Chapter Twenty Five

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" And you are not the father!"
The tv says loudly. Chris stuffs his face with a sandwich that he bought off the truck. Steve sits just in front of the tv laughing. Cory is way into the show as the fat lady on the tv throws punches.
" Come on get him!"
Cory yells. Destiny gives him a look as she walks in from the shop.
" Cornet is done."
She says as she walks by the boys. She heads for the bathroom to wash her hands.
" Thank You!"
Steve says. He smiles at her as Destiny slips by him. The crowd now on the tv is chanting the name 'Jerry! Jerry!'
" I'm 16 and I have a 1 year old baby."
The girl says on the tv. The crowd boos.
" Now Denise does not know who the father is. She has had sexual relations with more then ten guys."
Jerry Springer says. Destiny walks out laughing.
" Oh the things people do for attention."
She says. Then she walks over to where Cory is. He is sitting in pop's chair eating a slice of meet lovers pizza. Destiny crosses her arms and gives Cory a look.
" What?"
Cory asks. Then she gives him a slight look. Her eyes shift from him to the couch then back to him.
" Up child."
She says. Cory gets up and let's her sit down.
" So where's Timmy?"
Steve asks after he stuffs a Twinkie into his mouth. Destiny sighs then looks down.
" He left for Georgia two weeks ago."
Steve looks over at her.
" Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. Are you doing alright?"
He asks her. Destiny just nods trying to keep the water works back. As the boys continue to watch Jerry Springer Destiny pulls out her phone. It says one new text. As she unlocks her phone and then clicks on it it says from Kasey.
" Hay sorry for not answering till now. Moms doing well! She woke up too! And I can stop by ur shop later if you want."
The message was received at 12:30. Destiny looked at the too of her phone at the time. It said 2:20. She gets up and goes out into the shop quickly dialing Kasey's number. Then she hits call. After three rings Kasey picks up.
" Destiny?"
Kasey asks.
" Hay! Where are you?"
She asks Kasey. Kasey takes a deep breath then answers.
" Letting the dog run around. You sound much better. What's up with you?"
Kasey answers back.
" I guess just seeing the guys again. Making it feel like the old days when I used to work here. You know your welcome here right?"
She says. Kasey calls out for his dog.
" I'll be around in like an hour. Iv got to go to HMS and see Rick first."
Kasey says. Then Destiny answers back
" Alright. I hope you make it!"
She says. All of a sudden her phone buzzes.
" Huh."
She says without realizing.
" What?"
Kasey asks.
" I just got a message. Hold on let me out you on speaker."
Destiny puts her phone on speaker and then goes to her messages.
" It's from Chase..."
She says. Kasey grows silent.
" Well?"
Kasey says.
" read it. I wanna hear this."
He adds in. Destiny sighs then goes to read it.
" Meet me at Titan raceway around six. We need to talk. I'll keep mom out of this from now on. Iv got Dino with me...."
- Chase
Kasey thinks for a moment not knowing what to say. Then he asks a question.
" Titan raceway? Iv never heard of it.and Dino? Dino Martinez?!"
Kasey asks now concerned.
" Its an ARCA track. One I used to dominate at... But why does he have Dino.."
She adds.
"Do you want me to come..?"
Kasey asks. Destiny sighs.
" It's on you Kasey. But come here first. We can take your truck since Cory insisted on taking my Camaro home since it's a better car then his Volvo.
" Alright I'll come by after I get Archie home."
He says.
" Alright I'll see you then. Bye Kasey."
" Bye Des."
Kasey says. Then Destiny hangs up the phone. Her eyes scan the shop. The cornet finished and the Laguna Sega just sitting there. The Dyno still in the farthest bay over. Destiny takes a deep breath and then Walks back into the shop.
" Chris, Cory, do you guys want to come with me later? Steve you can come too if you want."
Chris looks over at her.
" What's up?"
He asks.
" There's... This kid..."
She says. Cory gets up.
" You want us to teach him a lesson?"
Cory asks. Destiny sighs.
" He's been an ass to me. He took one of my teammates out. And he tried killing me... I'm sure you've seen that broadcast on the news..."
She says. Steve looks over.
" Accident?"
He asks. Destiny looks it up on the computer and plays it for them. Then She opens her camera and goes to a video.
" This is what happened. He didn't know I was recording the whole time. No one knows..."
She says then she plays it. Chris on her left, Cory on her right and Steve behind her. They see her take the lead.... Then her cars goes flying.
" My god.... And your... Alive? But how?!"
Chris asks. She shakes her head.
" No clue... I woke up in the hospital. All I remember is the feeling of weightlessness. My head bashing off the side of the car. Then I black out. I don't even remember the nose of the car smashing into the ground. But my phone got it all."
She says. She then sighs.
" I'm going to kick this kids ass!"
Chris says. Cory cracks his fists and back up Alittle.
" I'm with you on that one Chris."
Cory says. Destiny smiles a little.
" Thanks guys. But Chase is mine.. You can take care of Dino."
She says with an evil grin.
" Around four we will leave. They will be at Titan Speedway. And Kasey will be with me."
Destiny says. Steve gets up and grins.
" We will take the Cornet too. Break in the new strut."
Steve says.
Destiny nods.
" I'm taking the Eleanor."
She says then she walks over to the car in the far bay. It's red paint bran new. The white stripes not even dulled. Chris grins.
" Let me finish up the Laguna and then we will take off."
Chris says. Then he goes over to it and puts new gaskets on the headers.
The dirt road has pot holes almost every other 200 feet. The suspension on the Eleanor handles it very well though. The ride makes it feel like she's on a cloud. Her Camaro follows behind her. Cory driving it very steadily trying to avoid every bump there is. Steve and Chris are in the Laguna Sega. As Destiny pulls up to the old abandoned speedway she sees Chase's Silverado parked underneath a light pole. She pulls her car in and parks it near the entrance. Steve and Cory park next to her. All grows silent as the engines are turned off. Destiny gets out and walks towards the entrance. She signals for the boys to stay behind then she has Kasey come with her.
They both walk towards the entrance . As Destiny pulls ahead she hears a noise out on the track.
" Stay here Kasey."
She says then she jumps over the wall where it opens. Her boots hit the asphalt of the track. Destiny takes a deep breath then looks down the track.
" Chase?"
She yells. At the far left of the track around turn one Destiny hears a noise. She walks down towards the center of the race track. A low idle noise echoes around the track. Destiny spins around to her right looking for the car but there's nothing there. The noise gets louder.
" Destiny!"
Kasey yells in terror. Destiny turns seeing a race car coming at her.

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