The Village That Attracts Spirits

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Subaru had long since left the Capital of Lugunica and was currently riding the warp star. He was currently thinking of a way to get home, the warp star was one way to do it, if he was able to go from one galaxy to the next in a few minutes then he was sure that he was able to get from this world back to his own world.

"Hmmm...I wonder how my parents are even handling my disappearance...probably not to well. But enough of that, I need to figure out more about this world and see what I can-!"

Subaru was cut off as the warp star started going haywire.

"Whoah! Whoah! Whoah! Hey calm down!"

The warp star was flipping and turning as Subaru tried to do everything he could to hold on, but he would get flung off quickly but still found a way to hang on to the star very quickly in order to keep himself from falling. He finally managed to grab a hold of the warp star as it began charging towards the ground.

"W-What are you doing?! We're going to crash!!"

The Star quickly plummeted towards the surface, and upon contact, it shattered into multiple mini stars as Subaru was launched.

The boy began rolling until he came to a stop and slowly picked himself up.

"Ughhh...what was that all about? Speaking of which...where am I?"

Subaru checked his surroundings, he seemed to be in a forest that wasn't to far from a town. With that in mind, he began to ponder for the reason of the Warp Star reacting the way it did.

"Maybe it had something to do with the current territory I'm in? If so, then what was it?"

Subaru kept pondering more on the subject but stopped as he was surrounded by multiple little lights in different kind of colors. Many shining in red, blue, yellow, black, green, etc. Subaru became attracted to these small beings.

"Um...hey. I'm Subaru. Would you please tell me where I am and if there is a town nearby?"

Subaru asked the small beings surrounding him. They jumped around him in happiness as they began moving forward, telling Subaru that they were indeed helping him. The beings led Subaru to a town, it had children walking playing, adults working, and more small beings like the ones that led him to this exact spot.

"W-What is this place...?"

Subaru wondered out loud as he looked around in complete awe, ignoring the strange looks he was getting from the bystanders.

"Who's that?"

"I don't know sweetie. But he looks strange though."

'Everyone is staring at me like a weirdo or it due to how I'm dressed or something else?' Subaru thought as he sweated a bit, but eventually began to ignore the looks and murmurs as he continued walking until he made it to the plaza and stared in awe.

"This place looks cool..."

Subaru's thoughts were cut short as he heard a voice call out to him.

"Hey! Who do you think you are waltzing in here unannounced?!"


Subaru turned around to see a girl somewhere around his age standing in front of him with a glare on her face.

"You heard me didn't you? What are you doing here?"

"I-I'm sorry...I just got lost and these small little ball things in different colors helped me and showed me the way here."

The girl scoffed

"Do you really expect me to believe that? A strange weirdo like you walking in weird clothes like that?"

'This girl...'

Subaru was slightly getting annoyed and was going to say something until another voice made itself known.

"Now hold on Homura, this boy may not be lying."

Subaru looked to see who spoke and in his vision was an old man with glasses and dark yellow eyes. He had rather, extravagant clothes and seemed completely different, the aura around him pretty much screamed higher class.

"E-Elder Samuel!"

" what seems to be the problem here Homura?"

"T-This boy walked in here unannounced and tried to deceive me with such a ridiculous story about some lesser spirits showing him the way here."

"...I see."

The old man looked at the boy in front of him with the pink and yellow clothing. The boy seemed strange at first glance, but this boy...this boy had immense power dwelling inside of him.

'This boy seems a little too young for this...! Is he a great spirit...?!'

The old man thought as he began pondering the possibility of the boy in front of him being a great spirit, after all, the town was known for attracting spirits, it was a paradise for spirits. So there was no way this could be coincidence.

" said that spirits showed you the way here correct?"

"Y-Yeah, they were small and round...and were in very different colors as well."

"Ahh...I see. Homura, take this boy to one of the houses to get situated in."

"W-What? But-!"

"That's an order, Homura."


Homura begrudgingly complied as she looked at Subaru and told him to follow her as he nodded his head. Once they made it to one of the houses, Eris began leaving for the door, not before giving Subaru one last glare before slamming it.

Subaru sighed.

"What's her problem?"

"Oh don't mind her. She's just not used to outsiders is all, she'll come around later on."


A maid that looked a little older then him walked up to him, she had black hair and blue eyes, but she looked emotionless...

She introduced herself.

"Hello young traveler. My name is Yuki. I am the maid of this house as well as your caretaker. I hope you enjoy your stay.

She then bowed, catching the boy by surprise.

"I-I'm's nice to meet you as well. And please, don't be so formal with me. If anything I'd like to be friends if that's ok with you."

"What?" The maid questioned Subaru as she raised her head.

"I'd like to consider us as equals. You might be a maid but status doesn't mean anything to me. So whenever we're alone, just refer to me as Subaru ok?"

Subaru asked with a smile as he placed his hand in front of Yuki.

She stared at him.

'This boy...might be different from everyone else, but I can't be too sure yet...'

She thought to herself before shaking his hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you...Subaru."

"Hehe! Likewise Yuri!"

Over the next couple of days, Subaru would learn how to read and write with Yuri teaching him how. He also learned about spirits of different kinds and figured out that he himself had a great spirit affinity.

It explained why he got along so well with the spirits and even before he received help from them. He also learned about the town he was currently staying at, the Town was called Fiore: The Spirit Village.

It received its name due to the fact that it constantly attracted spirits and was pretty much a resort for them. And to some people, including the Village Chief, they speculated Subaru was a great spirit due to his mere presence alone, he had spirits follow him wherever he went, the power that he had was immense, and comparable or even greater than a great spirits.

Over the time Yuki and Subaru spent together, Yuki noticed that for a child...Subaru knew how to fight like he was an experienced warrior. Subaru showed abilities that seemed akin to that of a spirit and he was making great improvement on them as well, and he was more mature than most kids his age but somehow still innocent. Subaru managed to befriend everyone there, including the Samuel, The Village Chief. Samuel ended up gifting him a pink and red robe with little stars on it that matched the color scheme of his tracksuit, so now Subaru could fit in with the other residents.

(His hair is still the same with the pink highlights until later on. Yes, I plan on making his hair fully pink later on, and don't hop on me because there is literally a version of Subaru that has white hair. So if you're all cool with a white haired Subaru, then I see no problem to not be cool with a pink haired one •_•)

He also managed to befriend one of the village kids as well, that was the same age as him. It all happened one day when Subaru was going back to his normal training spot, he spotted an orange haired kid with a blue bandanna training with a spear

Subaru immediately recognized him to be one of his closest friends in his past life as Kirby. And it seems the child with the spear recognized him as well. They told each other of their experiences, talked about their past adventures in their past lives, etc.

And I guess he managed to befriend Homura... to a small degree, she was still very rude to him but she acted like a tsundere.

Anyway, it has been a month since Subaru arrived, and his life was going pretty good to say the very least. Currently, him and Bandanna were having their usual training session, although Bandanna was always the name or nickname Subaru would use, Bandanna actually did have a name and that Hiro.

Subaru was currently dodging Hiro's deadly spear attacks as he sidestepped two of them and landed a straightforward kick towards his stomach. The force of the attack was enough to send Hiro a good distance away.

"Y-You're just as strong as I remember you to be...Kirby...or do you go by 'Subaru' now...?"

Hiro asked as he used his spear for support.

"Heh! You can still call me that. To be honest I go by both names. And your skills with the spear hasn't changed either and I can you gotten better. Something tells me you're holding back."

"And something tells me you haven't fully reached your full power yet."

"Yeah...but I'm still working on it. It'll happen soon. I can use some of my copy abilities now and I made my ability to inhale things stronger as well, so that's a plus."

"I shall we end this...?"

Hiro asked as he stood up and pointed his spear at Subaru.

"Yeah...I'm going to hit you with everything I got!"

The two boys stared at each other in silence until they both charged at each other in a blink of an eye. They were both in front of each other as Subaru was launching his foot towards Hiro while Hiro was thrusting his spear in Subaru's direction.

'Kirby...even before we were were always so cool, you were always strong enough to face even the biggest and impossible odds...Magalor, Marx, Void Termina, Nightmare, Dark Matter, Fecto Elfilis...even Star Dream and Queen Sectonia, and many just kept getting stronger and stronger as if you were unreachable in terms of strength...but I always kept hopes that I could be strong just like inspired me to be strong after watching you beat King Dedede back then...and since then I helped you and grew stronger myself...I want to keep doing that and one day be an equal that can stand by your be strong enough to even go up against the likes of Meta Knight...!'

Hiro thought to himself as he quickly thrusted the spear towards Subaru, using every ounce of power he had into this last attack. While Subaru having similar thoughts as he as well, wanted to get stronger than before in this new world. He quickly launched his foot towards Hiro while narrowly dodging the spear as it managed to cut him a bit.

Subaru's kick landed.

"Augh!!!" Hiro felt the kick...but he wasn't going out without landing at least a hit on him.

His spear's direction was currently moving in the air, so he grabbed the spear and whacked it against Subaru's forehead with enough force what would send him plummeting towards the ground.

They both sent each other flying as Hiro crashed against the tree and was knocked out on impact while Subaru crashed towards the ground, barely conscious as he laid there.

"H-Hehe...that was a strong attack gotten stronger..." Subaru mumbled before he as well, passed out.

The duel ended in a draw as both boys laid unconscious in the training grounds, unaware of Homura watching from afar with a shocked look on her face. She knew Hiro was strong...she watched him train with the spear before but seeing this newcomer who only appeared a month ago fight and beat shocked her to no end.

'H-How strong is he...that mean Subaru...if he's that strong then...'

She blushed.

'No! What am I thinking?! I'm only asking him to train me and teach me how to fight like he does!'

Homura thought to herself as she began walking towards the boys...trying to wake them up by shaking them. one of the houses in the village, the Village Elder: Samuel, and the maid that was currently housing Subaru, Yuki were currently in the living room, discussing the current matters at hand.

"So Yuki, how has Subaru been doing ever since whe came to Fiore..."

Elder Samuel asked as he took a sip from his cup of tea.

"Well for starters...he's a...very kind boy. He also has a very big appetite, it's almost as if he never gets tired of eating. He also seems to be very mature for a child his age, and he's very well versed in combat. And it's as you said earlier, his power is simply immense...he might be a great spirit after all..."

"I see..."

Samuel then grew serious.

"The reports we have been getting...wild animals were seen dead or eaten...or to better describe looked like it was eaten but nothing was left behind of them."

Yuki grew surprised.

"You don't mean that...!"

"Yes...The Great of the three great near...and it's coming here just ate some wild animals outside of our town."

"Because of how this town attracts spirits...the mana capacity must have attracted those damn devils as well...!"

Yuki remembered how she once lost her parents to the damn thing...back in her old village. It was thanks to Samuel finding her and taking her to Fiore that she was alive today.

"And if I'm right...Subaru might be the key to saving this town...and slaying the rabbit. I'll send out our mages to try and neutralize the threat for as long as possible...the announcement needs to be made first thing tomorrow morning."

'I do wonder though...if I'm right...then what will it take to get you to use that power of yours...what will it take to...emotionally damage you I wonder...'

Samuel thought to himself as he told Yuki she was free to leave.


Yuki said nothing but bowed and simply left the room.

'I hope the elder knows what he's doing...I have a feeling that he knows more than he lets on...and I pray...that I'm wrong...'

Yuki thought to herself before she made it back to the house her and Subaru stayed at. Only to find Subaru fast asleep.

She blushed.


She walked up to him and cupped his cheek. She realized that in all of the time they spent together...she was falling for him.

"Perhaps, I'll indulge in this pleasure...just this once..."

She slowly got onto the bed and started to cuddle the small boy as she slowly went to sleep with a small smile on her face.

The next morning, Samuel sent out a few mages to handle the rabbit in hopes it would drive them away but...the mages didn't come back and later on, the announcement was made...and everyone panicked. The great rabbit was coming to the town and they didn't even know when, it could be any moment.

Everyone didn't leave their homes after that, due to the fear that the rabbit would come while they were all out and about. The only ones that weren't aware of what was going on were Subaru and Hiro.

Why? Because they were out training, doing what they usually did. They simply hung out and sparred. They both eventually stopped and just sat there. It was then Hiro made small talk with Subaru.

"Hey, Subaru."

"Hm? What is it Hiro?"

"I have been thinking...what will you be doing once you're out of here? You know, fully grown or old enough to leave the town?"

"To be honest...I don't know. I might just explore around this new world, see what kinds of people are out there you know?"

"Yeah...I get what you you think we'll run into King Dedede or Meta Knight anytime soon?"

"If you and I were reincarnated as humans...I think we're humans now...I'm not really sure...but I'm sure we'll run into them someday. I mean, fate was kind enough to reunite me and you."

Subaru smiled.

"Heh, still optimistic as always I see. Though I wish I was as cool as you..."

Hiro smiled sadly.

"What do you mean?"

Subaru asked with a confused look on his face.

"What I mean were brave enough to fight so many threats back at were even brave enough to stand up to the King and Meta Knight...even to the likes of Magolor...while I was a coward for most of the time..."

"What are you even talking about? You weren't a coward!"

Subaru protested.


"Remember when Ribbon crash landed on Popstar and asked us for help to collect those Crystal Shards?"

"Y-Yeah... you saved me after I was possessed."

"Yeah! And what did you do afterwords?"

"I tagged along."

"Exactly, and who was it that helped me and gave me items and maximum tomatoes during my adventures, like when we were being invaded by robots or that time when I had to rescue Dedede from Taranza and fight Sectonia?"

"I did!"

"And who helped me fight Magolor when he tricked us into getting him that crown?"


"Exactly! You're one of the bravest people I know Dee. You helped me and even tagged along with me on my adventures, and that skill you possess with that spear of yours is incredible!"


Hiro began crying a bit as he hugged Subaru.

"...Thank you. For the pep talk."

"No problem, I'm just helping a friend. Now shall we get going before-!"


Subaru was interrupted as a bone chilling scream entered his ears. As him and Hiro got up in alarm.

"What the heck even was that?!"

"I don't know...but we're about to find out!"

The moment Subaru said that, the Warp Star appeared and skidded to a stop right in front of the two boys.

"Let's go!"


With that, the two boys hopped on the Warp Star and flew to where the sound came from, and what they saw...was a complete massacre...

"I...have seen my fair share of horrifying beings that we dealt with in the past but this...this is just..."


Subaru finished Hiro's sentence as they both stared, horrified and frozen in shock.

What they saw...were rabbits...literally tearing everything that was in their path apart, limb from limb...EATING everything in its path...

'No...what is this...? What's going on? How did this even happen? What happened? We were to late...'

Those were the thoughts of Subaru as he just kept staring, blocking everything else out as it was just him and his thoughts...




Subaru finally snapped out of it.

"Huh? Y-Yes? What's up?"

Subaru asked.

"You alright?"

Hiro asked Subaru in concern.

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine, though...these rabbits...I never seen man eating rabbits before, even back on dreamland."

"Yeah...come on. Let's go find the Elder,  maybe he can help-!"

Hiro couldn't even finish his sentence as a large fireball made contact with the Warp Star. Shattering it, and sending the two boys flying to different locations.

Subaru tumbled on the ground while Hiro...he landed right in a pile of rabbits.


A rabbit jumped at him. But he swung his spear and stabbed the damn thing, he kept stabbing and stabbing but more kept appearing. Eventually, a rabbit managed to bite off his leg.

Hiro fell to the ground and shook in fear. He may have fought greater threats but right now. In this new life...he was still only a child. It was in his nature to feel scared shitless.

"STAY BACK!!!!!"

The rabbits charged at Hiro as he desperately tried to get away, but it was all for nothing...the rabbits began eating him from the inside out.


Hiro's screams echoed throughout the village and into Subaru's ears as he heard and watched the onslaught.


The rabbits were done and soon looked at Subaru.

They all charged at him. And without thinking, the boy did the unthinkable...he opened his mouth and used his inhaling ability. Now normally, if he was in his little pink puffball form, he would be able to eat these little bastards, no problem. But since he was reincarnated as a human...a child no less. His abilities despite being improved, we're still pretty much, not at their full potential. Add to the fact that Subaru was only limited to what kind of things he could inhale. In his old body, he'd be able to swallow a sword,  he can't do that as a human.

The moment he inhaled one rabbit, it started eating his tongue.


Subaru immediately spat the rabbit out as his tongue was in its mouth. Blood splattered everywhere as Subaru couldn't scream.


Those were the thoughts Subaru had at the moment. He looked onward to see more rabbits charging at him. And so he ran as fast as he could but more rabbits just appeared and eventually caught up to him. They began eating him as well.

And dear god the pain was unimaginable...

He felt pain everywhere. They were chewing on his limbs. Some even forced themselves down his throat and began to eat him from the inside out, it was like a damn race to see who would finish him off.

Eventually, a rabbit appeared on Subaru's head and looked at him. It opened its mouth and Subaru already knew what was going to happen. He was going to die, the pain was finally going to end. He closed his eyes with the only regret being, that he didn't get to say goodbye to his parents.

The rabbit bit into his head and made contact with his brain, thus ending his life...

By the end of it, there was nothing left of the little pink Starboy's the rabbits devoured him without a single trace...



Hey guys! I finally updated this story after a bit. Now I know I said I was planning on having other characters from different animes being in this. Like it's own big crossover thing. And which I still do. I just decided to do it on a later arc since it felt more appropriate. Anyway, yeah! This is Subaru's first death and encounter with the rabbit. What did you guys think? I also wanna keep in mind that Subaru is only going to die once or at least a few times if it comes to it. Since come on, he's literally the reincarnation of Kirby. And Kirby is very overpowered. So be on the look out for the next chapter because I have some VERY good plans in store for that. Until next time. I also made Subaru die because one, even though he IS Kirby, keep in mind that he is literally in a human body right now, he's not the indestructible pink puffball that can kill gods and tank point blank explosions from a planet. Subaru needs time to make his abilities a lot stronger than what they are currently. But trust me, he is still strong and he'll get stronger as well. You just have to wait and see what I cook up next chapter.

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