Chapter 25: Restoring Security Systems

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(At Brainiac's ship)

Brainiac: I found something really interesting.

(They see Supergirl)

Jafar: Another kryptonian?

Salem: No matter. Let's proceed with the plan. But don't forget it. The hedgehog is mine!

Brainiac: I say the same about the kryptonians!

Sigma: So do I about Zero!

(At Disney Universe, Buzz, Kim and Woody are seen closer to the security system)

Kim: Very well. It's here.

(Then Zurg and Shego come in)

Zurg: So we meet again, Buzz Lightyear. For the last time!

Buzz: Don't bet on it, Zurg!

(Buzz has a fight against his archenemy. Zurg tries to shoot him down, but he easily evades the shots and after a long fight, Buzz emerges victorious)

Buzz: (communicates) This is Buzz to Star Command. Send a ship here. I just captured our archenemy, the emperor Zurg.

Commander: (communicates) Good work, Buzz. Mira Nova is on her way to arrest him.

Buzz: (communicates) Understood, Commander!

(Meanwhile, Kim Possible faces her archenemy Shego)

Shego: Time to pay for what you did to me!

Kim: You did this to yourself!

(Kim resumes her fight against Shego, who initially had the advantage thanks to her new power, which was granted by Jafar. But Kim managed to prove that defeating Shego again is not impossible)

Kim: Nothing is impossible to me!

(Then Mira Nova comes in to arrest Zurg)

Mira Nova: It looks like you just got dethroned, Zurg.

Zurg: (to Buzz) This is not over yet, Buzz Lightyear.

Kim: By the way, princess. (throws Shego to Mira) Consider this a bonus.

(Meanwhile at Neo Beacon Academy, Pyrrha, Penny, Mercury and Team CMEN are seen confronted by Roman)

Roman: So Scarecrow was right... Traitor!

Mercury: I was a traitor when I joined Salem. And I'm sure Neo feels the same way.

Neopolitan: That's right, Roman. I don't love you anymore.

Roman: Then... DIE!

(Roman tries to hit Neo with his melodic cudgel, only to be stopped by Pyrrha)

Pyrrha: Lies will not take you anywhere, Roman!

(Pyrrha fights Roman, who tries his tricks to try to win. But Pyrrha proved that she was not the champion of Mistral for nothing)

Pyrrha: Losing is enough punishment for cheaters.

Penny: Splendid performance!

(At Capcom Universe, Guile, Charlie and Alia arrive at Capcom Network)

Alia: It looks like we got company!

Guile: Be prepared, Charlie!

(Then Epsilon and Ferham are seen)

(At Cartoon Network Universe, Looma, Robotboy and Charmcaster are confronted by Rojo)

Rojo: So Ben sent you three to face me, huh?

Robotboy: (transforms) Time to finish you off!

Rojo: Come on. I liked your cute form even more!

(Feeling underestimated by Rojo, Robotboy doesn't hold back. He uses all of his power and easily defeats her)

Robotboy: This teaches you a lesson.

(At Injustice Universe, Catwoman, Harley Quinn and Cyborg are seen at Arkham Asylum. Then Poison Ivy comes in)

Poison Ivy: Arkham... We spent good times here...

Catwoman: Yeah... Too bad it had to end...

Cyborg: If you're done talking, I'll crush her!!

Poison Ivy: Oh, Cyborg. We don't have to fight. Let's kiss and make up.

(Cyborg simply wants to finish the fight and the mission as soon as possible. Then he beat Poison Ivy without any mercy)

Cyborg: I prefer women who are not insane.

(Back to Disney Universe, the trio sees Razoul and Gaston)

Razoul: Time to get what's rightfully ours!

Buzz: Over our dead bodies!

Gaston: Excellent suggestion!

(Buzz faces Razoul while Kim faces Gaston. Their skills with swords weren't enough to take down the agent and the space patroller. Then they got knocked out)

Buzz: You should never have messed with the space patroller Buzz Lightyear!

(Then Brainiac shows up)

Buzz: Brainiac...

Brainiac: Buzz Lightyear, member of the Star Command. You must really believe you can save the galaxy, don't you? Well. Let me give you a surprise gift.

(Then Warp Darkmatter is teleported on)

Buzz: Warp...

Kim: You know him?

Buzz: He used to be a member of the Star Command, and the best sidekick I had... Until he joined Zurg and betrayed us!

Kim: He backstabbed you? What a low trick!

Warp: Now thanks to Brainiac, I got the necessary upgrades to exact my revenge on him!

Buzz: Time to finish this!

(Buzz and Warp fight evenly matched while Kim Possible uses her knowledge about alien technologies to restore her security system. As the fight goes on, Buzz uses his last resort attack and manages to defeat his former friend)

Buzz: Your vendetta ends here!

(Kim Possible manages to restore her system)

K.P.S: Welcome, Kim Ann Possible.

Kim: Good to see you again!

(Back to Neo Beacon Academy, the heroes are confronted by Hazel)

Hazel: It looks like I made a mistake considering Roman a paranoid. Now I will decimate you all!

Penny: Let me handle this, friends!

Cinder: We are counting on you, Penny.

(Penny fights Hazel. Despite his brutal strength, Hazel was simply no match for Penny and her combat abilities. After knocking Hazel out, Penny restores Neo Beacon Systems)

N.B.S.: Welcome, Penny Polendina.

Penny: Salutations.

(Then Mega Man X comes in)

X: Penny. I need your help.

Penny: I will help you, my friend.

(Back to Capcom Universe, Guile faces Epsilon while Alia faces Ferham)

Guile: You look like a creation of Shadaloo to me, Epsilon!

Epsilon: You are nothing but a puny human, Guile.

Alia: (to Ferham) Let's see who deserves X more.

(As the fight ensues, Guile uses his best techniques to fight Epsilon while Alia has troubles dealing with Ferham due to her low fighting experience. But she eventually manages to defeat her as Guile finally defeats Epsilon)

Alia: It looks like I deserve X.

(Then Penny and X come in)

Alia: X?

X: Penny. Can you remove the nanoexplosive from Ferham?

Penny: Let me try.

(Penny locates the bomb and hacks it, deactivating it in the process. Then Ferham wakes up and sees X. Then noticing she is no longer in risk of getting herself killed, she hugs X, much for Alia's jealousy)

Ferham: You saved me, X... Thank you very much...

X: No problem, Ferham.

Ferham: Now I'm free to leave Vile, Epsilon and this damn society.

X: Good.

(Back to Cartoon Network Universe, the trio is confronted by Vilgax)

Vilgax: Aku called me a paranoid when I tried to warn him about your treachery! Now I will finally conquer this planet, starting for this place! As for you, Looma Red Wind, I will enjoy beating you and making Ben Tennyson cry!

Looma: You tried to break my future husband so many times. And failed.

(Looma fights evenly matched with Vilgax. Both have fighting experience and brute strength. But then Looma decides to show her true power and eventually defeats Vilgax)

Looma: Was it fun for you like it was for me, Vilgax?

(Then Brainiac shows up again)

Brainiac: Looma Red Wind and Robotboy. You think you can win every war you wage. Time to prove you wrong.

(Then Protoboy comes in)

Protoboy: Long time no see you, Robotboy.

Robotboy: Protoboy...

Protoboy: Brainiac perfected me. Time to make you obsolete!

(Protoboy initially had the advantage, but Robotboy decides to show his true power and eventually defeats his archenemy)

Robotboy: There is no perfection!

(Then Robotboy finally restores Azmuth 2.0.)

Azmuth 2.0: Systems restored. Welcome, Robotboy.

(Back to Injustice Universe, the trio is confronted by Bane and Deadshot)

Bane: Gotham will finally be mine!

Catwoman; I have some unfinished business with Bane.

(Cyborg fights Deadshot)

Bane: Of all ways O had to break the bat, pummeling you may be the best one.

Catwoman: You tried so many times, but I always landed on my feet.

(Catwoman fights Bane, despite having immense brute strength, Bane was no match for Catwoman as she uses her abilities to bring him on his knees)

Catwoman: Was it fun for you like it was for me, Bane.

(Then Cyborg comes in after defeating Deadshot, only for Brainiac to show up)

Brainiac: Victor Stone... So much potential wasted by your humanity.

(Then Brainiac uses his powers to create Grid through Cyborg as it gets out of him)

Grid: Grid... Online. I am Victor Stone's systems, free of the human flesh's weakness.

Cyborg: And from my apparent charm too.

(Catwoman goes to activate the generators)

Cyborg: So...Grid... What are you exactly.

Grid: I thought I couldn't exist without you. But now I became perfect... And you're obsolete.

(Cyborg fights Grid. Both fight evenly matched, But since there was humanity within Cyborg, he managed to defeat his evil self)

Cyborg: Not so perfect anyway.

(Then Cyborg restores the Brother Eye. Unfortunately Cyborg is detected)

Brother Eye: Regime Member detected. Starting defensive measures.

Catwoman: LK-4D4.

Brother Eye: Access granted. Welcome back, Selina Kyle.

(The security systems are restored. Now our heroes just need to defend their worlds and hope to not get themselves backstabbed by Superman and his allies)

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