🌼Chapter 11

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I don't know...my guts told me to update, so might as well do it, by the way, I hope you dontind a short chappy's cause, I'm running with my time before m dad scold me again😒 I hate my parents to be honest😓 charot! I'm just kidding....what am I doing? On with the chapter🙌


🍂🍂🍂a skip to the day before you got in trouble🍂🍂🍂

"Really?" He asked you nodd "yeah, trouble." You say as you took a sip of your cocoa, "wow...did mom go hard on the both of you?" He ask "yeah! Mom was like 'use you ability when something serious' like that" avix said sarcastically, "are going to do something today?" You asked plainly, "yeah, some of friends of mine are coming, we have practice." He said "practice on what?" Avix asked "basketball?" He said "since when do you basketball? And whose your friends?" Avix asked as he took a big bite of his cake, you just stayed quiet "paperjam and burgerpants?" He said "oh! You mean those jocks that were staring at our sister?" Avix aka who made andrie glare at him "don't remind of that." He said which send shiver down to is spine, "okay! Okay!" Avix said as he stand up and leave, as well as you "where are you going?" Andrie asked "basically in my room? Don't try to prank me all right?" You said with a stern voice, "that would be Avix's job." He said as you nodd and walk away.
Before you enter your room, the doorbell rang "I'll get it!" Andrie shouted saying that he would welcome the visitors😝 you roll your eyes, you open your door as you were splash by a cold water with ice cubes😶 dang, you grin murderous as you look at Avix who is smiling nervously😓 "hehe, good one Avix, but I suggest you'd run." You said as your eyes turn red, he ran as fast as he could while you follow, "GET BACK HERE!" you shouted "BUT YOU SUGGEST I SHOULD RUN!!" Avix shouted, he spotted Andrie on the door talking to someone "Andrie HELLPPPPP! SIS IS TRYING TO KILL ME BY PRANKING HER!!" he said as he run behind Andrie, you slash the metal stick which dodge by Andrie, "sis, calm down." He said "F!ck you! Get out the way." You demand, which he did, Avix run as he shouted "ANDRIE YOU B!STARD!!" as you "GET BACK HERE ASS!OLE!!" you say in a scary voice as he ran faster "sigh, sorry about my siblings." Andrei apologize to his visitors "oh no, its okay man!" PJ assure that its okay, "yeah, besides your sister is hot!" BP said while blushing, Andrei glare at him, as PJ did too, "oh...sorry bro..." He apologize, "so, shall we practice?" PJ asked "yeah but where?" BP asked, "We have a court back at this house." "You mean mansion?" BP corrected "shut up" Andrei said as PJ chuckle "let's go then."


Harley Quin: Ahahehe that was funny Author-chan!😂
Me: 😭 Shut up! It wasn't funny! It really hurts!😭
Harley: sure~ but its funny!😂
Me: Where's your mercy?😭 help me up!
Harley: no can do my author-chan~! Bye bye~
Me: why so cruel to me universe?! Why?!😭😵😖

Lel harley quin just pop in my head so go go! Hope you like dis, did you like it?! Tell me! Did you like it?! I guess not...sorry for wasting your time😭😵😖😔😪

Bye bye~

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