Chapter 3

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The scene shifts to the chaos realm, where Titan Havik walks into a massive fortress-like structure that emanates a powerful aura of malevolence. The walls are made of dark, almost living stone, pulsating with an infernal energy. No windows or doors are visible, just the smooth, impenetrable surface of the ominous edifice. Titan havik enters a room where Y/N is seen hanging off the roof from the chains, his body now shown with cuts. The room is vast and dimly lit, the only light source coming from strange torches that flicker menacingly on the walls. Hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the room is Y/N, suspended by sturdy chains. His body is now even more battered and bruised, each cut and welt from the beating he took from Titan Havik and his clones evident.

Titan havik smiled and stood in front of him.

Titan havik: Wake him up.

One of the clones, standing nearby, stepped forward. With a swift, almost gentle touch, he splashed some cold water onto Y/N's face, awakening him.

Y/N jolted back to consciousness, confusion and pain flooding in as he took in his surrounds. As Y/N's eyes blinked open, Titan Havik's smile widened. He moved closer to the hanging Y/N, his form almost looming over him.

Titan Havik: Well, well... look who's finally awake. Sleeping beauty has risen.

Y/N, still disoriented from the beating he had taken and the sudden awakening, struggled to focus his vision. He tried to speak, but his voice came out as a hoarse croak.

Y/N: W-where am I... what's going on...?

Titan Havik chuckled, amused by Y/N's confusion. He crossed his arms as he continued to smirk down at his prisoner.

Titan Havik: You don't remember? Oh, you're funny. You're in my realm, my little plaything. And you're going to be here for a long, long time.

Y/N spits blood in his face. The sudden act of defiance took Titan Havik by surprise. For a brief moment, anger flashed in his eyes as the blood hit his face. But just as quickly, his creepy smile returned, even wider now.

He reached up and wiped the blood away, his voice oozing mockery.

Titan Havik: Brave, aren't we? Spit all you want, it won't change anything. You're mine now.

Y/N, despite the pain and weakness, continued to glare defiantly at Titan Havik, refusing to show any fear.

Y/N: I'll never be yours... no matter what you do.

The defiance in Y/N's voice seemed to amuse Titan Havik even more. He chuckled again, the sound cold and menacing.

Titan Havik: You're amusing, little devil. Such tenacity... such fire. I like that. But it won't save you. No one is coming to rescue you. You're all alone here, in my domain.

He stepped closer, getting right in front of Y/N.

Titan Havik: You're mine to torment, to toy with, to break. And I plan to enjoy every second of it. And..... I sense you're Baraqiel's bratty son.

Y/N's eyes widened momentarily at the mention of his father. He tried not to show any more weakness or surprise, but the fact that Titan Havik knew who he was made the situation even more dire. Y/N gritted his teeth, trying to sound fearless, but his voice betrayed his growing fear.

Y/N: So what if I am? That doesn't change anything.

Titan Havik smirked and leaned in close, his face a few inches from Y/N's.

Titan Havik: Oh, it changes everything, little devil. It makes it more fun. I love seeing how much fight you have in you, how tough you pretend to be. But I plan to break you, Himejima. I plan to make you suffer in the most painful way possible. And when I'm done- you will serve me.... and you will kill your sister. And everyone that doubted you...

Y/N's eyes flashed with anger and defiance. The mere mention of harming his sister stirred some of the power within him. But his body was already too weak to summon it up.

Y/N: You're insane if you think I'll ever do that! I'd rather die than hurt my family!

Titan Havik roared with laughter, clearly enjoying the effect his words were having on Y/N.

Titan Havik: Of course you'd say that. But you don't have a choice. You belong to me now, and you'll do as I say. One way, or another.

Titan havik looked at one of his clones, the clone nods and slowly brings out a set of syringes. The sight of the syringes sent shivers down Y/N's spine. He struggled in his chains, trying to get free, even though he knew it was pointless.

What was Titan Havik planning to do with those? He tried to speak, to ask, but his voice caught in his throat. Titan Havik watched Y/N's struggling, his smile never wavering. He motioned for the clone to approach, and it did so, bearing the syringes in its clawed hands.

Titan Havik: Ah, these? These are going to be your new friends, little devil. They're going to introduce you to a world of pain and pleasure, all at the same time.

Y/N's eyes narrowed at the syringes, horror building in his chest at Titan Havik's words. Whatever was in those syringes, it couldn't be anything good.

Y/N: W-what the hell are you going to do with those?

Titan Havik chuckled, obviously enjoying the fear he was instilling in Y/N.

Titan Havik: Oh, you'll find out soon enough. They're my little tools of persuasion. They're going to make you so much more agreeable, little devil. Just watch and see.

Two clones hold Y/N's neck tightly.

Y/N: No- no- NO!

Despite his struggles, Y/N's attempts to break free were in vain. The clones, their grips strong and unbending, held him firmly in place as they exposed the pale skin of his neck. Y/N's heart was pounding, his breath coming in panicked gasps. He watched as the syringes came closer, the needle gleaming sinisterly in the dim light. Y/N's vision seemed to tunnel, his focus narrowing to those two slender needles. His mind raced, trying to think of anything he could do, any way to get free. But the clones were strong, and his body was already battered and weakened.

Titan Havik watched the scene with relish, his eyes gleaming darkly.

Titan Havik: It's no use struggling, little devil. Just relax and accept it. It won't be as bad as you think.

The needles sunk into Y/N's neck with a sharp, quick pain. He flinched slightly, the action involuntary. But within seconds, a strange warmth started to spread from the injection site, crawling through his veins like a living thing.

Y/N felt a sudden dizzy sensation, his vision swimming for a moment before settling again. The world seemed to shift slightly out of focus, his thoughts becoming hazy but strangely sharp at the same time. Y/N's head swam, his thoughts swirling in an increasingly chaotic but also oddly relaxed way. He swayed slightly, his body starting to feel heavy yet light at the same time.

Y/N tried to speak, to say something, anything, but found his voice slurring. His words came out strangely soft, almost drunken.

Y/N: Wh-what did you give me......?

Titan Havik chuckled again, clearly satisfied with the effect the mysterious substance was having on Y/N.

Titan Havik: Just a little concoction, specially formulated to loosen you up a bit. I wanted you to be able to... enjoy our time together a bit more.

The room around Y/N began to blur at the edges as a series of images flooded his mind. Memories, once locked away, now started to surface with alarming clarity.  His childhood flashed before his eyes, each moment so vivid it was like he was reliving them again. Images of his family, his hometown all danced before Y/N's eyes like a movie. They were so clear, so detailed, that he could almost reach out and touch them. The emotions they brought on were just as strong, his heart clenching painfully at the familiar happiness and bittersweet sadness.

Y/N could only watch in a daze, his mind torn between reality and memory. As the stream of memories continued, the good ones quickly gave way to the bad ones. Images of his father, stern and cruel, rose in Y/N's mind, each memory marked by pain and suffering. He relived the beatings, the cold words, the indifference of a parent who should have loved and protected. The worst was the memory of his mother's death. Her gentle smile, her warmth, stolen too soon by the cruelty of fate. Y/N struggled to keep the images at bay, the tears welling in his eyes. He wanted to turn away, to push the memories back, but the strange drug coursing through his veins made everything more potent, everything more real. The pain of the past, the fear and loneliness, it all came rushing back, overwhelming his senses.

The world seemed to swim in and out, the room spinning around him as the memories continued their relentless play. It was almost too much to bear, Y/N feeling his mental and emotional barriers being slowly torn down by the onslaught. The memories kept playing, each more painful than the last, until the strain on Y/N's body and mind became too much. He slumped forward as unconsciousness claimed him, his body going limp.

Titan Havik watched with a satisfied smile, his eyes cold as ice.

Titan Havik: Good, he's out. Take him to the dungeon.

The scene shifts. Now we see a series of montages, each one showing a repeated action. In each clip, we can see Y/N, now locked in a makeshift dungeon, being tormented and beaten by Titan Havik and his clones.

Titan Havik's voice is heard over the visuals, a chilling and detached commentary about the ongoing torment.

Titan Havik (voice over): He's taking it better than we thought. His endurance and willpower are almost admirable. But soon, he'll break. They all do.

The beatings are relentless, the clones taking obvious pleasure in their work. They taunt Y/N, jeer at him, even relish in his pain as they inflict more. Y/N, for his part, shows remarkable resilience, trying to fight back despite his battered condition. His eyes, once full of fire, are now a mix of pain, defiance, and a growing despair. The lines of his body, once strong and proud, are weakened, the signs of torture increasingly evident. Yet, despite it all, Y/N's spirit remains unbroken. This seems to intrigue and anger Titan Havik in equal measure, the fact that Y/N isn't begging or crying like he expected.

Titan Havik (voice over) : He's stubborn, I'll give him that. But his resolve will break eventually. Everyone has their limit, and he will reach his soon. Even a devil can only take so much pain. And once he does....

The scene shows Y/N, now pale inside a water tank with multiple needles inside him with a black chaos liquid of some sort.

Titan Havik (voice over): He will serve me.... I will give him a power his sister and father doubted that he would never achieve.

The black liquid slowly filling the tank, Y/N's body floating eerily in the center of it. His eyes are closed, his expression almost lifeless. But in the background, the needle-like protrusions of the havik clones are clearly visible, their sharp points poised to release the Chaos fluid directly into Y/N's body.

Titan Havik's voice continues, his tone now almost gleeful, as if he's excited about what's coming next.  

Titan Havik(voice over): Just a bit more, and the transformation will begin. Hahahahahaha! Let khaos- REIGN!!!!

The scene then pans back to the ORC headquarters, a stark contrast from the chaos realm. It's a place of warmth and comfort, far removed from the sinister energy of the other realm.

Rias: So you have no clue where you've seen him....? At all....??

???: Hehehe... my dear Rias. Now why would I give you information if you let your issei ruin our arranged marriage?

Rias bristled at the response, her eyes narrowing.

Rias: First, that whole arrangement was ridiculous and you know it. And secondly, if you know where Akeno's brother is, then just tell me already!

The figure chuckled again, leaning forward in their chair.

???: Oh come now. Where's the fun in that? Besides, maybe I enjoy seeing you so...worked up.

The figure is revealed to be Riser.

Rias' face turned to a glare, her irritation more evident now.

Rias: Riser, this is no time for games. Akeno's brother is missing and I need to find him. Stop your childish antics and tell me what you know!

Riser simply shrugged, feigning nonchalance.

Riser: Oh, but these 'childish antics' are so much fun, especially when it gets a rise out of you. But fine, I suppose I could tell you.

Rias crossed her arms, waiting for him to continue.

Riser leaned back, the smirk never leaving his face.

Riser: I may have heard whispers....from a certain source... that a certain fallen angel has him captive. Perhaps you should pay the fallen angel leaders a visit, they might know more.

Riser's words hung in the air, the information both tantalizing and ominous.

Rias' eyes widened slightly at the mention of the fallen angels. It wasn't surprising, given the complex and tumultuous history between the two factions. But the thought of Akeno's brother being held captive by them filled her with a sense of urgency and anger.

Rias: The fallen angels...? You think they're behind this?

Riser chuckled again, clearly enjoying the situation.

Riser: Oh, I can't say for sure. But it seems like your best lead, wouldn't you say?

Riser stood up from the chair.

Riser: And remember my dear.... You and issei may be married now. But you can never forget- I was supposed to be your loyal husband.

Rias' eyes narrowed as Riser stood, his nonchalant demeanor only serving to spike her irritation further. As he reminded her of the almost-marriage, her grip on Gremory heir power tightened.

Rias: And as I recall, that arrangement was anything but happy and willing on my part.

Riser chuckled again, seemingly amused by her reaction.

Riser: You were feisty then and still are now. Ah, what I would give to tame you, Rias Gremory.

Rias tensed further, her hands clenching into fists. Riser's continued attempts to rouse her anger were working, but she refused to let him fully rile her.

Rias: Your arrogance knows no bounds, Riser. You can fantasize all you want about our almost-marriage, but it's never going to happen. I chose Issei, and that's final.

Riser chuckled again, his smirk unwavering.

Riser: Oh, but I can dream, can't I? After all, you'd be a most... stimulating wife. To have the Queen of the Gremory clan under my control- what a tempting prospect.

His words were more of a taunt than a genuine wish now, a way to rile Rias even further. Riser walked past her and stood at her doorway.

Riser: Until then my dear- ciao.

With phoenix fire he disappeared.

Rias watched Riser disappear, her anger at his audacity still bubbling just under her composed demeanor. Once he was gone, however, some of her anger subsided, replaced by a sense of uneasiness.

Rias: That infuriating jerk...

Rias' gaze turned thoughtful, Riser's information about the fallen angels playing through her mind. If Akeno's brother was indeed there, she had to find out. And fast.

To be continued.....

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