Her heart pounding because of the adrenaline. She hasn't heard from Case since passing steakhouse. She was getting worried. In her right hand is her iPod and in her left are her gloves. Her hair now is flowing freely. Her fire suit is unzipped letting her tank top show. As she gets closer she can see two people up on top of the hauler. A kinda bald guy and then her crew chief. The bald guy must be Chad. She heads up the ladder to the top. As she starts to hear their conversation she starts to slow.

" Yah but after all that has happened to her I guess her mom finally accepted her. And Bill has started getting involved with both of then again." She hears Chad say.

As she reaches the top Destiny takes a deep breath. Her right hand now wrapped around the realling grips it tightly. Case looks at her then Chad.

" Really..." Is all she can say as they both stare at her.

Chad looks at her and gets up.

" Destiny.. I..." Chad tries to finish but he can't.

" Case. The cars fine. And by the way. I wouldn't be surprised if I got the pole tomorrow." She grins and then walks down the steps towards the ground.

Case looks at Chad.

" Get the pole? How is she so sure?" Case says.

Chad looks at her.

" You didn't hear over the radio?" Chad asks.

Case shakes his head 'no'.

" She ran 230mph on her last run. She was going over 9,700 RPMs." Chad says.

Case's eyes widen.

" What! That's unheard of! That's impossible, our cars can not push out 9,700 RPMs!" Case says.

He gets up and re looks at the scoring monitor. His eyes can't even believe it let alone his mind.

" This..." Case stops.

" she's unbelievable case." Chad says. Then he gets up and walks down the ladder.

Authors note: I will be updating chapter 38 as well today. It would have been part of this chapter but I think in going to save ya'll the pages and put it into a new chapter. And idk if Bowman and Ryan are teammates. I do know they both race for Burger King though. Only reason why I looked was because my boyfriend was making fun of them during the Dover race. Well comment and like!

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