☆Chapter 12

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Prrrrrrrrrrfffffffffffffffffttttttttttttttt! Today was completely weird and also awesome! How about I tell something about my Day in school? How's that? Oh! Better make a book on that one so it might now annoy you hehe! The title will be "You want to know?" Pffrt awesome right? Lol its not.


"huff...huff..huff...okay...I'm sorry, please just stop killing me..." Avix said breathing heavily from all the running, who wouldn't thought that you could be a devil? Lel.

You gave him a toothy grin, fun fact! You grin when your enjoying it, you smile when it's funny or snort somehow, but. You never giggle smile naturally or even laugh.

"It's your fault, be responsible on it." You said as you straight your body and stretch "who wouldn't thought that your a wussy?" You said as you chuckle (see what I did there~? Okay never mind.) "Hey! Now your being rude!" He said as he playfully glare at you "I'm always rude, dumbass." You said as you walk in the kitchen as you met your butler in there, but there was these three idiots talking and laughing on the table, it was you brother, PJ, And BP. Those three bastards were now looking at you.

"What?" You said in a stern voice while you glare, "nothing." You brother said as they continue eating, you head outside to go to the library, you decided to walk, since it was just 3 blocks away from your property, you don't want to use your cat either, it will make others want for it. *drool while looking at your car* sh!t...look at that hot momma!

*clear throat* I'm sorry (Name) I have an obsession over sports car...nvm on with it.
You arrived, it wasn't much as you expected it to be. The library isn't really have plenty of people, which was lucky since you want a quiet place.

You sat at a desk and read a whole large book, which you can finish in just 6 or more like 4-5 hours, nice.

But when your about to read if you were interrupt...



*GASP* who could it be?! A haha take that! I leave a cliff hanger! BTW I have a head ache while doing this, cause...

I drank a MCfloat. Much worse, I mix it up with whiskey...hard core, where did I did it?

On our classroom of course!

Wow...why am it even proud to say it? Damny head is gonna Crack...help...


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