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Pairing: Xiao Dejun x Choi Ahyoung
Word count: 1.1K
Song: Samantha Jade - Soldier

Xiao was maybe a younger member of the NCT gang but he was still a full-fledged member. And while the current situation might have happened because of his mishap, the whole gang had his back and was ready to help him get his girl back.

"Don't worry, Xiao, Ahyoung will be fine and back with you in no time," Kun tried to console him. Dejun tightened his hold on his gun and checked if it was full again.

"I hope so," he murmured. "I just wish we could hurry up! Why aren't we moving already?"

Lucas joined them. "We're just about to, Jisung found their location."

"Perfect," Jun stood up and walked out the doors, deadly atmosphere following him.

Kun and Lucas followed him with their eyes until he was out of their line of sight. Then they shared a look, feeling pity for the younger. Eventually, Lucas shrugged. "Aight, let's get his girl back."

Xiaojun was trying his hardest to keep up his cold, unbothered facade. But in reality, he was totally freaking out. Ahyoung could be seriously hurt and even if she wasn't (which was unlikely) she was definitely freaking out. She was kidnapped for God's sake and it was Jun's fault for not protecting her or warning her that that was even a possibility. But he was also scared of admitting the truth. He knew that eventually, he would have to confess to her that he was a part of a mafia. But in the short five months that they were together, eight months they knew each other, he just never found the perfect opportunity.

There definitely were moments but every time he tried, he started doubting whether that would ruin everything they built so far. He was too insecure in their relationship and he opted to keep it going time and time again rather than to actually test it and see if it was worth it.

And now he was in the worst possible situation and Ahyoung will have to find out in the worst possible way.

Xiaojun cursed his own stupidity but pushed all those thoughts aside. Whatever happened, he still needed to make sure Ahyoung was safe, he wouldn't be able to live with himself if something happened to her and he could have helped her.

It was fairly easy to defeat their stupid enemies that made the mistake of trying to harm their loved ones. While the rest of his members dealt with their rivals Xiaojun rushed to the basement to get Ahyoung.

Ahyoung was lying in the darkness, very bored and extremely uncomfortable, but much calmer than Xiaojun expected.

"Young!" he ran towards her.

"Jun!" she yelled out, surprised to see him. "How are you here?" She looked at him with wide eyes as he untied the ropes around her wrists.

"I'm so, so, sorry, Ahyoung," he told her while still untying the binds.

"About what?" she questions him but he just shook his head. "What?"

"Let's get you out," he said once he got rid of all the ropes. Ahyoung had no choice but to follow him outside the building. Xiaojun was careful to avoid all the places where the rest of his members were and presumably a staggering number of dead bodies. They got outside the building, some abandoned storehouse, and took a few twists and turns through random alleyways.

"Xiao!" Ahyoung had to stop him, firmly holding his hand, after the boy continued to ignore her questions.

"I was just kidnapped and had the worst day of my life, can you explain how are you here so I can stop and take a breath?"

Xiaojun sighed and turned to face her. He slowly looked her in the eyes and made peace with the fact that he had to come clean.

"Ahyoung..." he began."I kept a secret from you. I didn't want to hurt you and I thought it would be better if you knew. Now I can't help but think if all this could've been avoided if I was just honest from the start..."

"Jun?" she worriedly asked. He hesitated and she began to panic more and more.

"Why are you silent? Seriously, your silence is worse than a gun aiming at me... And that did happen today."

"I'm... Really sorry for everything."

"Xiao..." she got closer to him.

"I-I'm so sorry for all the pain I caused. I think it would be the best if I just let you go. Out of this mess." He tried to turn around but she quickly grabbed his upper arm.

"I want you to stay! You can't break up with me after I was just kidnapped!"

"But you were kidnapped because of me! If I stay with you, you would also be caught in this madness-"

"So you're ready to just give up everything?"

"It's not like I want to-" Dejun tried to defend, but Ahyoung cut him off.

"I know you're part of NCT, I had my doubts before we even started dating! Today just proved them to be right."


"But that does not change my love for you, Xiao. How can you even think I would be willing to let go of everything because of such a thing."


"Don't you wanna stay? Be with me?"

He chuckled in disbelief. "You really want that?"

She eagerly nodded and put her arms around his waist.

"You're crazy," he smiled at her. "I wanna see inside of your head, what's going on inside? I don't want this to end either... But aren't you scared? Now that you know?"

Ahyoung pressed her head against his chest. "I told you, I saw some signs from the beginning. You were a soldier, that much was obvious. But you helped me so much. I was so shy and closed off before, and you helped me get out of my shell. And I'm under your spell, I love you."

"So you wanna be with me forever? Knowing what this life involves and all?"

"Forever and ever," she pecked his cheek. "I would never surrender what we have so please don't even think about it."

He smiled and kissed the top of her head and then proceeded to bury his face in her chestnut hair.

After some time she lifted her head, looking at him with her hazel eyes. "You're my soldier now then? We're going to fight together from now on?"

"I would die for you," he pulled her into a loving and passionate kiss.

"I would die for you too," she whispered into the kiss and hugged him tighter.

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